As I like to say: when I write, a Hand touches mine,
so here it goes.....
In these times of loosing jobs and declining economy, it's hard to think of generosity. We want to keep, hoard, guard what we have: to keep us safe for the future, right?..... Well not exactly.... What good is keeping, hoarding, guarding what we have if we do not enjoy the life we are given? We live in fear and depression rather than living in Faith, Hope and Love. I can keep all I have and not share it with anyone. If I do, I'm always worried about: "What's going to happen? Will I be OK? will there be enough? What will I do? How can I get more?...." I'm sure you can add even more "What if's" here too, the list could be endless. All of these fears seem all to real. They are aren't they? again I say not exactly....
Lets turn some of this around before the stress level gets too high. Instead of the "What if's" lets ,focus on the "What Have's". Tomorrow is not a promise to us, if it happens, it is a Gift. Yesterday is gone and no matter how hard we try, we can't get it back. That gives us today.... now....... this very moment.
So lets do an assessment of now, this very moment. Look, feel, smell, hear, taste what you have right now where ever you are. Let's focus on the time of year: it's Spring!......I can touch rain that falls bringing with it Hope of new beginnings, I know that in stillness there is motion, I can see the Son shine and the the first signs of spring poking through the ground all green, new and fragile. I can feel the cool breeze of an angle kiss across my cheek, I can smell the earth of spring, I can taste the water that sustains life.
What does Spring mean to you? It means growth, renewal, fresh, hope, awakening, new life.... There is such a spirit of generosity in spring and so, many lessons it gives. That little sprout of green struggling it's way through the dark, soil, small and fragile at first, not knowing what lies ahead. It reaches up from the darkness of despair awakening, reaching towards a new life. It doesn't know if there will be food or water enough to sustain its life tomorrow. Yet it is there Today, growing, awakening, unfolding, giving of itself...
Take a walk outdoors, if you can, and look around until you find a little green starting to grow. (Or even a plant you might have indoors) It has no way of sustaining itself yet it grows (Faith). It has no way of making sure it won't get hurt or broken or even die tomorrow yet today, it is here, living, surviving, believing it will make it ( Hope). It has no money, no way to give, no means of generosity, yet it is here today for us to look at (Love).... You see, like life, it's all in how you look at it, what perspective you take. Do you look at it with the doubts and fears of what you don't have, or might not have? or , do have a perspective of Faith, Hope and Love? Do you Believe? .What's inside you?
In this time of early spring, coming from the dark, cold, dreary days of winter; didn't that little tiny frail bit of green poking through the soil give you a little Hope? Didn't it give you Smile and didn't it lift your heart a little and make you realize "Ah yes Spring Really is coming"? This frail little green sprout with "nothing" gave of itself to you.....
This lesson is for all of us. We must learn to give freely: a smile, a hug, a kind word, a hand out to someone in need, etc... be generous today. Try it!!
Give Hope through a smile today. Have Faith and Love in your heart. Walk around with a Positive Attitude and Smile! Yep that's all: Be Generous with your Smile and Positive Attitude of Love, Hope, and Compassion. Now take a walk and be aware of the people around you, their reaction to you. See how many look at you and smile back!!! How did it make you feel to have someone smile back at you? Did it lift your spirits? Did it make your smile broader, your heart fuller? Your gift of generosity just came back to you and multiplied. For you gave your smile generously,freely, and it was returned to you!!!!!
And guess what?....., now that persons heart was lifted and their heart renewed a little..... and ....... they now might smile at someone.... and the gift is passed yet again, and again, and again.... Your seemingly small gift has now grown beyond expectation...
So give away a little today and gain allot!! Take that treasure in your heart, share it and watch it be passed forward.... All this without any human control.... watch it grow.... Like that small bit of green, watch it grow stronger every day, watch it keep giving Hope and Love back to its viewer and all that's around. It may just turn out to be the most beautiful flower you'll ever see; a gift grown from the seed in your heart given away selflessly ... to all that look...
What started as a seed in the darkness of fear has survived the storms and hardships; now Awakens and Grows strong. Growing deep roots of Faith with Grace and Courage....Through the gift of Hope, Love and Light: the once small frail seed,has come out of the darkness, growing stronger in the Light, a gift of generosity, freely given... Be generous with these gifts of your heart and see how they multiply not only in your life, but those around you.....
May you find a true Spirit of Generosity Living inside you. May your spirits be lifted by the rainbows of Hope after the storms in your life. May you find Strength in the Son above, shining down warming your soul, encouraging you to grow. May you find Faith to live today without fear of what might come, but live today in the Love that is freely given to you... the Love that is inside you, sustaining you, and nothing can take from.... the Love and Hope you can generously give away; knowing that if you give Love and Hope, it will Multiply uncontrollably, gracing the lives of others as well as your own. With the seed of Love and True Light in your heart, there is an Awakening of Spirit and all things are possible.....
May God Bless you today and always and may the seeds that are planted, grow and flourish, in you, through you, with you always.

Nina P.