Wednesday, July 22, 2009

French Manicure...

Alexa's French Manicure!!

I've been craving some alone time with Alexa lately. I feel like I cater to Lillian just because she is little and doesn't understand. I always think that Alexa is a big girl and understands that Lillian is still a baby and most always gets her way. But, I hate that feeling of pushing Alexa off to the side and not spending more time with her.

I promised her that we need some "girl time" together - just me and her. Adam was going to help our friends move Monday night, so I thought it would be the perfect opportunity. I'd put Lillian to bed and Alexa and I would hang out. But, wouldn't you know Lillian decides to stay up until 10 o'clock - giving Alexa and I literally 30 seconds of alone time before Adam got home. We had a good night, making popcorn and staying up til midnight watching Confessions of a Shopaholic, but it just wasn't the alone, girlie time I wanted with Alexa.

Adam's canoeing trip was cancelled Tuesday morning due to the much needed rain we received. It turned out to be an even better thing, too, because it gave the girls (and Adam) a chance to sleep in.

Alexa has been sleeping in her own bed every night still, by the way. She is up to 7 days in a row now. We are so thrilled and so proud of her. She is so proud of herself, too.

So, last night I was hoping to get some more alone time with Alexa. Adam worked at a park festival and was going to be late, so I worked hard at getting Lil to bed at an earlier time. It rained a bit more when we got home, so I took my time making mashed potatoes and hamburger gravy for dinner, as I knew we wouldn't be outside playing or out for a walk. The girls cuddled on the couch downstairs and watched My Dog Skip. They took a long tub after we ate. They like me to read them their library books while they play. They were in there over an hour, giggling and playing with the bubbles. Lillian actually went to bed after the tub.

Finally, some alone time with just Alexa. She almost fell asleep in her bed, waiting for Lillian to fall asleep, but I woke her right up. I know, horrible mother, but I needed this time with her.
She got up, we went to the bathroom, dug out all the nail polish and brought it to the kitchen. We got set up and I gave her the most adorable little French manicure. I had to use a toothpick cuz her fingernails are so tiny, but it was so much fun. She loved it and I loved it. She sat on the counter drying her nails while I did the dishes, then we ate Popsicles that we made the night before and left over Birthday cake from Grandma's Birthday. We had a blast talking and acting girlie.
I put her to bed before Adam got home and again she stayed in her bed ALL NIGHT!