Lately, i'm doing great in my life actually. There are some goals (which i set it in the beginning of the year) are fulfilled or make a good progress. I'm so happy with that. What am i doing? here they are:
1. I can save more! :D
2. I read some great books which give me positive input and motivation, one of them makes my faith stronger. Right now, i read a book about creativity and i'm so excited to finish it. So now, i just not only read comics or Harry Potter but also a useful books.
3. I took a drawing course this month. I realize that i'm still faaaaaar away from being a great designer so i decided to take this course to make me better. I have a friend who is a professional illustrator and he agree to be my teacher. Yesterday was my first course =)
4. Many to come
Last year perhaps is my best year in my life and i believe that with Jesus, this year will be better and the year after and so on and sooooo on!