Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Faith Like Potatoes

"A triumph movie about a journey of faith"

A movie which based on the true story is not always my fave. But it's different if it is based on INSPIRING true story. Faith Like Potatoes is really inspiring my faith. Movie about a life transformation from a men that changes his family then his community. I really don't wanna tell you what the story about coz you should experience it by yourself. The story is so down to earth, friendly and not cliche at all. It is based from a true event and it is an AMAZING experience! The movie about a journey of faith that will rise everyone's faith (If they watch it).

After seeing the movie i'm so excited coz Christian's movies are getting better and better. The cinematography and the acting don't show that this is the indie movie with low budget but they made it professionally and we should proud for them. Above all, praise God who made this movie possible to be blessed for everyone who see this. Bravo!