Scott called in to our Christian radio station (KLTY) and won tickets to Day Out with Thomas--an event in downtown Grapevine where Thomas the Tank Engine takes you on a 25-minute ride on the old historic railroad. We read about it online and thought Caleb would have fun there, so it was great that Scott was able to win tickets. Evidently there aren't too many people who call in to KLTY at 5:45 in the morning (when Scott is driving in to work)--he was both caller 4 and 9!
Our train ride was scheduled for 9:00, and the website said to get there one hour early. I couldn't imagine why we'd need to get there that early, but we complied. We pulled into downtown Grapevine around 7:45, and I hopped out at the Main Street Bakery to buy us a croissant, a cinnamon scone, and some coffee (all yummy!). We ate in the car, then went over to the railroad station where the event was.
I have to say, the event was a little disappointing. They had a toy train display which was really neat--some rich man's very expensive collection of tiny locomotives--but of course it was covered with big signs that say, "DON'T TOUCH!" Perfect for preschoolers, of course. Then there was the booth for temporary tattoos. Yup, tattoos. For 3- and 4-year-olds??? Wha?!?!? Other than that, there was a gift shop, lots of gross-looking carnie food (corn dogs, funnel cakes, and the like--smelled disgusting at 8:00 in the morning, I must say), and a photo op with Sir Topham Hat (stand in line for 30 minutes, pose for 1 minute, pay $14 dollars for a picture).
The train ride itself was the main event. Here's Caleb heading off toward the train.
We eagerly hopped on board and settled into the upholstered seats.
Windows lined the train car, so we got a good view of...well, the backs of low-income houses. Lots of clothes hanging from clotheslines, abandoned play equipment, broken trampolines...Scott even got to see a man in a wife beater surfing the internet in his kitchen! Oh, yes. What a view it was!
Seriously, though, it was okay. The kids certainly didn't care about the view. Caleb wasn't feeling very well that day, and he was tired from waking up super early that morning. He didn't say much during our ride, but that's just part of his personality. When he experiences new things, he just kind of takes it all in, then he talks about it for the rest of the day.

I'm glad we didn't pay a whopping $18 apiece for the tickets, but it was a good family activity.