Saturday, November 27, 2010

Saturday Squeeze: It's Complicated

Subconsciously making my Saturday that much better

I know this movie is relatively "old" but I just got around to watching it last night with Mummy and boy was it hilarious! Yes, the plot of it is bittersweet and somewhat sad but (spoiler alert) it has a happy ending and it was the ending I had hoped for.

The movie centered on Jane Alder (Meryl Streep) who is divorced and in her 50s but loving life only to have an affair with her ex-husband, Jake Alder (Alec Baldwin), who is married to the "young fling" Agness (Lake Bell) with whom he originally cheated on Jane with. Keeping up? Also throw in a super adorable geek of an architect, Adam (Steve Martin) and you've got a thrilling love triangle. Oh, don't forget the three grown up children, cutie [almost] son-in-law and an annoying five-year old too!

Definitely a great movie to watch with your Mother and have a giggle, and speaking of giggles - Meryl Streep has such a cute giggle!