Monday, November 29, 2010

A few random photos from the Thanksgiving weekend...

Alexa and Lillian enjoyed eating their cereal in the living room while watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. They loved it, but wished they showed more of the parade than the boring interviews.

Grandma Linda did most (ok, all) of the cooking and baking for Thanksgiving dinner, but Alexa, Lillian and I put our aprons on and pretended that we were helping. :)
Alexa and Lillian ready to EAT!!
Grandma Linda and I took the girls to the movie Tangled Thanksgiving afternoon.
What a darling movie. We had so much fun and the girls managed to stay awake during the whole movie.
Saturday morning we got up and went to the Rambling River Center in Farmington to see the model trains, decorate twinkie trains an get a visit from Santa.
Auntie Andrea and Alexa constructing their twinkie train.

Grandpa Juan thought he was pretty smart doing a search a word puzzle. I still finished mine quicker than you Juan. haha

Auntie Andrea and her Mini Me!!

Toothless Alexa and her twinkie train.
Alexa and I!!

Alexa telling Santa she wanted her one front tooth for Christmas.

Lillian just wanted to look at Santa. She didn't want to talk to him or sit on his lap. But, I caught her sneaking a little touch of his soft red jacket.

Cute picture of Alexa, not so flattering shot of Santa...

After all the fun at the community center - we did a little shopping in downtown Farmington.
We stopped at a second hand store that had all Christmas items 50% off.

Adam found this lovely holiday sweater. Thankfully, he passed on actually purchasing it. :)

I tried convincing him that he looked HOT in this hat, but he didn't believe me.
He's all mine ladies.......all mine!!!!