It was fantasy football draft weekend at my house. My husband had
several (I mean several) of his buddies over 'all weekend' - so the girls and I
escaped to my most favorite place in the world - the cabin!
This is me and my Grandpa Carroll!
My brother Ben came out to stay the night with us, visit and hang out with the girls.
He started fishing off the dock when he got there and all of a sudden...
6 beautiful loons swam by.
Lillian isn't used to sleeping in a crib any more, but at the cabin she has her own
special crib. She looks very happy ~ because Unlce Ben let her jump in there.
Lillian isn't used to sleeping in a crib any more, but at the cabin she has her own
special crib. She looks very happy ~ because Unlce Ben let her jump in there.
For some reason the food just tastes better out there.
Here are my babies after their tummies are full from breakfast.
Mommy and Lilli
Mommy, Lilli and 'Meow'
Alexa just got in from swimming with Ben.
She is freezing and I'm warming her up in the sun.
Our favorite place!
We played Solitaire over and over and over and finally won
Sunday afternoon.
Enjoying a beautiful morning at the lake.
2 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bunk Beds!
Alexa walking on the dock with her blankie and Ruby in hand.
Grandpa Tom and Lilli-Cruz
Uncle Benski caught the girls a fish.
Alexa and Uncle Ben
Luckily she has an Uncle that can't say 'no' to her. Uncle Ben took her swimming.
Thanks Ben!
Baby Lillian ~ Sound Asleep
We discussed "Cousin Weekend" that will be held in June at the cabin.
We can't wait - should be tons of fun!
Stacey ~ Dawn ~ Benski
Stacey ~ Dawn
We had so much fun visiting, catching up and LAUGHING!
They sat on the floor for (a while) and tried to finish Alexa's Snow White puzzle.
Even tho it was a challenge for them, they managed to put it all together.
Good job Guys!
The funny thing is, later that weekend, my dad struggled with the same puzzle.
Ages 4+ guys - come on!
Apparently Jennah has a tendancy to make children cry.
I don't see any tears. Again, Good job Jennah! :)
Gracie ~ Lillian
We got Benski to LAUGH!
Loving Sisters~ Alexa and Lillian
Alexa and Stacey on the dock at the cabin!
Cale and Alexa playing in the 'fort' under the stairs at the cabin.
Cale boppin me on the head with an inflatable hammer~