National Night Out
August 3rd, 2010
Our neighborhood was out in full swing last night supporting National Night Out and the fight against crime in our neighborhood.
It was a great way for all of us friends/neighbors to get together, have some fun and get to know each other better. We live (in my opinion) the BEST neighborhood in Minnesota! Yes, we do!
We had a GREAT night and I want to thank EVERYONE who pitched in to help make our 1st block party a success. Without the help of each and every one of you, the night would not have come together like it did.
With the help from several area businesses we were able to have drawings for lots of fun prizes and gift certificates.
My hubs in blue and Andy grilling up some burgers, brats and hot dogs in the 100 degree heat and humidity.
Thanks guys!!
The Farmington Fire Department and the Water Rescue Team stopped by to let the kids have a look around the trucks and boats, ask as many questions as they wanted and by far, the highlight was pushing all the buttons and setting off all the sirens.

The kids grilling him with questions...things like.."can I try on your hand-cuff's? Is that a real gun?...ect."
Photos are compliments of Carissa Harvego. I have quite a few on my camera, too. But, I haven't gotten the chance to upload them yet. But, when I do, expect a SmileBox slideshow of the highlights from the party!!
A very special thanks to my husband Adam for all his help, hard work and support during this whole event. It's like I always say: I come up with the great idea and then he does all the work.
Also, to Carissa for being my right hand gal. The party wouldn't have went on without you!! We did it!! :) Jamie & Dave, Grandma Debbie, Miguel, Andy, Nick & Genia ~ THANK YOU for all your hard working helping hands. You're amazing!