Lillian spent all afternoon with the preschoolers yesterday. Yay! Her teachers felt that she was the most ready to move up in her class of toddlers, but when it came down to it, Lillian was a little bit hesitant. She's been visiting off and on over the past few weeks and now yesterday she was able to spend quite a bit of time with her new classmates. I was so proud of her when I saw that she was playing with the preschoolers when I arrived for pick up. She was happy being there and asked to go to preschool again today. She will be moving up to the preschool room full time this fall. It's hard for me to grasp that she is already preschool age, but I could not be more proud of her and how well she is doing at Montessori. WAY TO GO LILLIAN!!
For a special treat, I took the girls and their friend Maddie to The Dairy Queen for twist ice-cream cones. They literally giggled the whole way there, the whole time while eating ice-cream and the whole entire ride home. Silly girls.

Adam and I had a great night of sitting around the kitchen island, eating late night snacks and cuddling up on the couch for some good old HGTV. Nights like this remind me of fall, and I'm getting excited that it's near. Our favorite shows, Castle and Modern Family will be starting soon and we're getting anxious to pick up where our favorite characters left off.
Ok, did any of you see the new line up for Dancing With Stars ~ Season 11??
I've pretty much given up on reality TV, but for some reason (no matter how BAD the cast is) I still watch DWTS. I've let Alexa and Lillian watch it over the years, but I'm starting to question my parenting, as the dresses keep getting skimpier and skimpier. I remind them several times throughout the show that they are just costumes and are NOT appropriate to wear.
Now, I'm questioning my sanity for actually continuing to watch it myself. I swore after Kate Gosselin made it through the first round last season, I'd never watch the show again. But, the drama of Cheryl and Chad Ochocinco and Maks and Erin Andrews kept me intrigued to finish out the season. Plus, Nicole from the Pussy Cat Dolls was GOOD.
Last night I saw the new cast was revealed and I quickly scanned through the list to see who they came up with this year.

These are just my personal opinions. Most likely they will change throughout the season, as they usually do. Does anyone else watch DWTS or am i the only one? haha