Thursday, December 16, 2010

In Between: As Usual, A Life Update (P.S. My 100th Post!)

Just a little filler, just whiling away my days

Oh readers, it feels as though every time I get a start on my blog something happens and I get so distracted with real life and neglect to post. I am so proud of the followers (you!) I have accumulated throughout this year and I am grateful my blog has been relatively constant since I decided to start blogging again. I definitely feel like I need to change up some of my posts and will be looking into a new post structure for the rest of this year and hopefully by 2011 I'll have The Suki Chronicles the way I want it to be.

So what has been going on in my world?

Since Pebbles passed away - exactly a week today - I have been trying to keep myself occupied and not mope. I have wonderful memories of Pebbles and she is the last part of my childhood having been in my life for 14 years. We rescued her from a drain in Singapore and from there we took her with us to Hong Kong along with our other cat Jessica and then from there to Sri Lanka - alas, without Jessica who passed away from a tumor in Hong Kong. Pebbles was the old crone in our family and everyday I think of her, missing her usual presence in her usual spots.

Mummy and I have caught up with my Aunt (Mummy's sister) and gone to see a play as well as a jewelry exhibition. The latter added a new lust to my wish list and that is green diamonds which are very, very rare and also extraordinarily expensive but decidedly my new future investment.

And along the lines of diamonds is one of my favorite advertisement tag lines: Mummy says if he cannot afford diamonds then he cannot afford me. So true! Something to consider, ladies.

My grandmother arrives tonight and will be staying here with us for a while. I leave for Adelaide in about eighteen days though and unfortunately due to certain circumstances I won't be attending summer school as planned but instead will be pursuing several job opportunities. I'm not sure where this all will take me but I'm hoping fervently that there will be a happy ending to all of this and 2011 will be a happy year for me.

So I leave you with two looks I forgot to post from last week. Not very exciting but I promise to try to come up with some outrageous looks come next week.

I hope you all are doing well!

Does anyone know what's up with bloggers refusal to rotate?! I'm going to find a way to override this in my next posts! Grrr...

P.S. How adorable is this?