Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A fun weekend ended with a sick baby!

Lillian getting her NEB treatments!

Dawn and Inna - and our pretty hair! :)

We were invited over to our neighbor, Mike and Inna's on Friday night and ended up staying there way later than we should of. It's just that time flies when you're having fun. We were visiting and the kids were playing and Inna was doing my hair and before we knew it, it was midnight. Waaay to late for our 5 year old and especially too late for our 2 year old. On our walk across the street home we saw that some teenagers decided to have some fun and smashed one of our pumpkins in the driveway and threw whatever they could find in their mom's fridge at our house, mainly BBQ sauce and tomatoes. Needless to say Adam was furious and 'thought he knew who did it', so being the immature grown up that he is, took one of our other pumpkins and just set it in the middle of the kids driveway. Didn't smash it, just set it there 'just so he knew that Adam knew that it was him'. How did Adam 'know' that it was him? He didn't, he just assumed. The only thing that bothered me about the whole deal was that it scared Alexa. She didn't like to see her pumpkin smashed on the driveway. She said she never wants to get pumpkins for Halloween ever again. Poor thing!! How do you explain to her that there are just mean people out there that don't care about your feelings and hard work you put into painting and carving that pumpkin, they just care about being cool and apparently they think smashing pumpkins is cool. Ugh! I just know this is something Alexa will never forget and she'll think about it every year we set pumpkins out on the steps.
Our neighbor, Jamie, said whoever it was, was just 'welcoming us to the neighborhood'. Gee thanks, we feel real welcome. She said their car and house had been egged and paintballed before, so it gave me comfort knowing we weren't the only target.

Saturday was such a nice day. God gave us this day to wash our windows. Oh, how nice it was to wash windows, inside and out. We had the windows open blowing the beautiful fresh air in. We vacuumed, swept, cleaned and dusted. It was amazing. We spent the rest of the day outside enjoying the lovely fall day. Alexa had the chance to play with some of her neighbor friends and she was happy.

I snuck her away for an hour or 2 and we ran to the store to pick up some snacks for a surprise party I was planning for Adam. I think the surprise was more of Alexa actually keeping it a secret. We took Chip for a walk when we got home, so Jamie could sneak the stuff out of my car. We stopped at a garage sale. Wow, what a beautiful day for a garage sale, too bad her prices were outrageous.

We went inside for dinner. Adam made tuna casserole with green beans. He then took to the floor with the girls crawling all over him in the living room, while I washed the dishes. I made up and excuse that I had eaten too much and that I should take Chip out for a walk, to walk it off. Jamie and the rest of the neighbors were outside waiting for their cue. When I got back from the walk with Chip, they were all waiting in the garage. I peaked my head in the door and thought of a quick way to get Adam to the garage. So I yelled, "ADAM SOMEONE JUST SMASHED A PUMPKIN IN OUR GARAGE WHILE I WAS WALKING CHIP!!" You could hear him throw the girls off his back and stomp down the stairs, anger in each step. When he got to the door I flicked the light on in the garage and everyone screamed, "SURPRISE!". It was the second year in a row that I had surprised him for his Birthday, but he was just as shocked this time as he was the first time. He was happy, though, and that's all that mattered. I threw coats and hats on the girls and we all gathered outside. The kids played, the adults visited. It was a blast. We brought Mike's fire pit over and had that in the driveway - Jamie made cheese dip with chips, Dave made beef jerky, we had cookies and juice for the kids. It turned out to be such a fun night and Adam was super happy. We have the best neighbors in the whole world, I mean it. Alexa, Lillian, Tori and Meghan ended up falling asleep inside on the couches watching Shrek.

Sunday, Lillian woke up with a HORRIBLE cough, which made me feel like the worst parent in the world for keeping her up so late Friday and Saturday nights. She did ok during the day, but once she went to bed things got much worse. Our friends Timmy and Brie and their baby Ty came to visit us and spend the night. I felt like a terrible hostess spending all my time with Lillian, but she is my top priority and they understood. It was great seeing them, though, and we hope they come back soon when they can stay longer.

I ended up sleeping on the floor next to Lillian that night. We propped her bed up so she wasn't laying flat, so it was easier for her to breath, we gave her her nebulizer treatments throughout the night and Motrin to reduce her fever. She still, was up every half hour coughing and crying. It was awful watching her struggle, but we were doing everything we could to keep her comfortable.
Adam spent his Birthday at home caring for Lillian. She slept from about 1:45 until about 5, which helped tremendously. A good rest is always great medicine. I was worried she wouldn't want to sleep during the night having had such a long nap, but she did.

Adam took Chip out for a walk when Alexa and I got home from work/school and while he was out, we hung up our Birthday sign we made him, frosted and sprinkled his cake and got his presents ready. Alexa made him a card at school, everything was Vikings colors, of course.
We got him some football brownies and a pair of Vikings sweatpants. HE LOVED THEM. We even made him is own Birthday crown.

We ate dinner and had cake and brownies for dessert.

Then, Adam took the girls in the basement to watch the football game and I stayed upstairs and watched DWTS. I made a bed on the living room floor for the girls to sleep while we watched Castle, but I was the one who ended up falling asleep first. I was so exhausted from the night before being up with Lillian.

Uncle Benski, our Savior, came and stayed with Lillian today, so she could have one more day of good rest before going back to school. Thank you Ben, from the bottom of our hearts. We owe you!