Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Alter It Monthly is having a challenge--it is awesome. This month's theme is "rust." Please scroll down to see my "Hurricane Katrina" piece for the challenge! It's about 5 posts down this blog...thank you for scrolling!!!

Mario And Luigi

It's September FIRST!!! Start with joy, guys :D

Fresh Fiction is helping me celebrate my blog-aversary with three fantastic giveaways!

To help me celebrate the 2nd anniversary of my blog, my friends over at FreshFiction.com are holding three contests with some fantastic books as the prizes!  Beginning today, you can enter to win

1. Two Suzanne Arruda books, "Stalking Ivory" and "Treasure of the Golden Cheetah" plus "The Prosecution Rests, an anthology from Mystery Writers of America
Go to this link to enter:

2. Three fantastic books by Charles Todd are the prizes in this contest!
    * An Impartial Witness
    * A Matter of Justice
    * A Duty To The Dead

Click this link to enter:

3. Four wonderful cozy mysteries are up for grabs in this contest!
    * Dead Man Docking: A Bed and Breakfast Mystery by Mary Daheim
    * Cat Playing Cupid: A Joe Grey Mystery by Shirley R. Murphy
    * Fatally Flaky: A Culinary Mystery by Diane Mott Davidson
    * The Body In The Gallery: A Faith Fairchild Mystery by Katherine H. Page

Click this link to enter:

This giveaway runs from September 1st to September 8th, so hurry to enter!!

Be sure to stop by and check out my bi-monthly column at FreshFiction - Sharon's Cozy Corner - where I talk about what's new in cozy mysteries and interview authors of the latest in the genre!

My thanks to Sara Reyes and all the gang at FreshFiction.com (http://www.freshfiction.com/) for their support and encouragement!

Are you a SSVINTAGE Customer?

When I first started this blog, one of my first posts was dedicated to finding photos of SSVINTAGE Customers - showing off their SSVintage goodies!

I've got an album started of Guys and Girls wearing vintage items from my shop, BUT not enough and I need your help! Have you ever purchased anything from my vintage store? Jewelry, Clothing, Shoes, or anything else? If you have, I would absolutely love it if you could send me a photo of you wearing/with your SS Vintage item(s)!

If you'd be so kind as to send in your photos, I'd love to feature them on Facebook, and This Blog! I'd be happy to include any links with your photos, so readers can find your blogs, shops, twitter, or what ever else you'd like to promote.

Screen shot 2010-08-31 at 11.10.57 PM

Please let me know if you have any photos to contribute! I'd truly appreciate it, and you'd make my day!!

Happy Wednesday!

Capital Tour

This is very enlightening. I am so proud of my country's heritage...not so proud of it's present. Can we return to this place once again?

Preschool/Ice cream/DWTS

Lillian spent all afternoon with the preschoolers yesterday. Yay! Her teachers felt that she was the most ready to move up in her class of toddlers, but when it came down to it, Lillian was a little bit hesitant. She's been visiting off and on over the past few weeks and now yesterday she was able to spend quite a bit of time with her new classmates. I was so proud of her when I saw that she was playing with the preschoolers when I arrived for pick up. She was happy being there and asked to go to preschool again today. She will be moving up to the preschool room full time this fall. It's hard for me to grasp that she is already preschool age, but I could not be more proud of her and how well she is doing at Montessori. WAY TO GO LILLIAN!!

For a special treat, I took the girls and their friend Maddie to The Dairy Queen for twist ice-cream cones. They literally giggled the whole way there, the whole time while eating ice-cream and the whole entire ride home. Silly girls.

Adam and I had a great night of sitting around the kitchen island, eating late night snacks and cuddling up on the couch for some good old HGTV. Nights like this remind me of fall, and I'm getting excited that it's near. Our favorite shows, Castle and Modern Family will be starting soon and we're getting anxious to pick up where our favorite characters left off.

Ok, did any of you see the new line up for Dancing With Stars ~ Season 11??
I've pretty much given up on reality TV, but for some reason (no matter how BAD the cast is) I still watch DWTS. I've let Alexa and Lillian watch it over the years, but I'm starting to question my parenting, as the dresses keep getting skimpier and skimpier. I remind them several times throughout the show that they are just costumes and are NOT appropriate to wear.
Now, I'm questioning my sanity for actually continuing to watch it myself. I swore after Kate Gosselin made it through the first round last season, I'd never watch the show again. But, the drama of Cheryl and Chad Ochocinco and Maks and Erin Andrews kept me intrigued to finish out the season. Plus, Nicole from the Pussy Cat Dolls was GOOD.
Last night I saw the new cast was revealed and I quickly scanned through the list to see who they came up with this year.

Bristol Palin - You're a doll. But, how can anyone take you seriously after this? There are other ways to make money to support yourself and your little boy. Stay away from the spotlight, girl. You are better than this.
Brandy - Another singer/wanna-be dancer. Good Luck Sweetheart, you have big shoes to fill...(ex. Mya, The Cheetah Girl, Mel B.)
David Hasselhoff - Really?? Get over yourself.
Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino - Ok, so you have abs of steel. But, can you dance? Fist pumping doesn't count! However, I think you will win over the ladies.


Kurt Warner - They needed someone from the NFL, so it's your turn. I'm thinking you'll do well this season, tho.

Florence Henderson - I love you!! But, you've been chosen to represent the older generation this season. You're there for the demographic. You aren't going to win. Sorry.

Margaret Cho - I've never heard of you. Apparently you are a pretty famous comedian. Judging how other comedians have faired on this show, you'll be lucky if you make it past round 2.

Jennifer Grey - aka Baby from Dirty Dancing - You came from a line of actors/entertainers. I have high hopes for you this season. I'm rooting for you.
Kyle Massey - My kids love you. They will be cheering for you all season. We are huge fans of Cory in the House on Disney. You have a great personality and will be fun to watch.

Rick Fox - Another athlete. A basketball player this time. You're tall. Good luck with that.

Audrina Patridge - I've never watched you on The Hills, but I've seen your face all over magazines. That means you're drama. DWTS likes drama, but I don't know if they can handle you. Prove me wrong.
These are just my personal opinions. Most likely they will change throughout the season, as they usually do. Does anyone else watch DWTS or am i the only one? haha

For a Friend

I just created these 2 ATCs for my Kathy at Creative Home Expressions. She has a new granddaughter and each card is in honor of her family’s “new arrival.” The first one was created on burlap with an image from the Graphics Fairy and it includes a story of a little bird and how her mother is teaching her to fly...

The second is a “girly-girl” purse and the title of it is “Tickled Pink!”
(Kathy' style is so chic that this seemed to fit her like a glove.)

May your granddaughter’s life be filled with happiness, Kathy. Congratulations!

i'm on my way back!

aaa udah lama gx posting. akirnya posting juga soalnya lagi bosen n gx tw mau ngapain lagi. hahaha
Post x ni gw mw crita ttg hal-hal selama gx posting. Udah banyak bgt sih sbenernya, tapi gw critain yg paling berkesan aja heheheh

Jadi gw melamar kerja sebagai asisten lab (aslab) Binus. Kalau di mata mhs2 awam aslab tuh kaya gmanaaaa gtu. Dewa dan bersahaja hahahaha. Dulu sih gw males bgt ikut gini2an, tapi gx tw knapa akirnya semester 2 gw ikut juga. Faktor temen sih sebenernya hehe. Trus y kayanya di kuliah gx maju2 gtu belajar console item putih terus, :p

Jadi gw mendaftar di angkatan 10-2 (tahun 2010 semester genap), tahap seleksinya ada seleksi awal, pra training, training inti, dan post training.
Seleksi awal gw agak lupa yang pasti itu lama banget seharian, kalo gx salah 2 x seleksi awal jadi 2 hari. Ada tes aptitude, toefl, dll.

Setelah lolos tes kita training. Lama juga trainingnya. Pra training itu sekitar 2 bulan x ya? Kata temen gw sih hampir segitu, lupa juga gw hehehe. Itu setiap minggu 2x, belajar C, Java, trus yang terakhir Java GUI, jadi total ada 3 pra training. Proyek akhir pra training itu bikin kya pacman, jadi ada maze, trus kita main ber2 sama temen, cepet2an dapetin poin sekaligus kunci yang ada di tengah maze. Itu tugas akhir yang dikumpul untuk pra training. Kalo proyek2 sebelumnya gw agak lupa, yang gw inget ada bikin balapan mobil gtu pake polymorphism di Java. Saat pra training ada tes IQ juga.

Nah setelah pra training kita di wawancara, baru deh tes lagi, trus masuk training inti. Wawancara gw sekitar 2 jam. Beberapa hari kemudian tes bikin kalkulator di Java. Lega juga sih, kirain bakal bikin apaan gtu. Soalnya pas trakhir pra training dikasi soal latihan yang jauh lebih freak daripada kalkulator. Temen gw juga ada yang sotoy2 gtu ktanya dsuru bikin video sm music player pake Java. Pengen gw getok tu anak, hahaha. Untung bukan

Baru deh abis itu kita training inti, training inti dimulai tanggal 6. Intinya sih gw gx dpt libur semester genap, padahal lama bgt smp tgl 20 September. Temen2 SMA gw reunian smp berkali2 gw gx ikut semua huaaaa. Ya pokonya gitu deh. Tapi gx nyesel c ikut training inti, soalnya dapet ilmu berkali-kali lipat dibandingin yang gw pelajarin di kuliah (skr gw semester 2).

Kalo dijelasin belajar apa aja susah juga, soalnya ada banyak, trainingnya kan lama juga 1 bulanan full tiap hari dari jam 7 pagi - 5 sore. Mulai dari C dan Java Advanced, Desktop Programming, Web Programming, Sistem Operasi, Jaringan Komputer, dll. Gw sih ngerasanya udah banyak bgt. Senenglah di kuliah cuman dapet linked list item putih tiba-tiba diajarin lucu2 gitu hahaha.

Tapi ktanya sih training inti belum ada apa2nya, kalo jadi asisten pasti lebih jago lagi. wooohh..
Setelah di training inti dan jumlah 10-2 semakin berkurang, kita masih ada training lagi nih. Post Training, ud lebih santai sih. Kalo di training inti itu deg-degan pas presentasi, belum lagi banyak tugas buat di bawa pulang, kalo disini cuman tugas bawa pulang aja, itu juga gx seberat tarining inti. Training inti gw pulang minimal jam 9-10 kyanya, soalnya ada aja yang harus diurusin bareng angkatan.

Tapi jujur lebih seru training inti, soalnya kita jadi sering terkesima dan terpukau sama soal-soal yang dikasih ahhahaha. Tiap kali buka soal ada aja yang bikin terkagum-kagum dan bikin mikir gmana ngerjainnya hahahaha.

Kalau post training kebanyakan udah diajarin sih, cuman bahasanya aja yang beda-beda dikit, contohnya aja VB.Net sama C#. paling yang agak heboh belajar excel, soalnya ternyata di excel bisa dimacem2in juga, salah satunya bikin game balapan kuda di excel hahahaha Selain itu yang bikin seru kalo training inti banyak ngerjain apa-apa bareng, jadi kenbersamaannya lebih terasa, hehe

Nah abis itu pengumuman siapa yang diterima sm yang gx..
Dan gw pun diterima dengan inisial SH.. yay.. hehehe
Seneng lah ya, kan udah lama juga training2 terus, belom lagi gw ditambah beban merepotkan orang tua,
selama ini gw gx kos tapi gr2 training kos. Itungannya 975x 2 bulan + uang jaminan 975 jadi brapa tuh?
2.925 y? 3 juta lah ya. Belum lagi uang mingguan gw. Per minggu 500 rb. zzz.

Gw jadi beban bgt, motivasi utama gw adalah org tua gw soalnya gx enak ud ngabisin uang byk gitu masa gx diterima juga. Padahal sih awalnya gw gx niat-niat bgt, kalo gx diterima fine2 ajah. Tapi setelah training inti gw berpikir kalau gw harus bisa diterima gr2 faktor pengeluaran org tua gw.

Untung diterima, hehehe.
Udah dulu x y post gw segitu dulu, ntar kapan2 dilanjutin lagi. Soalnya ni ud berasa banyak n panjang bgt hahaa. Yang pasti kayanya bakal sering post, soalnya bakal banyak waktu kosong (kyanya)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Prisoner Of Hope

I am in the empty room, alone and clueless
It is dark but there still a light at the top of the wall
I wanna climb the wall to seek my freedom
I am desperate to get out from here coz i'm tired

I believe there is a solution behind the wall
The light will save my hope
Every time i climb the wall, i fall
But, i try one more time, one more...

How often i fail to climb the wall
How often i try to climb it again
This make me stronger and my hope refuse to be extinct
That's because my sight is always see the light

How can i see another else beside the light?
Like i said before, i am in the empty room
But then i realize that i am not alone coz there still a light
I am the prisoner of hope

Blessed Butterfly

Hi there!  I hope you have had a great Monday so far.  I tell you we are having some crazy weather here in Central California.  A few days ago it was so hot, with the temps ranging from 105-110* and now the temps have dropped into the high 70's to low 80's.   I am loving these "springy" feeling days for sure.  I don't mind the heat, but 110* is even pushing it a bit for me. 

Today I am sharing a card that I made for a couple of different challenges.  I used the sketch from Karen's Sweet Sunday Sketch for the great layout on this card.  I really like this layout and will tuck it into my files so that I remember to use it again.  Thanks Karen!
The second challenge that this card was made for was a color challenge for the Gina K. release last Thursday night.  Jessica was the challenge hostess and she asked us to use at least three of the following colors: 
 Red, Orange, Green, Yellow or White. 
I wasn't sure what I was going to do, but when I saw the wonderful sketch layout above the rest fell into place.  I chose to use the Hope Grows and Thanks A Million sets from GKD to create this bright and cheery butterfly card. 


Goodbye David Trezeguet

Dear David,

The moment has come to say good bye. I’ve given up counting the seasons we played together and the goals we scored. Surely we are the couple that scored the most goals in the whole Juve history, more than Charles and Sivori - two great champions - you know that well, and we are both proud of it.

How many line-ups during these years were always like that: Del Piero and Trezeguet, Trezeguet and Del Piero. How many victories, and disappointments (luckily much less than satisfactions we managed to get), how many hugs: there wasn’t another team mate I played with more than with you.

Seventeen goals a year in average, like your jersey number: that’s more than enough to prove what kind of bomber you are. But I, who played by your side, don’t need any numbers. I’m honoured to have played in a pair with, no doubt, one of the world greatest forward.

Now we go different ways, it happens in football. I’ll say good bye to you in our changing room, but I also wanted to do so in public: good luck for your new adventure. We’ll keep a lot of memories to share, for the next time we see each other.
Good bye, David.

Your team mate Alessandro

LETTER COPYRIGHT © www.alessandrodelpiero.com 2010

Both Alessandro Del Piero and David Trezeguet are Juventus strikers. They have been played together for ten years. I always like this duo, as they scored many goals for Juventus. Both of them are Juventus legend. I publish this post after seeing David leaved Juventus after 10 incredible years and start a new adventure with Hercules (Spain) the football club of his wife hometown. What Del Piero wrote in his letter above represents all Juventini's feeling about you, David. You will be remembered by us as one of Juventus greatest striker EVER. Goodbye and Goodluck!!

It's Monday! What Are You Reading!

It's Monday, and it's time to take a look at what I'm reading and reviewing this week!

(This weekly meme is sponsored by Sheila at http://bookjourney.wordpress.com/  Stop by and check out what other bloggers are reading and talking about today!)

This has been a heck of a week with my laptop dying and having to get a new desktop set up, but I think I am finally getting the hang of things, and am ready to jump back into reading and reviewing!


Perfect Blend by Sue Margolis
The Ideal Wife by Gemma Townley
29 by Adena Halpern
The Pulpwood Queen's Tiara-Wearing, Book-sharing Guide to Life by Kathy Patrick.
Stolen by Jordan Gray
False Impressions: A Stamping Sisters Mystery by Terri Thayer
Chapter and Hearse: A Booktown Mystery by Lorna Barrett
The Quick and The Thread: An Embroidery Mystery by Amanda Lee
Grace Under Pressure: A Manor House Mystery by Julie Hyzy


Delta Girls by Gayle Brandeis


Doing Better...

Reagan is doing much better! We're still working on clearing those lungs out, but every day shows a little improvement. She's getting lots of rest, eating a little and today she was able to have a play date after a two week period of not being able to see anyone! She even gets to go to her first dance class today! Yah! I absolutely will be posting a picture of her in her cute little outfit!


....and it is a Happy Monday.
Because I actually feel like I had a weekend, the kind where I sat and watched TV, read a book, took a bath and didn't feel like we were moving at fast speeds.

Friday night we enjoyed a game of bean bags with our good friends and neighbors, Jamie and Dave. It was guys vs. gals and I'm PROUD to brag that Jamie and I won...by A LOT! :) Later we had a bonfire and the rest of our friends and neighbors joined us. It was so nice to sit and visit while all the kids played so well together. This is one of the things that I'm truly going to miss about summer..the awesome neighborhood bonfires. My bed time came and went and I eventually took the kids home. I let them snuggle in bed with me. Lillian slept butt naked, the way she prefers to be. Adam joined the king sized bed, with our 2 kids and the dog a little while later.
Saturday morning, after we slept in til nearly 10, the doorbell rang. It was a girl from down the street. She was having a garage sale and was selling some of her clothes that she thought might fit Alexa. We got dressed, grabbed a bowl of cereal and walked down to her sale. Sure enough, we found some adorable treasures for Alexa..(and some My Little Ponies for Lillian). Delany is a little fashionista, much like Alexa, so they share the same taste in cute sparkly clothes. We decided to continue our garage saling extravaganza and found a few more sales with treasures. We hit up Sonic for some slushies and drove through our old neighborhood, thanking God that we no longer live there. Then we ordered pizza.

After the kids went to bed I got a text message from our friend and neighbor across the street. It said, "We are kidless.." Our kids were sound asleep in bed, so in a way we were kind of kidless, too. So, we invited them over for a few drinks. We laughed so hard. Good times.
We all slept in again on Sunday. Hoot!

Adam mowed the lawn while I got myself and the girls fed and dressed for church. We got in the car and drove up to the church and...there was ONE car in the parking lot. Hmm?? There was a sign on the door that said mass was outdoors today at the fair grounds. FUN!! Adam's smile was followed by his eyes rolling back in his head. I knew he was (thinking)..."why did we have to pick TODAY to go to church?" So, I said (outloud), we're on adventure babe, an outdoor mass kind of an adventure..smile". We drove out to the fairgrounds and saw that everyone was carrying their own lawn chairs. Awesome. We didn't know mass was outside today, so we didn't pack our chairs along. Luckily we had an old beach blanket in the back of the car. As we were walking we ran into Adam's old football coach from Albert Lea. He happens to live in Farmington, not too far from us..and what do ya know, he goes to our church. We stood and visited with him and his wife for a bit and then joined the rest of the congregation out on the lawn for mass. It was hot. We kept moving our blanket to keep in the shade. But, oh what an adventure. In fact, I prefer mass outdoors every Sunday in the summer. Afterwards, we stayed for the huge picnic they provided. The food was absolutely delish!! We ended up staying and chatting it up with Adam's old coach and his wife. He still commutes back and forth to Albert Lea to teach and coach and his wife is the head of Community Ed in Farmington. It's nice to have that connection when getting our kids involved in activities. Wanna know what else? His coach also played for the New York Giants. How cool is THAT? (P.S. He's HUGE!!!)

We made a quick stop at Sam's Club before heading home. We plopped on the couch and the girls watched more iCarly. I read. Adam surfed the net and grilled us dinner. Ahhh relaxation! It was so hot out, we wanted to take a walk, but ended up setting the sprinkler up underneath the trampoline for the girls to enjoy some water fun before calling it a night. They had an absolute blast. Lillian was surprisingly really into it, considering she usually doesn't like to get wet.

Hope you're having a Happy Monday, too!!
What did you do this weekend?


Monday also means it's time to "make friends"!

Making Friends Monday brought to you by:

Living on Love and Cents, The Thrifty Things, Reviewed by Mom, Coupons are Great and Mon Cheri

A Surprise in Store

Hi Everyone--
Here is an ATC that I just completed this weekend for a friend of mine named Anna at Frosted Petunias. We happened to meet because we were involved in the Dress Up 2010 Challenge, so I thought I needed to have a "Dress" theme for someone who makes such beautiful creations! (It is merely sitting on the lime green paper, so it is not part of the card.) If you'd like to "oooh" and "ahhh" over some dresses, go visit her blog--it is pure delight!

I thought I'd show you part of what I've been up to...more to come!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Be Happy, Bless The Lord

design illustration by: Ros Steele

"May God bless you" or "Oh Lord, bless me"

We often hear that kind of statement but do you know that we can bless our God? I just knew it when i had my Sunday Service in Church yesterday. I can't share you the whole preacher (coz i can't remember all :P) but i can share some of what i got and this is the one that most amazed me. It is that me and you can bless God. By express our happiness and joy in life, we have blessed God. It shows that God is "IN US" and it blesses HIM. In the time of struggling like what i have now, sometimes i feel strange if i'm still in joy but in the meantime the problems are still there. But, now i have a reason to be happy even i'm still struggling the problems. That's because i can bless my lovely GOD. Be Happy, Bless The LORD :D

stairs house

Stairs House In Shimane, Japan. Wanna have one like this, guys?

Fashion Magazines.

What are your favorite Fashion Magazines? I recently decided I wanted to have a couple new magazine subscriptions, in the fashion arena, so I can keep up to date on fashions, colors and trends.

I figured I really couldn't go wrong with VOGUE!


While I was signing up for Vogue, I was given an offer for a great price on W Magazine. I didn't know much about this mag., but it seems to be a high fashion magazine as well, so I signed up! Hopefully I'll enjoy reading it and checking out the photos. Here's a cover shot of W I liked!


Now if only I didn't have to wait 4-6 weeks for them to arrive!

I'd love to hear your favorite magazines or some that you have subscribed to! Tell me the good and the bad.

New Surprise Day

Hi Everyone:

Today I am surprising 3 friends who are quite lively and full of fun! So, a hot pink and black combo seemed appropriate to surprise these blogging buddies--They are Marsha at: http://sassyminidolls.blogspot.com, Leticia of http://www.msbinglesvintagechristmas.com and Carol of http://answerischocolate.blogspot.com.

Here is Marsha's:

Here are Carol and Leticia's:

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Shop Update!

It feels like it's been a while since I posted a shop update. So here's a few new things in The Shop tonight!






Come and see the rest of the SS VINTAGE!