Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Snake Sex

Warning: For the non-reptile people out there - just skip this post. ;)

I'm very excited! I got my first lock on Friday! (that's snake sex) . For those of you who are new to my blog...I have snakes. Ever since I was a kid I've been an animal lover but not just our furry friends. I was a kid snake catcher, frog lover, turtle picker upper. I've also had a fascination with genetics since High School Biology.

This season I wanted to breed one of my ball pythons. I've only got one female big enough, but that's enough for me to start. At least 'till I know what I'm doing. The female is the larger one in the picture. Females snakes are usually larger than the males.

Ball Pythons are a very docile python and only get to be about 4 feet in length. They eat once every 7 days. (Can you imagine doing that!) Are native to Africa and spend 85-90% of their lives in a burrow. They must know how to meditate better than me.

My female hadn't eaten in 6 weeks. That's not unusual in breeding season. Still I gave them a brake on Sunday--and low and behold snake sex makes you hungry! She ate like a champ.
He'll go back in with her as soon as she digests.