Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pray for Amayah!

Amayah and her Mommy

If you recall, last summer I held a benefit garage sale at my house for a family that went to my girls' school. Their daughter Amayah was born almost one year ago (in April) and has not left the hospital since. She was born with over 100 things wrong with her, including DiGeorge Syndrome. She has had several, and I mean several surgeries to try and help repair her tiny body. She has and will have a trach for the rest of her life, her vocal chords are paralyzed, so she will never speak. Her Mother has never heard her cry. Her left lung is almost fully collapsed. She is on oxygen 24/7 to help her breath. This little baby is probably one of the strongest people I have ever heard of. Despite all the things that are broken and hurting inside her, she is still alive and keeps on fighting.

However, the doctor's seem to be at a road block on what to do with her. They go in and try to fix one thing and come out with 10 more things wrong with her. She started at the University of MN and is now in California. She will have one more surgery there and then they'll determine whether or not to keep her there or send her back here to MN.

Amayah has an older sister and an older brother, who are both living with Grandma and going to school. Amayah's Mom and Dad have disagreed on how things have been handled with Amayah and are no longer together because of it. Amayah's Mom has been by her side every single day and has done everything in her power to make Amayah happy and comfortable, hoping for the miracle she needs to be able to take her home some day. Even though that miracle seems to be a far off dream, they are holding on to that ounce of hope.

Amayah and her family need our prayers right now. As she is getting closer to her 1st Birthday, the fight for her life is getting more and more critical.

Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.