Friday, May 15, 2009

That time of the month........

Lord Help Me!

My husband just told me to "RELAX".

Ok, so let me explain. This morning as I was rushing out the door to go to work and Alexa is sitting at the table kindly asking, "Can you get me some milk please, por favor?" She repeated this in a gentle tone several times and each time I answered her, "Daddy will get you some honey, I have to get to work." Adam was oblivious to it all (granted he did have the water in the sink running, so most likely didn't hear her) and then snapped at her when she started to whine.
I quickly stepped in to her defense, as she had been asking so nicely with such great manners for the past 5 mins for a glass of milk. So there started my apparent "crabbiness." (I was a bit vocal)

Adam was a little irritated with me to say the least when I left. He wouldn't respond to my texts or emails trying to apologize for being "bucky". Finally, I asked "Are you still mad at me?" and finally he responded, "No, but you just need to relax, ok?"

Now, I agree with him to a certain extent and I apologized for my behavior, but again, let me explain. And I will preview my explanation by saying, I'm almost 100% sure that all my "female" readers will side with me, and all the "male" readers will side with Adam, as in this case, that's usually how it goes.

Here goes..

Not only have we waited 9 of the longest weeks of our lives to hear that we finally got our house, putting ourselves through the craziest emotional roller coaster ever, but it is my very special time of the month, one that only women get to experience, if you know what I mean.
So, my emotions have been at their extreme. In which case, things like "GET THE KID SOME MILK", "MAKE SURE THE HOUSE IS CLEAN WHEN I GET HOME TONIGHT - WE HAVE A PLAY DATE", "GET YOUR LEG OFF ME" and "YOU STINK" just come flying out of my mouth whenever they feel like it.

So again, I'm sorry Honey, but as you can see I just can't help it. It's "that time of the month".....


(See..just comes flying out of nowhere...)