Adam said she was the first one of 3 of them brave enough to jump and she
walked out there and jumped without a single hesitation.
Guess who the leader is? Yep - Alexa!
We had such a nice weekend. Friday night we were able to take a nice walk and play at the park a bit and then went to Prior Lake to pick up a garbage can for the garage that I scored on Craig's List for $2.00. It started raining on our way back and thundering and lightning pretty good. The girls fell asleep in the car, so we were able to lay them in their beds right away.
Saturday we got up and went garage saling. We found a few nice deals, but not as nice as the neighbors across the street. Jamie came back with a living room furniture set. Her husband is out of town and doesn't know yet. Yikes! She's a brave woman!
Alexa and Adam spent the afternoon washing both our vehicles in the driveway. They were all wet and full of bubbles, but the cars looks sparkly clean - they did a fantastic job.
We had the neighbor kids over to play kickball in the back yard. I think Adam is their new best friend. Inna brought James over and we visited while they played.
My friend Amanda from high school came down Saturday night. It was so fun to have her down, it's been way too long since we've been able to hang out. She is doing so well, has a new boyfriend and seems very happy. I could not be happier for her. We stayed up til the late hours of the night talking and catching up and then got up early and got ourselves ready to get our family pictures taken. Manda does photography and is AWESOME at it, so she was kind enough to spend the day with us taking our pictures. I found this cool place on Minnhaha Parkway to take the photos. We had fun until the girls started to get tired. I'm hoping at least couple pictures turned out. Manda can work her photoshop magic and I'm sure she will create something amazing. THANK YOU AGAIN MANDA!! WE LOVE YOU!
We ate at a Chinese buffet in Farmington, that I wouldn't recommed to anyone or ever eat at again, but we were hungry, so we ate it anyways. So far nobody has gotten sick, so that's good.
We were exhasted when we got back and laid around the living room - lazy as ever. The kids played outside that evening and we visited with neighbors.
Alexa has swimming lessons again this week. Enjoy the new pictures compliments of Adam's blackberry!