Sunday, November 8, 2009

Check out this deal!

This is perfect for scoring lots of games for your toddler, stacking up some birthday gifts, or even for donating to Toys for Tots!

Buy 7 of these games at Toys R Us for 3.99 each (NOTE: You must buy SEVEN different games and make sure you purchase the regular, traditional edition of the games, not the character games (except for memory) otherwise you won't get the $3.99 price.)

$3.99 games are:

Candy Land
Chutes and Ladders
Memory (any character)
Spiderman Chutes and Ladders (I THINK)
Hi Ho Cherry-o
Don't Break The Ice
Ants In My Pants

This should add up to $27.93 plus tax. You'll get a $10 TRU gift card at checkout for spending $25 on Hasbro games. THEN,

Print out this rebate slip:

You get $2.00 back per game listed above, for a total of $14.0. So you're paying roughly .56 cents PER GAME.