Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Can we just call it quits?

No, not in terms of a relationship. This is based on a personal incident and when something along the lines happened to my "Twin", Renee (who is the author of the amazing blog Beauty Fool), and she tweeted about it last night I thought it was about time I rant about this. It has been a while since I last ranted about anything blog related or how Bloggers blog but I thought this is becoming a bit more of an issue recently...

What exactly got me irked? To start off, recently in my life I became aware of a person I knew apparently taking offense over a tweet I made and then labeling me as superficial...because blogging about beauty is not very worldly in her opinion (by the way, her opinion is valid; I hate people who attack other peoples opinions). If she knew me better though she would understand why I have this superficiality in my life but unfortunately she based her opinion of me just on one tweet which sadly wasn't even about her nor was it related enough that it gave her reason to attack my blog.

My blog is not based on beauty. I do not categorize myself as a beauty blogger because I honestly could not give a damn about rating beauty products every single time I want to blog. When I do blog about beauty, I say what I think but you shouldn't come here for a comprehensive analysis on products. There is absolutely nothing wrong with beauty blogging or comprehensive product reviews but that is not for me, I can't see myself caring that much. I like talking about products and giving my perspective on it because how many people out there might be like me: without an iota of understanding when it comes to paraben free or differing textures?

That said, yes, as of late my posts have been predominantly beauty ones, but I do try to throw in the non-beauty ones in between as well. Recently I haven't done so because I have been going through personal issues that doesn't translate well when I try blogging generally so the easiest option and distraction is to blog about beauty. I turn to trivial things when I need to stop thinking, it isn't a bad thing and it actually is good for stabilizing a bad mood or temper.

This incident led me to being irritated over how Bloggers are attacked for "not blogging about one thing". Who is to dictate what a Blogger blogs about? Yes, there are specific blogs out there, so why don't you take a hike and find one that suits your specific needs? Even so, I think it is ridiculously silly to throw a hissy fit if the Blogger chooses to blog about something unrelated to what their blog may be about. There is no one forcing any Reader to read a particular blog post, if it isn't your cup of tea (or coffee as in my case) then why bother reading it past the title or first few lines? This is what puzzles me, in a world where we have all the freedom and choices to make people still act offended and restricted as though they are being strapped into a chair and tortured against their will...when in fact they are doing it to themselves.

So without ranting endlessly, let me just clear it up in simple terms:
1. Bloggers have the right to do as they please with their blogs
2. If the above doesn't please you then find another blog
3. If the above still doesn't please you, why don't you try writing a blog that suits your needs?
4. Attacking Bloggers is ridiculous, no one really cares to "suck your" whatever and "die" - what does that have to do with an upside down peach cake?

And most importantly:
If you think The Suki Chronicles is based on one area only then you are mistaken and perhaps you should move on before I suddenly write about my childhood imaginary friends and it leaves you disturbed for life.