The gentleman in the red shirt is holding her.
My "weekend" started early last week, as I took Thursday and Friday off.
My plan was to have everything packed for the weekend and ready to go Wednesday night, but of course, nothing ever goes according to "plan". The neighbor kids ended up coming over and I found myself in the middle of a kick ball game in the back yard. There were hundreds of things I could have / should have been doing instead, but knew that the girls would be away for a few days and let them enjoy playing with their friends. Our game was put to a stop when Adam came home to mow the yard. I let the girls ride scooter/bikes for a little longer before taking them inside for a bath and bed. I started packing but quickly realized that most of the clothes I wanted to bring were in the laundry. So, I ran downstairs, sorted clothes and started a load. Adam came in and we collapsed on the couch, with the idea that I would get everything packed and ready in the morning before swimming lessons.
Adam was up early and ready to go to work, his mom and sister arrived before 8 and were ready to go with to help with the Peace Games in Minneapolis, an international festival, sorta. Linda brings all the traditional clothing, books, dolls and food that's been in her family for Adam's Mexico tent. Adam has gotten compliments the last 3 years he's done this, that his is by far the best tent. He spent all afternoon Wednesday making hot and mild chili/salsa for people to sample on a chip. It's such a highlight with the kids, and it's surprising how many actually like that hot hot spice.
So, off they went to set up, while I got the girls dressed and ready for the day. The laundry was finished and I was able to get the girls and myself packed and ready for the trip up to Elbow Lake for the weekend. I even managed to get the house clean, too. We left for swimming lessons at 10, because Alexa said we absolutely HAD to leave, so she wouldn't be late. We were the first ones there, which gave the girls some time to play on the playground before Alexa's class. Adam always bragged about how good Lillian was while Alexa was in the water learning to swim, but she was anything but good. She wanted to get in the water, then she wanted to drink the water, she wanted to be held, then put down, ect..ect. I was so happy to be able to see Alexa in action, though. She does such a good job. She even jumped off the diving board for me, twice, without a life jacket. I knew she'd done it before, and I knew the life guard was right there to catch her, but it's still nerve-racking to watch her walk out to the end of the board, curl her little toes over the end, bend her legs and jump into 6-8ft of water. I'm so proud of her for doing it, though, trusting her teacher to catch her and having that confidence. She was 1 of only 3 to jump, so she is a brave little cookie. It wasn't enough for her to continue on to level 2, but she was held in level one mainly for her age. She is only 4 and the children in level 2 are about 6 or 7. She wasn't discouraged at all that she didn't pass, she is already anxious to go back to level 1 next summer.
I had packed a lunch for them both to eat on the way to school, so they ate their sandwiches in the car. Lillian actually did a good job saying goodbye to Mommy and going to Ms. Amber without any tears when I dropped her off. Alexa joined her friends and I took off to Minneapolis to help Adam with the Peace Games.
I was able to serve lots of chips and salsa to lots of fun children, daring enough to try the hot stuff. I was also able to watch them crack open the piñatas and dive after all the candy. Overall, I think the number of people were down from last year, but it was still a very successful event, and always fun to be a part of.
I helped Adam clean everything up and tear down the tent, before going to pick up the girls. I was able to get them early, about 3:30 and Adam was able to get home, pack and shower for us to get on the road about 4:30-5pm. We stopped at Payless to get Adam a new pair of sandals, as his finally broke and McDonalds, to get something to eat. We didn't hit much traffic either, so besides listening to Alexa ask "Are we there yet?" a million times, it was smooth sailing. We stopped out at the golf course to surprise my dad, who we thought was working, but ended up visiting Tiny, who was the one working and waited for my dad to finish golfing. Tiny gave us his golf clubs and a couple buckets of balls to hit while we waited. We ran into one of my old teachers, who said he should be finishing up soon.
I was surprised at how well I was hitting the ball, considering it's been 2-3 years since I've swung a club. Plus, I was using a men's club. My dad didn't have the best round, so wasn't super excited we were there, but it was fun to surprise him anyways.
My mom gave me the Grant County Harold when we got there and I started making a list of things we wanted to participate in for the Flekkefest activities. Flekkefest, if you don't know, is a Troll Festival. It's Scandinavian. And yes, there are people dressed as trolls walking around the town during all the festivities, handing out candy (or scaring kids). I used to be head troll when I was younger - don't laugh! I can hear my dad say, "yeah, and you didn't even need a mask - ha ha ha". Very funny Dad!
Anyways, I planned our schedule, and we were off to bed, ready to wake up for the pancake feed.
I gave the girls a shower, because they needed it and I figured they'd be set for the weekend then. We picked Grandpa up and went to the community center for the pancake feed put on by the WCA football team. It was nice seeing my Grandpa up and walking around so well. We haven't seen him since his hip surgery. He's getting along great with that, but now macular degeneration has taken over his eye sight and he's a little unstable and unbalanced. It's too bad that it's just one thing after the other, but he is 90 years old. The pancakes were fantastic. We ate with John Kreft who was the other Grand Marshall along side Grandpa and the new superintendent of the school, whom my dad doesn't care much for. Spending several years on the school board, he can say that.
After eating, we went to the museum to see my Grandpa's military uniform that is on display and then walked up and down main street for Crazy Days. Adam entered some of his salsa in the salsa contest, but put my name on it after learning that the winner rides on a float in the parade. Ha! We weren't too optimistic of winning having a town full or Norwegian's voting on a hot spicy Mexican salsa. We were more concerned of them having a heart attack.
Alexa jumped in the big inflatable jumper and they both rode on a little train. We ate brats and hot dogs made by the WCA football team - apparently they're strapped for cash.
Tiny took Alexa to Morris to go swimming at a pool with his girlfriend, Courtney and the little girls she babysat for the afternoon, while Lil, Adam and I took a nap. My mom volunteered to work that the garage sale put on by the Humane Society, so we walked down to visit her when we woke up. We stopped at a few other sales around town and then all met back at the house around 4:45. Dad went to pick up Grandpa and we met them down at the park for the pork chop feed. Luckily Grandpa was persistent on getting there early, because the line was over a mile long. I saved a table, while they went through the line. What a good meal. Nice sized pork chops, coleslaw, scalloped potatoes and a bun. Afterwards, there was a concert in the park by The Pretenders. We had front row seats, and really enjoyed the performance. They even asked the kids to come up on stage for a song, and what do you know Lillian ran right up to one of the singers and he swooped her up in his arms and held her on stage and sang to her. It was adorable. While up there, she found a red tootsie roll in her pocket and after getting a thumbs up from me, the gentleman opened it up and let her eat it. Lillian was the hit of the show, she was flirting with all the elderly men and women sitting behind us, waving and blowing kisses. They loved her. One in particular came up to her after the show and gave her a big hug and kiss. Lillian made her day, just by giving her a simple smile and wave.
Grandpa wanted to bring us to eat pancakes again Saturday morning and we were game because they were so good. Afterwards, we walked to the court house to see the old cars at the car show. We all voted on our favorite and Adam helped the Mayor pick the winner to ride in the parade. We met up with Geoff, Crystal, AJ and Joseph there and after Joseph was fed and Lillian's diaper was changed we went and waited for the trolley to take us out to the airport to see all the airplanes. We waited forever, and there was only room for Alexa, AJ, Mom, Dad, Adam and I, so Geoff, Crystal and Joey drove out there. I was able to visit with a couple old friends before the next trolley came to pick us up. Adam, the girls and I got on and rode all around the town. It was actually very nice and relaxing. We stopped at the library to get the girls faces painted. Alexa got a butterfly and Lillian, a kitty. We went back to the house for a quick lunch and then got ready for the parade. We sat in our usual spot, in front of the Presbyterian church. It had started to sprinkle a little before the parade, so we were worried for about 20 mins, but then cleared up and turned out to be nice.
We heard the police siren leading the parade and then the flags, and then THE GRAND MARSHALL - DICK GROUT!!! We stood and cheered and clapped our hands for Grandpa. We are so very proud! There was a nice article about him in the Grant County Harold and my dad also wrote a nice column on Flekkefest for the paper. I was going to post the link, but am unable to find it on the website. (Dad - can you send me the link?)
The parade was like every other Flekkefest parade, mainly fire trucks and tractors, but it's short and sweet and the kids came home with heaping bags of candy. We ate supper and then congregated outside on the deck. Dad made a fire and Grandpa Carroll and Grandma Katie came over for a visit. Ben's friend Luke also came over and they serenaded us on the piano and guitar and even sang.
We got up and went to church with mom. We were fine until Lillian started asking to "nurse". I gave her to Adam after communion and told him to take her home. I hadn't been embarrassed about the whole nursing thing until then. Does it make me want to stop, though? No!
We went to the Fish Fry after church down at the fire hall. Adam is not a big fish eater, but he really enjoyed it. I was pleasantly surprised at how tasty it was. Alexa even ate very well. We had to say goodbye to everyone there and start heading back for the cities. Alexa's friend Mackenzie had her Birthday Party we had to get back to. We hit some bad traffic due to an accident, but made it there fashionably late. Mackenzie had a wonderful day for her pool party. Alexa and Lillian both went swimming, Alexa in her swimsuit and Lil in her dress. We ate pizza and cake and cracked the piñata. The hit, though, was Mackenzie's birthday present, a 4 month old King Cavalier/Springer Spaniel (I think) mix. Alexa and Lillian were in seventh heaven and it took all my energy prying Alexa's fingers off the puppy. They named him Sebastian. We thanked Nicole (Mackenzie's mom) for raising the bar on Birthday gifts, as Alexa and Lillian's birthday's are only a few months away.
We were all so exhausted from the long weekend, we were anxious to get home. I took the girls downstairs to shower and get cleaned up and in our jammies, while Adam unloaded the car and got the girls a little something to eat. We watched a little bit of Shrek and put a puzzle together and then off to bed. Adam and I made some banana bread, played a game and fell asleep watching the news.
It was an amazing weekend spent with family and old friends. The only downfall is that it all just flies by so fast.
This morning I had my appointment with the dermatologist to get a mole removed from my left cheek. When I went in for my physical in June, my physician suggested I get it removed, being it was a couple different colors. He wanted it shaved off and sent in to get evaluated for cancer. I was a bit nervous for the appointment, not really knowing what to expect, but it went very well, and was actually pain free. I was injected with some Novocain in my cheek and she shaved it right off. It only took a minute or 2. I will find out my results next week. I'm praying it's not cancerous, and I won't need another procedure.
Alexa had a field trip this morning to go bowling. I'm anxious to hear how it went. The girls were both still sleeping when I left this morning, still tired out from the weekend.
August 2009.
My "weekend" started early last week, as I took Thursday and Friday off.
My plan was to have everything packed for the weekend and ready to go Wednesday night, but of course, nothing ever goes according to "plan". The neighbor kids ended up coming over and I found myself in the middle of a kick ball game in the back yard. There were hundreds of things I could have / should have been doing instead, but knew that the girls would be away for a few days and let them enjoy playing with their friends. Our game was put to a stop when Adam came home to mow the yard. I let the girls ride scooter/bikes for a little longer before taking them inside for a bath and bed. I started packing but quickly realized that most of the clothes I wanted to bring were in the laundry. So, I ran downstairs, sorted clothes and started a load. Adam came in and we collapsed on the couch, with the idea that I would get everything packed and ready in the morning before swimming lessons.
Adam was up early and ready to go to work, his mom and sister arrived before 8 and were ready to go with to help with the Peace Games in Minneapolis, an international festival, sorta. Linda brings all the traditional clothing, books, dolls and food that's been in her family for Adam's Mexico tent. Adam has gotten compliments the last 3 years he's done this, that his is by far the best tent. He spent all afternoon Wednesday making hot and mild chili/salsa for people to sample on a chip. It's such a highlight with the kids, and it's surprising how many actually like that hot hot spice.
So, off they went to set up, while I got the girls dressed and ready for the day. The laundry was finished and I was able to get the girls and myself packed and ready for the trip up to Elbow Lake for the weekend. I even managed to get the house clean, too. We left for swimming lessons at 10, because Alexa said we absolutely HAD to leave, so she wouldn't be late. We were the first ones there, which gave the girls some time to play on the playground before Alexa's class. Adam always bragged about how good Lillian was while Alexa was in the water learning to swim, but she was anything but good. She wanted to get in the water, then she wanted to drink the water, she wanted to be held, then put down, ect..ect. I was so happy to be able to see Alexa in action, though. She does such a good job. She even jumped off the diving board for me, twice, without a life jacket. I knew she'd done it before, and I knew the life guard was right there to catch her, but it's still nerve-racking to watch her walk out to the end of the board, curl her little toes over the end, bend her legs and jump into 6-8ft of water. I'm so proud of her for doing it, though, trusting her teacher to catch her and having that confidence. She was 1 of only 3 to jump, so she is a brave little cookie. It wasn't enough for her to continue on to level 2, but she was held in level one mainly for her age. She is only 4 and the children in level 2 are about 6 or 7. She wasn't discouraged at all that she didn't pass, she is already anxious to go back to level 1 next summer.
I had packed a lunch for them both to eat on the way to school, so they ate their sandwiches in the car. Lillian actually did a good job saying goodbye to Mommy and going to Ms. Amber without any tears when I dropped her off. Alexa joined her friends and I took off to Minneapolis to help Adam with the Peace Games.
I took over serving chips and salsa for Linda and Andrea, as they had to get back to Albert Lea, so Andrea could go see Kelly Pickler in concert at the Freeborn County Fair. There was a rumor going around that she had a "special guest", that we all thought could have been Taylor Swift, but turns out it was just that, a rumor.
I was able to serve lots of chips and salsa to lots of fun children, daring enough to try the hot stuff. I was also able to watch them crack open the piñatas and dive after all the candy. Overall, I think the number of people were down from last year, but it was still a very successful event, and always fun to be a part of.
I helped Adam clean everything up and tear down the tent, before going to pick up the girls. I was able to get them early, about 3:30 and Adam was able to get home, pack and shower for us to get on the road about 4:30-5pm. We stopped at Payless to get Adam a new pair of sandals, as his finally broke and McDonalds, to get something to eat. We didn't hit much traffic either, so besides listening to Alexa ask "Are we there yet?" a million times, it was smooth sailing. We stopped out at the golf course to surprise my dad, who we thought was working, but ended up visiting Tiny, who was the one working and waited for my dad to finish golfing. Tiny gave us his golf clubs and a couple buckets of balls to hit while we waited. We ran into one of my old teachers, who said he should be finishing up soon.
I was surprised at how well I was hitting the ball, considering it's been 2-3 years since I've swung a club. Plus, I was using a men's club. My dad didn't have the best round, so wasn't super excited we were there, but it was fun to surprise him anyways.
My mom gave me the Grant County Harold when we got there and I started making a list of things we wanted to participate in for the Flekkefest activities. Flekkefest, if you don't know, is a Troll Festival. It's Scandinavian. And yes, there are people dressed as trolls walking around the town during all the festivities, handing out candy (or scaring kids). I used to be head troll when I was younger - don't laugh! I can hear my dad say, "yeah, and you didn't even need a mask - ha ha ha". Very funny Dad!
Anyways, I planned our schedule, and we were off to bed, ready to wake up for the pancake feed.
I gave the girls a shower, because they needed it and I figured they'd be set for the weekend then. We picked Grandpa up and went to the community center for the pancake feed put on by the WCA football team. It was nice seeing my Grandpa up and walking around so well. We haven't seen him since his hip surgery. He's getting along great with that, but now macular degeneration has taken over his eye sight and he's a little unstable and unbalanced. It's too bad that it's just one thing after the other, but he is 90 years old. The pancakes were fantastic. We ate with John Kreft who was the other Grand Marshall along side Grandpa and the new superintendent of the school, whom my dad doesn't care much for. Spending several years on the school board, he can say that.
After eating, we went to the museum to see my Grandpa's military uniform that is on display and then walked up and down main street for Crazy Days. Adam entered some of his salsa in the salsa contest, but put my name on it after learning that the winner rides on a float in the parade. Ha! We weren't too optimistic of winning having a town full or Norwegian's voting on a hot spicy Mexican salsa. We were more concerned of them having a heart attack.
Alexa jumped in the big inflatable jumper and they both rode on a little train. We ate brats and hot dogs made by the WCA football team - apparently they're strapped for cash.
Tiny took Alexa to Morris to go swimming at a pool with his girlfriend, Courtney and the little girls she babysat for the afternoon, while Lil, Adam and I took a nap. My mom volunteered to work that the garage sale put on by the Humane Society, so we walked down to visit her when we woke up. We stopped at a few other sales around town and then all met back at the house around 4:45. Dad went to pick up Grandpa and we met them down at the park for the pork chop feed. Luckily Grandpa was persistent on getting there early, because the line was over a mile long. I saved a table, while they went through the line. What a good meal. Nice sized pork chops, coleslaw, scalloped potatoes and a bun. Afterwards, there was a concert in the park by The Pretenders. We had front row seats, and really enjoyed the performance. They even asked the kids to come up on stage for a song, and what do you know Lillian ran right up to one of the singers and he swooped her up in his arms and held her on stage and sang to her. It was adorable. While up there, she found a red tootsie roll in her pocket and after getting a thumbs up from me, the gentleman opened it up and let her eat it. Lillian was the hit of the show, she was flirting with all the elderly men and women sitting behind us, waving and blowing kisses. They loved her. One in particular came up to her after the show and gave her a big hug and kiss. Lillian made her day, just by giving her a simple smile and wave.
Grandpa wanted to bring us to eat pancakes again Saturday morning and we were game because they were so good. Afterwards, we walked to the court house to see the old cars at the car show. We all voted on our favorite and Adam helped the Mayor pick the winner to ride in the parade. We met up with Geoff, Crystal, AJ and Joseph there and after Joseph was fed and Lillian's diaper was changed we went and waited for the trolley to take us out to the airport to see all the airplanes. We waited forever, and there was only room for Alexa, AJ, Mom, Dad, Adam and I, so Geoff, Crystal and Joey drove out there. I was able to visit with a couple old friends before the next trolley came to pick us up. Adam, the girls and I got on and rode all around the town. It was actually very nice and relaxing. We stopped at the library to get the girls faces painted. Alexa got a butterfly and Lillian, a kitty. We went back to the house for a quick lunch and then got ready for the parade. We sat in our usual spot, in front of the Presbyterian church. It had started to sprinkle a little before the parade, so we were worried for about 20 mins, but then cleared up and turned out to be nice.
We heard the police siren leading the parade and then the flags, and then THE GRAND MARSHALL - DICK GROUT!!! We stood and cheered and clapped our hands for Grandpa. We are so very proud! There was a nice article about him in the Grant County Harold and my dad also wrote a nice column on Flekkefest for the paper. I was going to post the link, but am unable to find it on the website. (Dad - can you send me the link?)
The parade was like every other Flekkefest parade, mainly fire trucks and tractors, but it's short and sweet and the kids came home with heaping bags of candy. We ate supper and then congregated outside on the deck. Dad made a fire and Grandpa Carroll and Grandma Katie came over for a visit. Ben's friend Luke also came over and they serenaded us on the piano and guitar and even sang.
We got up and went to church with mom. We were fine until Lillian started asking to "nurse". I gave her to Adam after communion and told him to take her home. I hadn't been embarrassed about the whole nursing thing until then. Does it make me want to stop, though? No!
We went to the Fish Fry after church down at the fire hall. Adam is not a big fish eater, but he really enjoyed it. I was pleasantly surprised at how tasty it was. Alexa even ate very well. We had to say goodbye to everyone there and start heading back for the cities. Alexa's friend Mackenzie had her Birthday Party we had to get back to. We hit some bad traffic due to an accident, but made it there fashionably late. Mackenzie had a wonderful day for her pool party. Alexa and Lillian both went swimming, Alexa in her swimsuit and Lil in her dress. We ate pizza and cake and cracked the piñata. The hit, though, was Mackenzie's birthday present, a 4 month old King Cavalier/Springer Spaniel (I think) mix. Alexa and Lillian were in seventh heaven and it took all my energy prying Alexa's fingers off the puppy. They named him Sebastian. We thanked Nicole (Mackenzie's mom) for raising the bar on Birthday gifts, as Alexa and Lillian's birthday's are only a few months away.
We were all so exhausted from the long weekend, we were anxious to get home. I took the girls downstairs to shower and get cleaned up and in our jammies, while Adam unloaded the car and got the girls a little something to eat. We watched a little bit of Shrek and put a puzzle together and then off to bed. Adam and I made some banana bread, played a game and fell asleep watching the news.
It was an amazing weekend spent with family and old friends. The only downfall is that it all just flies by so fast.
This morning I had my appointment with the dermatologist to get a mole removed from my left cheek. When I went in for my physical in June, my physician suggested I get it removed, being it was a couple different colors. He wanted it shaved off and sent in to get evaluated for cancer. I was a bit nervous for the appointment, not really knowing what to expect, but it went very well, and was actually pain free. I was injected with some Novocain in my cheek and she shaved it right off. It only took a minute or 2. I will find out my results next week. I'm praying it's not cancerous, and I won't need another procedure.
Alexa had a field trip this morning to go bowling. I'm anxious to hear how it went. The girls were both still sleeping when I left this morning, still tired out from the weekend.