That's my half-table. I shared it with another vendor, which is allowed at this show. As a relatively new vendor that suits me just great.

I had my cards and prints again plus a new line of one-of-a-kind reptile hides. For the uninitiated that's the thing they hide in...a hidey hole...not a skin. See the little hides in the pic? They are small, so work for smaller geckos, frogs, toads, and baby snakes. A couple of friends asked me, so I brought my documentary Mad City Chickens also.
Sales weren't stellar. However, with some people buying late in the day I did sell enough to make it worth my time. Yea!
That's me at my table. (the blond) Picture by: Eric R.

Lots of neat animals there too. It's a captive bred only show. No reptiles were collected from the wild. Like this bearded dragon. Yes, his legs are supposed to look like that. You've seen dogs do it too. ;) He's basking in the sun lamp.

and this spider ball python.