Monday, July 27, 2009

Weekend Recap

From the left:
Hannah, Alexa, Maddie, Erika, Victoria, Natalie.

Adam had already started his big project of painting our bedroom when the girls and I got home Friday night. He had everything taped off and had started the first coat. I could tell immediately that the new color looked SO much better than the dark ugly hunter green that the original owners had in there. We left him be - and I made dinner for the girls and I (left over pizza).
Being our room had wet paint and smelled like paint, we all slept in the basement for the weekend. The girls and I took the king sized bed in the guest room and Adam slept on the futon in his office.

Adam got up right away Saturday morning and started on the second coat of paint in our bedroom. Since we didn't have as much of a crumb of food in our house, the girls and I walked to the Kwik Trip for doughnuts. It was a beautiful morning and it was good bonding time for me and the girls. We came home and ate our doughnuts on the front steps and enjoyed the cool summer weather. A few minutes later, Adam opened the door and asked if we could run to Sherwin Williams for another gallon of paint. Since the paint we were using was leftover from our friends' living room, I was a bit worried we may not get the right color again. But, I loaded the girls up in the car and off we went. Sherwin Williams wasn't in the spot I thought it was in Apple Valley - but we drove around and found it quickly anyways. Adam had given me the cover of the can with all the information they should need. So, I went in and gave it to the guy behind the counter. There was only one other gal in the store looking at paint samples, so I thought we'd get helped and out of there rather quickly. Alexa and Lillian were full of energy and ran around in circles around the store. Like I said, there was only one other gal in the store, so I let them go, they weren't harming anyone or any thing. The gentleman thought he would be able to match the paint, but considering Vic and Sara bought that paint nearly 4 years ago, he couldn't promise perfection. So, we waited and waited and waited...and the girls got more antsy and even more antsy...and the store filled up with more people and then more people. He kept having to add a little black and then some more black and then some red and mix it and mix it some more. Finally, we thought it was as close as it was going to get, so I high tailed it out of there over an hour later from when I walked in and rushed it home to Adam. He only had one wall left to finish. Adam met me in the driveway, I opened the door, handed him the paint and he in turn handed me 20 bucks for the girls and I to go garage saling. Now, how sweet is that? I should have him doing projects all weekend where he wants us out of his hair more often.

We stopped at a few sales and scored a cute new shirt for myself, a darling pair of hello kitty high heal sandals for Alexa and an adorable denim Calvin Klein dress for Lillian. We all got something and had so much fun. Adam called us when he was done and we went back home to get him and then off right away again to get groceries.

We went to Sams Club and ate lunch there quick before shopping. We made it in and out in an hour and back home in time for the water fun party at the neighbors the girls were invited to.
Victoria and Courtney were the coordinators of the party, which was held at Victoria's house. All the neighborhood kids were there. They had snacks and pop and some water fun stations set up. A sprinkler, trampoline and then a swimming pool set up at the bottom of the slide on the swing set.

Alexa started right in on the fun, jumping on the trampoline and playing with all the kids. Lillian was more reserved as always, having to take everything in and scope it all out before she feels comfortable. She eventually warmed up and started to blow bubbles and slid down the slide and into the pool. We couldn't get her to want to leave.

After we got the girls dried off and in their clothes, we ate dinner and then I took them for a walk/bike ride to the park while Adam finished the bedroom. Turned out the extra gallon I got that morning was darker than the original, so he had to put one more coat on the whole room. On our way back from the park, Alexa fell off her bike and skinned her knee. Luckily I carry napkins on the stroller. We met up with the neighbor kids who were riding bike and they all ended up coming to our house for a game of kick ball and a freezie treat.

Lillian didn't have a nap all day, so we had the girls come in around 8:45 to get ready for bed. We slept in the basement again. Adam and I put them to bed in the guest room and then we played Yatzee and Scattergories.

We slept in til almost 10 Sunday morning, which made our day seem super short. The paint was dry in our room, so we cleaned things up and put our bed and bedding back together. It looks so good. Adam did a fantastic job! Thanks babe! It actually compliments our orange living room quite well.

We invited our friends Vic and Sara over for dinner, so while I played with the girls out in the pool, Adam started cooking. It was fun to see them again. We had a Mexican fiesta and played a game of horseshoes. Girls Vs. Boys. Sara and I lost, but not by much. We demand a rematch!!!

After they left we took Alexa by the Farmington City pool, to show her where she would be having her swimming lessons. She was a little nervous and cried a bit, but we comforted her and let her know daddy and Lillian would be right there with her. She gained some confidence and got excited then. She even slept in her own bed all night last night. I was a bit worried after the 2 nights sleeping with mom and dad over the weekend, she would fall back into that routine, but she didn't. I'm so proud of her. 10 nights in a row in her own bed. WAY TO GO MEHA!!