Saturday, July 18, 2009

Garage Sale Finds Yahoo..

I love going to a good garage sale. I'm just not a good "garage sale goer". I'm always on the look out for the bathroom. Funny huh? I live so far from town that it's almost like the minute I hit the car I'm looking lol.. But yesterday I had to go to a fellow FreeCyclers home to pick up some packing peanuts, we use them for shipping out eggs to our customers. When I got there I was in crafter's heaven. I couldn't afford much but I did spend $7.75 and love everything. I might go back tomorrow to see if she has anything left I can get for half off? Here are a couple of pics of what I found.

I am fairly certain that some of the items I got where old old old. I found a lot of Invisible eyes and hooks that ranged from .05 cents to .35 cents. This was such a blast. There is another big one today that I might try and sneak too, but alas I'll have to wait until I finish the menu for the week and the grocery budget.

Wishing you all abundant blessings,