Friday, November 26, 2010

In Between: My Final Night In Adelaide (Yay For No Rotation Photos!)

Just a little filler, just whiling away my days

My last night in Adelaide was also the day I finished exams and I thought I would do a typical night out at a pub with a friend but instead Scott claimed it from 6pm onwards. I had no idea what he had planned especially when he said we had to drive there. Exhausted, after a grueling exam and then a whole day of packing and moving my stuff down to storage, I sincerely hoped he wasn't taking us paint balling or something...

As it turned out, he took me to see the first part of the final Harry Potter! That was pretty neat, although admittedly my favorite part was us playing in the arcade before the movie...

...Somehow the movie didn't live up to my expectations (as usual) so I'm not going to rant or rave about it or risk spoiling it for others who have yet to see it. I'm a tricky customer to begin with when it comes to movies based off books so it wasn't surprisingly that I found it slightly offensive that they changed the way Hedwig died...

Wait, what? I said no spoilers. Oops...

Afterward, we headed back to college (only to encounter a disgusting cream colored spider on the college wall outside of the car park, eugh what a nightmare!) where Scott said he had another thing planned! Curious, I followed him down the street for quite a way before we came along to...

...A lovely little nook called 'Elephant Walk'. This place is renowned for it's pricey desserts but worthwhile cozy atmosphere so I was pretty excited to be able to try it out and with Scott no less.

We got ourselves an lemon iced tea, an iced chocolate and strawberry waffles. Boy was I glad I stuck with a light beverage because those waffles were pretty spectacular!

Overall the place was quite nice but I felt there could have been massive improvements on certain aspects of it but that's just me nitpicking. Definitely a great date place and I hope they expand in time to come.

So that was my final night (in very brief detail) in Adelaide. Scott drove me to the airport the day after and now here I am in Sri Lanka! Overall? The best final date of the year and I'm giving my boyfriend extra points for being so sweet and thoughtful!