Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Family.Mine Family Planner Review & Giveaway

True Story: My husband and I got into an argument (like, a real argument) about a month ago regarding a calendar (silly, I know). He is the type of person who thinks, plans and organizes things in his head and in his blackberry, which of course leaves me in the dark on everything he has going on. Of course he tells me, but let's be honest here, I forget. I am the type of person who needs it all laid out in front of me so I can visually get the whole wide picture. My hubby and I are busy as it is, but we also have 2 very active little girls who require date books of their own. I have gone through planner after planner, one cellphone calendar after the other and they make me crazy trying to organize all our family events, vacations, meetings, playdates, dance recitals, doctor appointments, ect. My husband has his schedule in his phone, I have mine in my phone and it usually causes us to miss something important by not having it all in one place.

Well, I'm happy to announce that thanks to the familytime.mine family planner, my family is now completely organized with all our events in one place. I was so excited when I received this planner in the mail, I literally started using it the moment I pulled it out of the package. I recorded all mine and my kids' schedules and events and couldn't wait to have my hubs fill in his schedule, too. Finally, a planner that fits all our family needs.

Dotmine Day Planners help you live life the way you want. Coordinated. Together. Balanced.

This is exactly what the Green Bouquet Family.Mine Planner has done for our family. In a funny, but serious way, this planner has lowered my blood pressure and stress level immensely knowing that we are all on the same page with our schedules. I now know when Adam's meetings are and what time and how it effects my daughter getting to and from school, ect. My hubby now knows when we have playdates scheduled and if and when we will be home when he gets home from work. It's such a simple thing, but finding the right way to organize is HUGE in keeping the family flow. I am so impressed with this planner, there is absolutely nothing I would change about it.

Take a look at this video and then I'll go into detail on how this awesome planner suits our family.

How fantastic is that? I know you are already thinking how great this would be for your family and mentally laying out your family's events into this planner. Here is what I love most....

In the back of this planner there is a whole page full of stickers to help mark important dates and events. My girls marked their birthday's already and of course, Thanksgiving coming up with the turkey sticker. The stickers help grab your attention, to not miss out on those special dates (like anniversaries).

Probably my most favorite thing about this planner is it's spaciousness. At the beginning of the month it has the whole calendar for you to get a full feel of what the month ahead looks like. It allows you to mark longer events, such as vacations or business travels. It allows you to plan ahead and then transfer all your events into the weekly portion of the calendar, so you can see a smaller (less overwhelming) part of your schedule. I love that the weekly calendar squares are big enough to fit lots of events, because we usually have a day or two a week that is pretty hectic and we need lots of writing space.
Another fabulous feature to the familytime.mine planner is on the left side of each weekly portion of the calendar is space for you to make your weekly grocery list. I am lucky enough that my hubby does most of our grocery shopping (because he is the main cook in our house), but there are times when there are things that I need to make sure he remembers to pick up.

The cool part is that that "list" section is perferated and tears out nice and easy for you to bring right along into the grocery store without having to bring the whole planner. This is also great for Target runs and other lists that we women/Moms are infamous for making. There is also a section on the right to apply sticky notes for other special reminders. Genius!!!

In the front of the familytime.mine planner there is a page dedicated to helping you navigate your way through the planner to utilize it to it's fullest. I guarentee that if you have a busy family, every element of this planner would benefit you. It's just an easy way to make your life a little less stressful, keep organized and keep the family on track.

There are 4 sections for each season, winter, spring, summer and fall placed in the front and back of the planner. This is extremely benefical for those who have set weekly, monthly schedules. For example, Alexa has soccer icamp in the summer every morning at 10am for 2 weeks. This section of the planner helps to record all these 'set' schedules. Awesome!!

Other features of the family.mine planner that are a huge bonus for our family is that is has a section for notes, emergency information, babysitter notes, a list of all the holidays throughout the year, address space for family, friends and business. It's has all the important features for a busy family. The family.mine planner is also a 17 month planner, giving it a huge advantage over the typical 1-year planners.

It's a fact that when you have the proper planner and organization, you are more likely to follow through with plans, classes or meetings. There is a sense of balance and comfort in knowing what's happening and when and the family.mine planner has it all. I definitley recommend this planner for busy families on the go. It would make a great gift, too. What a simple way to juggle everyones schedule. There are multiple's of designs to choose from that would suit anyones sense of style. They have designs from funky to sophisticated.
You don't have a family and the need for all these features?? Check out the time.mine, life.mine planners.

Dot.Mine has generously offered not one, but TWO lucky Mom-a-Logues winners a dot.mine planner of their choice. Hoot Hoot!

Manditory Entry:
Visit Dot.Mine and leave a comment telling me what your favorite planner design is.

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This giveaway will end on 12/9/10 at 9pm cst. Winner will be notified by email and will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be selected. Good Luck!

{Disclaimer: I was given a family.mine planner for this review. No other monetary compensation was received. All opinions are my own.}

Thanks Dot.Mine for saving my husband and I from another argument. (He loves the planner,too. YAY!)