I had sent out an email to the Tourism Penang and also to the Malaysia Airport Holding and both parties are not replying me…
Our advisory, Dr Reevany would like us to do 3 tasks together for this project.
Since they are not replying me, my course-mates and I decided to send in mail again to the Tourism Penang.
However, I managed to found the MPPP’s director and secretary 's email address and I am also sending it to China Press and The Star.
Below is the mail I send over and we planed to have everyone to send one over and since they are replying, I think non of my course-mates did send over the mail.
To everyone who receive this email,
I am Sophia Chu here and I am a student from USM (Universiti Sains Malaysia), majoring in anthropology and sociology and I am currently taking SAU216/E (Globalization, Cyber Culture and Future Studies) which is a subject under School of Social Sciences and the lecturer of this subject is Dr Reevany Bustami which is also the Deputy Dean of the school.
I am working on an assignment on a topic of public toilets in commercial buildings and posting all on a blog and this can link you to the blog.
The main purpose of creating that blog and writing this email is to help to create the society awareness on how to use a public toilet in a correct way and how the management of the commercial buildings can actually do something to keep the toilet clean and have a toilet which is friendly to everyone and not only to those who are capable.
I had sent a letter to Malaysia Airport Holding Bhd and also to the tourism of Penang and they seems like not to bother me and they are not even replying me!!!
I need you guys to do me a favour by forwarding this mail to the email address that I have listed below and I trust that there will be a strong force to awake them and they have to do something on it. Do write your comment as well when you are forwarding it.
Let’s together send this mail to aduan@mppp.gov.my and enquiries@tourismpenang.gov.my, enews@chinapress.com.my and editor@thestar.com.my and cc a copy to me and to zainalrahim@mppp.gov.my (Dato’ Zainal Rahim b. Seman, president of MPPP), tancchui@mppp.gov.my (Sr. Tan Cheng Chui, Municipal Secretary of MPPP), .
My photos that attached are all on toilets at Bayan Lepas International Airport and it is an international airport and though the facilities and cleanliness of the toilet is not even 3 star. Do remind all of you that there will be so many tourists coming in through this airport and if the toilet is not clean, will you, as a Malaysians ashamed of it??? Don’t you feel shameful if you have a friend from another country telling you how dirty is the toilet in Bayan Lepas International Airport???
They do have toilets for the OKU (Orang Kelainan Upaya) or better known as people with disabilities. But, this does not fit the criteria for an OKU user. The hook is so high and there’s only one aluminium bar. Didn’t they stand at the one who is sitting on a wheelchair's situation and think of that matter? The OKU’s toilet is not just for the old folks but also for the one who is sitting on the wheelchair, those who have injured on leg and for those who really need it!!
Besides that, the tissue is everywhere, on the toilet bowl (not flushing it down), on the dustbin (NOT IN BUT ON) and water stain is everywhere. I am afraid that someone might slipped because the colour of the tar will not aware us on that. O ya.. The rag had become one of the displays in the toilet. How creative the management is!!
Tissues that provide us to clean our hand is not proper too. They seem like putting on the toilet roll. Has the economy crisis affect Malaysia Airport Holdings Bhd and they have not enough money to even change the dustbin in the toilet (they are using a cardboard to hold the dustbin) and provide a proper type of toilet roll and to have a proper place to place the toilet paper and not just put it on there???
When I was using the toilet, I was holding my camera phone and snapping the entire toilet. The cleaning lady was shock to see me doing so especially when I opened one of the cabins which is full of tissues on the toilet bowl and on the dustbin.
She feels like threatening me and this is what she said and she assume I understand BM. (I do understand BM but I didn’t reply her.)
‘Tandas itu masalah sikit. Memang macam tu.’
Bermasalah sikit and you can just ignore it????
Well, look at the photos and judge yourself.
-- Sophia Chu
This is the reply I got from Sr. Tan
Sophia Chu,
Just to update you of the progress of your feedbacks.
Tan Cheng Chui
Tuan SU,
For your info, MAB has been invited as one of the committee members is the cleanliness campaign I am chairing.
The airport toilets condition & maintenance is a permanent item we discussed. Latest feedback from MAB in the last
meeting on 23.2.2009 was that they have completed the toilet upgrading works and a new cleaning contractor was appointed.
Representatives from MATTA & MAHA also confirmed they have received favourable response from the tourists that the
condition of the airport toilets has improved. I will pass the latest feedback from your goodself and also Sophia to MAB.
On the other note, based on instruction from YB Chow, we have tentatively blocked 14.3.2009 for YAB CM to launch the
cleanliness program at Batu Ferringhi. I will be preparing an official invitation letter for you to sign to be forwarded CM. TQ.
From: Tan Cheng Chui
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 8:05 AM
To: Dr. Goh Kok Yeong; Ibrahim Bin Mohamad @ Mohd; Patrick Khoo Poh Aik; Riduan Merican Bin A A Merican
Subject: FW: Please look on this matter and so something. (Do help to forward)
Bolehkah kita buat satu sesi perbincangan untuk menangani kebersihan tandas Lapangan Terbang Pulau Pinang.
Aduan ini berasas. Saya baru balik dari S'pura dan saya amat terperanjat dengan keadaan/tahap kebersihan.
Dr Goh boleh selaraskan sesi ini.