Southerners are pretty loyal to their favorite BBQ, and the residents of Memphis are particularly fond of their hometown culinary speciality, according to Riley Adam’s delectable debut novel, “Delicious and Suspicious: A Memphis BBQ Mystery.”
Lulu Taylor’s family has owned Aunt Pat’s barbeque joint for years, and has a loyal and rambunctious following. When the Cooking Channel sends a scout down to check out all the Memphis eateries for the best barbeque in town, the folks at Aunt Pat’s are all overcome with excitement, because they know their barbeque is the winner, hands down.
But when that food scout insults everybody coming and going, and then turns up dead at the famous Peabody Hotel, well, things just got a little spicier than intended in M-town.
With a list of suspects as long as her arm, and including her daughter-in-law, her great-nephew, even her own son Seb, and talk spreading around town that it was Aunt Pat’s barbeque that was the cause of the untimely demise, it’s up to Lulu to figure out just who-dun-it before her business and family go under!
Riley Adams (aka author Elizabeth Spann Craig) creates a lively, fast-paced mystery that will delight readers with its intrigue, and set their mouths to watering with all the tasty descriptions of the yummy treats found at Aunt Pat’s. It’s a pleasure to make the acquaintance of the cast of quirky and unique characters, including Lulu’s legion of girlfriends, loyal customers and family, and as the main character and head of the Taylor family, Lulu is just a doll (think Paula Deen with a bluesy side). The inclusion of scrumptious recipes for barbeque and all the fixings add just the perfect finishing touch to this appetizing story.
As the debut novel in the Memphis BBQ series, readers are sure to have more adventures with Lulu and family to look forward to.
About The Author:

Like her characters, Elizabeth Spann Craig’s roots are in a small, Southern town. She grew up in Anderson, South Carolina, where she spent most of her childhood in the county library, staggering out with books by the armful.
Her magazine articles have appeared in both England and the United States.
She’s the mother of two and currently lives in Matthews, North Carolina. Between juggling room mom duties, refereeing play dates, and being dragged along as chaperone/hostage on field trips, she dreams of dark and stormy nights beside stacks of intriguing mysteries with excellent opening lines.
Check out her website at www.elizabethspanncraig.com
I received a review copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a fair review. I was not compensated for my opinion.