In Maria's words:
"I visit many adorable and cute blogs that are filled with bright colours, innovative and inspiring pictures and best of all absolutely delicious food, which inspire me daily! I would like to thank all of you who visit my blog and leave such encouraging comments. Passing on this award is my thanks to you and your friendship."
When I sat down and considered all the blogs I visit on a daily basis I simply could not choose a handful that fit this criteria... They are all too wonderful. So instead of choosing a list of adoralbe blogs to pass this award on I will pass it on to one of the most inspiring blogs I follow, one with great photography and wonderful narratives...
Hélène of Tartelette
- include the award logo in your blog or post
- nominate as many blogs which show adorability, cuteness and charm
- be sure to link to your nominee(s) within your post.
- let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog
- share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.