A new follower of my humble blog, Maggie(
http://grandmayellowhair.blogspot.com/), had a great post the other day about our community of bloggers and how we come to care for each other, and worry when one of us might not post in a while.
Friends came up with the idea of having an Emergency Blog Contact - someone that you leave information with if you are going to be gone, are under the weather, or just need a hug or two
I thought this was a great idea, and wanted to share it with my book buddies. Go to Shell's blog at
http://bungalowbling.blogspot.com/ to grab this gorgeous button, pick a buddy to have as an emergency contact, and post their link and the button on your sidebar. Easy peasy!
I like to think of all of you as friends and our book reviewing community is a strong one! Pass this info along and let's take care of each other! I know that my husband is bright enough that if anything happened that I couldn't post a blog, due to illness or something else, he would post a little note to let ya'll know what is going on - but it never hurts to have a back up, ya know?