Just a little filler, just whiling away my days

When Susan did her post on her fur babies I thought I'd do one on mine seeing as I'm missing them the most this week.
Being away and living in a pet-free college it really takes a toll on those of us who have critters back at home. I know most of the time I miss that companionship and the "movement". Especially Prince, who is an adorable ball of fluff (literally) and I left him when he was a kitten only to see him a few weeks ago as a full grown cat.
It's probably the reason why I feel like getting a hermit crab (one of the pets we're allowed to have in college along with turtles and fish). Just to have that "movement" in my life and a little critter to love and nurture. Not that a hermit crab would be as furry as a cat but hopefully still a great companion nonetheless.