Wednesday, December 31, 2008
New Years Resolutions
In an attempt to not be so ambiguous about this goal (which is another of my resolutions), I've been thinking of some ways to make myself happier. I want to spend less time cleaning and more time playing. I want to say no to more commitments and yes to more free time. I want to say no to more 'stuff' (which inevitably leads to more cleaning and less time) and yes to more experiences. I want to say NO to worrying about the future and yes to focusing on what I can deal with and prepare for. (This does NOT mean I won't continue to keep abreast of ongoing situations in our country and abroad!) I want to be happy about where I am, instead of wanting to be somewhere else farther in my life.
I also have some other resolutions, which I've tried to make very specific and focused.
I will lose 20 lbs. Just 20. That is all I will concentrate on. More is fine. But 20 is all I will require of myself.
I will manage my time better. Instead of traipsing around the house endlessly, trying to accomplish one task each day and getting little, if anything, done and not having time to play with and enjoy Reagan, I will prepare a weekly schedule and manage our time better. More time to focus on her and helping her learn and play and less time wasted.
I will set up a curriculum for Reagan to learn her colors and numbers and other things she needs to know...through play of course! But there are goals I have for her and I want to reach them.
I will make more time to be a wife. Date nights need to become a priority for Josh and I. Once a month...and it doesn't have to be anything big, maybe just dinner or a movie or shopping together, but just time to talk and enjoy each other's company.
I will stick to our budget. I will not get sidetracked by how cute a toy is and how much Reagan NEEDS it. She does not need it. We do not need it. We will stick to a budget.
I will take better care of myself and become healthier so I can be there for my children. More vegetables, more exercise, less sweets and more rest. Time carved out weekly (this does NOT include work) for just me to do something I enjoy--a trip to Starbucks by myself, time to read a novel, a shopping trip by myself...or maybe even a bathroom break by myself!
I will be accountable. This year I'm going to make myself report once a month, on this blog, how I'm doing with my goals. The first of every month will be "Resolution Update" time.
So those are my resolutions. What's yours?
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
It asked if I had several tin hats that I wore and said I was one scary person. It was a cute comment that I suppose was meant to be derogatory but I found it amusing and it actually made my day, and gave me a new blog topic!
Actually I am the perfect conspiracy-theorist! But I don't believe in aliens, the Easter Bunny or man-made global warming. I do believe that Obama is networking with countries that have provided aid to terrorists or the actual terrorists themselves; and that Michelle Obama is actually more dangerous than her husband. I do believe that the government wants to control every aspect of our lives (banning trans fat anyone? They can't even trust us to know what to eat!) or at least, the more liberal side of the government wants to control our lives.
But am I really the scary one? *I'm* not making these things happen. I'm merely pointing out what *IS* happening in the world today. I do think it's much scarier to simply blindly follow what the media reports. I do think it's much scarier to not use your own mind. I think it's even MORE scary to refuse to follow the law of God AND to keep your head buried in the sand, when all around you life is changing..for the worse. And the scariest of all? Refusing to teach our children God's laws.
I am proud to be numbered among conservative men and women. Prouder still that my words reach people, granted probably not many, but they are reaching SOME people and maybe that's helping them to think about the future, what it holds and what they believe. Now whether they choose to let my words anger them, or they choose to use them as a thought provoking message, well I guess that's up to them.
Tomorrow is a new year. A year in which I've made a lot of promises to myself. This past year was difficult for me. I was very vocal about my beliefs and as such, caused myself a lot of personal pain. I have been called many names. I've been told I'm mentally ill for my beliefs. I've been told that I shouldn't raise a child. I've been told that my child is going to suffer tremendously for the way I am raising her. Those things did bother me, but in the last few weeks I've found a peace and I'm hoping that continues in the next year. I am happy and am going to continue to have happiness in my life, regardless of people that are so unhappy they feel the need to spread it around.
I know what my beliefs are, and I will continue to stand for them, because that does make me happy. It also makes me happy to continue to raise my child in such a way that her life will be pleasing to God, no matter how unpleasing it may be to those who refute His Word.
So, as we go into the New Year, I encourage my conservative friends and readers to stand tall for what you believe. God did not promise it would be easy. In fact, we are shown example after example of how UNeasy it will be to believe in and stand up for His Word. You will be persecuted, you will be called names. But this earth is only our home for a little while. So stand tall, continue to teach your children God's word, continue to be vocal about what you believe. And God bless you and your family in the new year!
New Reagan Stories!
Christmas morning, Reagan woke up all excited and exclaimed "Presents for Reagan! Presents for Reagan!" Then she became very solemn and said "Baby Jesus birthday." Yes, little one, and how very lucky we are to be able to celebrate it!
Reagan is now counting to ten! And she just turned two! Way to go baby!!
We went to visit Josh's parents the other day and Reagan was letting her teddy bear use the bathroom. She put him on the toilet seat and then made the (inevitable) pooting sounds. I nearly died from laughing so hard!!
Oh, and soon, one day, I will catch her singing her compilation of songs she loves..the "Baby Jesus song" (aka Away in a Manger) and Jingle Bells.
More to come soon I'm sure!
The holidays
The holidays have a way of bringing up the light and the dark side of life. This past Saturday I just felt melancholy all day. There wasn't anything that I could point a finger to and say "that's it. That why I feel bad." It just was there.
Then last night...more sadness. I found out that Suzanne of the blog Liquid Illuzion committed suicide on Christmas Eve. I was shocked, for many months I have enjoyed her blog and the comments she left on mine. She will definitely be missed. I hope her spirit finds the peace she sought. If you feel inclined you can go to WIXY Gone Bananas blog and see her obituary and friends comments.
Even though the hour was late, before I went to sleep I picked up the book The Heroine's Journey by Maureen Murdock. The part I read seemed very fitting for how I was feeling the last couple days and oddly it helped.
"Sadness lies at the very core of being. Lay the heart bare of every other feeling and inevitably you will come upon sadness, ready like the quickened seed, to put forth its green leaf.' One does not have to hold onto sadness, however. Releasing sadness is a discipline, like mindful breathing. Breathe in, you feel it, breathe out, you release it. Breathe in, a tear rolls down your cheek; breathe out, you feel gratitude for its warmth. Breathe in, and smile.' Be kind to yourself, take baby steps."
Be well,Tashai
Last Day For Stylista Festival! Come Show Your Support!

Something else that might be of interest is that on the last day there will be a gift giver. That's right a gift giver that is giving away gifts for just being there to show your support. It will be giving out gifts worth up to L$8000 every 2 and a half minutes!
These gifts are great free gifts! Clearly if some are valued at L$8000! So yet another reason to come down and enjoy the music and you might just walk away with a gift valued at L$8000!
The amazing One-Of-A-Kind auction finishes at 9pm! These creations which include everything from gowns, jewellery to even skins are by the ever so talented designers;

*Sky Everett - Sky Everett Designs
*Samsara Nishi - Sam's Secret
*SySy Chapman - SySy's
*Amutey DeCuir- - Bliss Couture
*Anubis Hartunian - Anubis Style
*Nardya Rousselot - Atelier
*Katlaya Greggan -Beauty Design and Fashion
*Raven Pennyfeather - House Of Rfyre
*Elettra Gausman - Orage Creations
*Clio Cardiff - Clio pret-a-porte
*Alexandar Vargas - by Alexander

If you would like to see these and perhaps have a bid, make sure you get into the lobby before 9pm! Please remember that 100% of sale price will be donated to Make-A-Wish Foundation. These are One-Of-A-Kind creations so you can own a piece of history people!
The Stylista Festival has been an amazing collaboration of music and fashion, spanning nearly three weeks in one of the most beautiful structures on Second Life, the Patch Thibaud Auditorium. It has featured over 50 of Second Life's fine live artists, over a dozenDJ's , many fashion shows, a one-of-a-kind design auction, a Celebrity Date Auction hosted by Studio Red and various parties and activities in between it all.
This incredible festival has been to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation of America. 100% of all sales and donations will go to the foundation. The Make-A-Wish Foundation of America is an inspiring charity so every dollar we can raise to help is fantastic and will make a huge difference. So please come out on the last day and help make one more wish possible for a child with a life threatening illness.
Every $L counts and lets make this last day, the most incredible event! Dig deep and lets do all we can! Thank you to everyone in advance!
Jennaa Loire xoxo
Monday, December 29, 2008
#32) Lemon Cheese Coconut Cake
I am having a little get-together tonight with a couple of my girlfriends from university and their men tonight so I decided to go all out and cook up one of the most challenging meals I have done to date - apricot stuffed chicken breasts, sweet and smoky broccoli, and creamy parsnip mashed potatoes. This cute cake will be served as dessert.
1 2/3 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup coconut
1/3 cup ground almonds
1 tbsp baking powder
1 cup buttermilk (1 cup milk + 1 tbsp lemon juice)
1/2 cup butter, melted
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
- Preheat oven to 350°F. Line an 8-inch springform pan with parchment paper.
- Combine flour, sugar, coconut, ground almonds, and baking powder. Make a well in centre.
- Whisk together buttermilk, butter, eggs, and vanilla. Pour into well.
- Use hand mixer to blend until smooth.
- Pour into pan and bake for 1 hour. Let cool completely. Cut horizontally into two even layers. Set aside.
Lemon Cheese Filling
1 block cream cheese (8 oz)
3/4 cup icing sugar
2 tsp lemon zest
1 tbsp lemon juice
3/4 cup toasted coconut
- Beat the four ingredients together until smooth.
- Add half of the mixture to the top of one cake layer. Place second layer on top.
- Spread remaining cheese mixture on sides of cake. Add toasted coconut over cheese mixture.
1 1/4 cups icing sugar
1 tbsp butter
2 tbsp milk
1 drop green food coloring
1 drop red food coloring
- Combine icing sugar, butter, and milk. Mixture should be barely pourable.
- Add 1 tbsp of mixture to two bowls (1 tbsp per bowl). Add one drop of food coloring to each bowl (red in one, green in the second).
- Add the remaining white icing to top of cake and spread out evenly.
- Add the colored icings to two small sandwich bags. Snip off a very tiny amount of the corner to make a small piping hole.
- Pipe straight lines across the cake's top.
- Use a toothpick to drag lines in one direction. Repeat in opposite direction.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
And then I wonder what punishment we will receive? Maybe Russia's prediction that we will fall will come true? It seems every single day we edge closer and closer to our fall...and it's our fault.
So wicked, so immoral. Men with men. Women with women. Killing helpless defenseless babies. What is wrong with us????? And women, we are the worst of all. Excusing everything in the name of progress..when we have the right and obligation to teach our children a better way, to teach them God's word. But we don't. Instead, they're being brought up to think THIS is the way life should be..entitlement, self indulgence, the death of responsibility and morality.
I cringe whenever I hear 'liberal speak', saying that a woman has the right to choose! 'A woman has the right to choose!' Well sure, she does have the right to choose. She has the right to choose to have sex or to not have sex. If you choose sex, you choose all the responsibility that comes along with it. You create a are NOT entitled to choose death for that life. And if you do, you are a murderer. A MURDERER. I hate that we've put a softer word like 'abortion' in place for something that is blatantly horrid and black and filled with death. It is MURDER.
I hate the liberal speak that is thrown out that conservatives are hypocrites because they don't believe in abortion but they do believe in the death penalty. The last time I checked, babies were innocent, helpless. When someone has committed a crime that deserves the death penalty, they have forfeited their innocence.
Our country has been so blessed and we have thrown it right back in God's face.
Merry (belated) Christmas!
Santa delivered the Rose Petal Cottage and then a couple of days later, the Cherry Blossom market arrived. By the way, they are absolutely the cutest little girl toys ever and I highly recommend them to any mom! I even wanted to spend the day holed up in the comfy little nursery that came with the cottage!
Nothing else too noteworthy has been happening, save the freak day it's negative something or another, the next day it's 60 degrees...who knows, maybe tomorrow we'll have a tsunami (and we're land-locked!)
I made my first bread pudding ever..and I must say, it turned out pretty well! I was pleasantly surprised! It made enough for two loaf pans and I've frozen them for some cold wintry day in January when I can't get up the urge to cook :) I'm sure that'll be sometime soon! Here's a link to the recipe! (And in case you were wondering, this is not in anyway an endorsement of that website, since I've only read the recipe..and that came from googling, but if that recipe is any indication, it's a site I'm going to frequent!!)
"We forfeit three-fourths of our self to be like other people."
- Arthur Schopenhauer
That's a lot people! Let your true self shine. No one else can bring to the world what you can.
and the second bit of wisdom...
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible."
-Walt Disney
Walt was told many times in his life that he couldn't do what he wanted to do. He succeeded because he never gave up.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
#31) Cheesecake Bars with a Bakeapple Swirl
It is Christmas Day - can you believe it? I certainly can't!!!
Christmas Eve or not, yesterday I still got in to the kitchen :)
My bf's (actually my "fiance" considering he proposed this morning!!!) mom sent me a few bakeapples along with the presents with the hopes I would make her boy a bakeapple cheesecake. Well, a plain cheesecake with a simple bakeapple sauce didn't sound like enough fun for me so I decided squares with a sweet but bitter
bakeapple swirl would be more interesting... I hope you agree :)
Bakeapple Swirl Sauce
2 cup bakeapples (fresh or thawed)
1/3 cup water
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
- Bring berries and water to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes.
- Pass through a sieve to remove the large seeds. Return to pot.
- Add sugar and vanilla and bring to a boil once again. Let simmer for 10 minutes.
- Let cool and set aside.
Cheesecake Bars
1 cup butter, separated into 2/3 cup and 1/3 cup
1 cup brown sugar
2 cups flour
1 cup graham cracker crumbs
2 pks cream cheese (light), at room temperature
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup milk
4 1/2 tsp lemon juice
2 eggs
- Preheat oven to 325°F.
- Beat 2/3 cup butter with brown sugar. Add flour and crumbs.
- Remove 2 cups and put in another bowl. Add the remaining butter (melted) to the new bowl. Mix and push into a 9x13 pan. Bake for 15 minutes. Let cool for 10 minutes.
- Beat cream cheese with sugar until smooth. Beat in milk, lemon juice, vanilla, and eggs. Beat until smooth.
- Pour half of cream cheese mixture over cooled crumb crust. Add tablespoon-sized dollops of bakeapple sauce. Pour remaining cream cheese mixture over top and add dollops of bakeapple sauce (reserve remaining sauce for decoration). Use a toothpick to create swirls.
- Sprinkle crumb mixture over top. (I didn't use all of it and the fiance said he would actually prefer it without any next time)
- Bake for one hour. Let cool completely before cutting. Drizzle sauce over top of individual squares.
puisi anak bali menentang uu pornografi
Bang Rhoma yang saya hormati...
Jangan salah kan turis pakai bikini
Mereka mencari matahari
Di pantai kebanggaan negeri ini
Untuk itu tolong pahami
Tak mungkin berjemur pakai dasi
Bang Rhoma yang saya hormati...
Mulailah introspeksi diri
Kelak kau temukan kebenaran sejati
Jangan banyak teori
Apalagi merasa suci
Engkau sendiri berpoligami
Kami anak pantai terbiasa dengan pemandangan begini
Biar pun rambut warna-warni
Kami masih punya nurani
Silahkan engkau datang kemari
Nikmati alam anugerah ilahi
Kami sambut dengan suka hati
Surfing pun kami ajari
Meluncur di atas ombak tinggi
Akan tetapi...
Jangan engkau pelototi
Kalau ada bodi seksi
Apalagi sampai
Mereka jangan dicaci maki
Apalagi dituduh pornografi
Dari negeri Sakura sampai Chili
Semua ada disini
Biarkan semua bangsa berbaur dalam damai
Mereka tidak cari sensasi
Tapi menghilangkan kepenatan sehari-hari
Jangan fanatik budaya Arab Saudi
Ingat budaya Indonesia asli
Sensual tapi penuh artiJ
jika kau paksa terapkan di Bali
Semua itu akan jadi basi
Bang Rhoma yang saya hormati...
Jika engkau sudah datang kemari
Satu hal yang saya peringati
Meski ada turis cantik sekali
Jangan kau jadikan istri
wahahahak. great!
The T-shirt Bag
This is an awesome winter project I'd like to share with you all. It was not my original idea. I found it in a book which I can't for the life of me remember the name of. Anyway I did add a small original touch of my own. I changed the handles a little. If you know what book this project came from pm me, so I can give proper credit.
And now for the fun stuff!!! Here's one of mine.

Grab a big t-shirt you like but don't want to wear anymore or is too big. OR go to a thrift shop and grab a cheep used T.
So you have your t-shirt. Turn it inside out and lay it flat. Side seams together.
Cut off the seam on the bottom of the shirt and save it for later.
Sew the bottom together with a straight stitch.
Turn right-side out again.
Cut off the sleeves at the seam-leave the seam on the shirt.
Save the sleeves. You can use them for rags or on another altered shirt. :)
Next Cut the neck line lower.
Cut straight down--parallel with the arm hole. Then straight across making a new square "neckline".
Remember that seam from the bottom of the shirt? Did you save it like I told you?
Grab it now and cut it open. Then cut in half.
Now you have two stripes. Wind that around the top of one of the arm holes, tie at each end. Leave a little of the seam free to dangle. Repeat with other arm hole. These are your handles.
Boom! You are done! Now go show off your new bag!!
Bag handles image below.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Sharing some new photos!
Reagan loving on her balloon and enjoying herself before the party...

She then realizes there's a party next door with OLDER kids...and of course she wanted to join (here she is peeking in on them!)

I had to get a shot of a two year old actually eating broccoli! (ok, ok, so she was really licking the ranch!)

Reagan blowing out her pooh cake!

Reagan opening up the hit of the party...a growling tiger flashlight! Mostly she just looked ticked that we kept interrupting her cake and ice cream eating session to bring her gifts! Her little friends did enjoy helping her, but shockingly..all Reagan was interested in was food (that NEVER happens!!!)

Reagan and daddy on the choochoo train at the spray ground!

Reagan trying to drink the water!

Notice the expression on both their faces!?!

Reagan and daddy swimmin'... (guess where mommy was? behind the camera...AS USUAL!)

Reagan having a complete and total blast!!

Reagan's second birthday portraits..the little ham!!

Although to me what she said did not make any sense, it was obvious that she was trying to stress the arrogance of power.
The above incident stemmed from a work situation where another co-employee was silently complaining about an unfair move made by his supervisor that negatively affected him. In an attempt to resolve the problem, that distorted guideline was given.
In the mid-70s, during my employment as clerical assistant with the now defunct United States Naval Base in Subic Bay, the duty Officer of the Day (OOD), a U.S. Navy Lieutenant, asked me to type a personal letter for him, which I did. When I was done with the letter, I gave it back to him together with the sheet of yellow pad paper where it was drafted.
After proofreading the letter in his office, he went back to the Admin Office, confronted me, and the following dialog between us ensued:
OOD: Why did you change my spelling?
(I changed "laxidaisical" to "lackadaisical". He was referring to the "lackadaisical response" to the letter he sent earlier.)
Goddy: Aaah... that's the correct spelling, sir.
OOD: Did you go to college?
Goddy: No, sir.
OOD: Don't change my spelling!
Goddy: But that's the correct spelling, sir.
OOD: Did you go to college?
Goddy: No, sir.
OOD: Don't change my spelling!
Goddy: What do you mean by "laxidaisical", sir? Do you mean cold? Nonchalant?
OOD: Yeah!
Goddy: Then, that's the correct spelling, sir.
OOD: Did you go to college?
Goddy: No, sir.
OOD: (Very demanding this time) DON'T CHANGE MY SPELLING!!!
Goddy: Umm... do you want a dictionary, sir?
OOD: Yeah, give me a dictionary!
After I handed him an English dictionary, he went back to his office and, after some ten or fifteen minutes, returned the dictionary back to me. Although his silence implied he was convinced, I could sense he was not pleased.
Honestly, at times, thinking that that incident might have shattered the OOD's ego, I regretted having insisted what was right.
In an another instance, when all clerical assistants of our division were transferred to another division in our department, I encountered an incident similar to the one above.
After I was through typing an investigative report, one Filipino supervisor who edited reports confronted me. He was very much upset about my changing "double locks" to "double lock" (referring to handcuffs).
The Filipino supervisor demanded not to change "double locks" as, according to him, that was correct. Not wanting to be in an argument with the supervisor, I did as instructed by him--although against my will.
The other clerk on duty who was beside me and who witnessed what was going on, secretly looked up the phrase in question in the dictionary then showed the dictionary entry to me. Then I asked her, "So, who is right?" She said, "You!"
Although the abovementioned incidents dealt only with the communication skills of office superiors, similar situations occurring in work organizations will prove that bosses may not at all times be right.
It is unfortunate that some people at the helm of their organizations, especially in government offices, believe that everything they do is right. Still, even more unfortunate, they believe that running their offices depends solely on their whims, without regard for the laws or regulations and policies by which the organization and its men are covered and protected.
Back to that lady co-employee I mentioned above, let us try to analyze the rules she stated.
Rule No. 1: The boss is always right.
Rule No. 2: If he commits a mistake, refer to Rule No. 1.
Now, aren't these rules ridiculous and illogical?
First, she stated that the boss is always right. Then, she said, if he commits a mistake...
Isn't it that when one commits a mistake, he is not right? How come, therefore, that he is always right?
Rule No. 1 is not compatible with Rule No. 2. They do not jibe with one another.
Of course, that lady co-employee of mine might just want to underscore how arrogant those in power can sometimes be.
And, maybe, we can also add that we should not underestimate the intellectual capacity of some subordinates even if they have but low educational attainment. Many of them are very intelligent and have lots of common sense. In fact, there are occasions when they even outsmart their superiors.
#30) Chocolate Christmas Bells
This past summer I posted about peanut butter balls, an all-time favourite in our house. For Christmas there is always a batch of peanut butter balls in the fridge, but this time I wanted to improve this sweet treat for the holidays. The original recipe we have used for years calls for parowax and this imparts an unusual quality onto the chocolate - it becomes waxy (duh! haha) and sticks to your teeth. Regardless of this we have eaten batch after batch of these things and still love. But like I said, for the holidays I wanted them to be perfect. I have tweaked the recipe just slightly and now this favourite sweet treat is even more irresistible :)
2 cups peanut butter
1/4 cup butter
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla
2 - 2 1/2 cups icing sugar
1 cup rice crispies
2 cups chocolate
2 tbsp shortening
- Put peanut butter, butter, and salt in a microwave-safe bowl. Put in microwave for 30 seconds and mix together.
- Add vanilla and rice crispies. Add icing sugar until the mixture reaches a dough-like consistency. - Roll into balls.(It would be helpful to refrigerate the mixture before rolling into balls). Refrigerate balls for 15 minutes.
- Melt chocolate and shortening in double boiler. Use two spoons to dip balls into chocolate. Place on cookie sheet covered with waxed paper. Refrigerate until stiff.
- Try not to eat them all at once :)
Monday, December 22, 2008
A couple of A4 Xmas cards

Sunday, December 21, 2008
Birth of the light
The winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, was this weekend. The days are getting longer again. Whew, made it through the darkest part of winter. The birth of the light has come once again. Gladness!
I know these images are not exactly what you think of when you hear "Birth of the light" but they are full of light and color. So I think they still fit. ;)
'I love fall (too)' is now in my Etsy shop.

Title: I love fall
Medium: Photograph
Full Size: 8" x 10"
Title: I love fall (too)
Medium: Photograph
Full Size: 8" x 10"

A Sale, an RAK, and some Christmas projects
nama anak masa depan

gw akir2 ini srg mikir, klo punya anak ntar dikasi nama apah y bgusnya. hehehe. dd gw c billy punya temen namanya kaisar. waw bgt yah. tapi mentok2 dpgl kaka. arg.
gw mikir klo namanya quantum keren juga x yah. tapi dipagl paan ntar? kuku? atw gx exorcist. widiiih. keren bgt. hha.
tpi gw sdi ah. krisna meng underestimate gw klo masla nama. ktanya klo ntar nikah, dy yg kasi nama krna gw gx becus. huuuu. jahat!
smuanya gr2 gw crita pas gw main innocent life, harvest moon masa depan (bgus bgt loh! main d) di ps.
gw ksi nama anjing chocobi, nama kucing yoga dan yogi, nama gw sndiri billy dd gw. hhe.
dulu klo main harvest moon, nama ayam gw cika ciki ciku ciko, klo udah abis dibalik jdi coki caki cuki, dll.
nama sapi gw moo dan oom. nama domba2 gw sheepi, sheepo, sheepa, klo udah abis dblk jadi osheep, asheep, dst. kreativ gtu kn gw? noh hun. aq kreativ! enak ajah gx becus ngasi nama. jitak juga nee. dasar hun jelek.
i'm not back
inet gw blom beres, komp gw makin ancur ajah dgn layar 4 bitnya.. haduu..
sengsara nih liburan tradisional bgini. wkaka.
gw lagi miskin pula. gr2 tgl 17 kmrn gw menguras uang ATM gw SMUANYA, gw bner2 kere skr. hhuh.
c krisna juga lagi miskin, kita klo jalan skr irit2an. nyari makan yg enak tapi ngirit. hho.
pengen ntn transporter 3 sm madagascar nih, blm ntn gw. bgus gx? hhe.
film trakir yg gw ntn yaitu bolt, bner2 bikin gw pengen punya anjing.
ngom2 soal anjing, gw pernah mengadopsi anjing orang loh. hhe.
wktu liburan klas 2 dulu, ttangga gw ada ninggalin ajingnya gtu d 2, gx dikasi makan.
jadi tu anjing suka berkelana nyari makan, yaudah gw sambut aj di rumah gw. gw sayank2in n gw ksi nama sesuka hati gw, brasa kya anjing sndiri yah. hho. namanya godark n buddy (nengok lho dpgl gitu)
gw ksi susu dd gw, makan malem gw, daging babi, sosis, ayam, kwetiau, soto daging, keju, gila bgt. smp akirnya nyokap gw tau n ngomel k gw drajat makanan anjing itu turun menjadi nasi putih plus kerupuk udang.
wuih, asik bgt y punya njing, sayanknya bau n rumah gw dilaletin klo dy dtg. jadi gw sma dd gw rus heboh nyemprotin air pake selang dpn rumah utk mengusir ee dan lalat2. hhu.
liburan pun usai, slesai lah kisah sherly dan 2 anjing emas. hiks.
di bangka, gw punya anjing yg gw ksi nama spicy, soalnya suka bgt makan sambel. waktu itu gw lagi makan kerupuk bangka yg bernama kemplang bersama swdara2 tercinta, sambel belacannya jatoh, gila aj tu anjing demen bgt mam sambel.
krn rumah gw di bangka gx ada pagernya, kdg2 ada anjing yg sring dtg, qta kasih nama budug. solanya mank budug anjingnya. swdara gw ko calvin, sgt amat gx ada toleransi. bda2in anjing bgt. c spicy yg ganteng diajak dansa, lari2an kya di pilm2, dielus2 dan dimanja.
giliran buduk yg dtg minta makan, trus jilat2 kaki dy, ditendang dgn lembut. ahhh.
lgsng cuci kaki lg abis ituu. hho.
gw suka main kartu brg sodara2 gw yg suka jelek2in nama.
nama gw yg indah jadi seli. caroline dpgl coco. calvin jadi vinvin.
vevilia jadi yevi. calista jadi alis. christian jadi tian. gitu2 d.
hobi qta anak2 muda adalah bermain bermain dan menghabiskan uang. klo ke bangka, maiiiiiin mulu. mulai hunting martabak plg enak sebangka, main gx keruan di pasar bangka, naik speda kakek gw yg bannya gede satu. n yg paling favorit, main di pantai! udah punya rumah masiiih ajah nginep di cottage dkt pantai bangka yg mank plink bgus seindonesia klo mnurut gw. hhe.
game favorit klo bosen yah main kartu, gw pernah main kartu setan ber8, gx abis2 kartunya, smp udah pada bt gitu d gx slesai2. mau udahan nanggung katanya. stelah berjam2, smbil makan, ngantuk, dsb. akirnya ktauan klo kartu setannya gx ada alias lupa diumpetin sm c coco! dasaaarrrr. kesal sekali saya. coco pun dipaksa menunggang anjing buduk. wakaka. mampus lo co sang saudara tersayang! hhe.
yups. that's all for today. fyi, inet gw blom bener, jadi i'm not back. hhu.
sorry for the late update. ssee ya.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Breakfast with Santa & the 2nd Annual Toy Drive
We ate blueberry pancakes on a stick, did lots of crafts (most of which are still in the car from Reagan playing with them that day!) and Reagan got to see Santa. Later that day, we headed into town to see Santa again, visit the indoor conservatory and attend a gingerbread house wouldn't believe some of the gingerbread houses!!! Below are some pictures from our fun day, and of course, my beautiful baby!
And unfortunately, no, I didn't get any pictures of the gingerbread houses, although they were beautiful (one was a Church..stained glass, WITH A FULL WEDDING WITH GUESTS made of fondant, inside!!!)..our camera's battery was dying. We did manage to get one of us..but of course, as luck would have it, my eyes were closed..blah!

And last, but not least, the toy drive. This is our second year for Reagan's Christmas Toy Drive for Hospitalized Children. The first year, was actually very small and consisted of us, along with Josh's parents, donating goodie baskets to the parents of the NICU babies and coloring books and crayons to the pediatric and PICU patients. This year, along with the help of my local Mom's group and Reagan's grandparents again and several friends and family members, we were able to donate a huge amount of books and toys, as well as some amazing cookies, cooked by myself, Josh's mom and several of my friends. Additionally, a good friend of mine asked her mom to knit small caps and sweaters for the NICU babies. So, she did, along with her Church group. They were absolutely beautiful and the most delicate tiny things you have ever seen! I wish I had gotten a picture before we dropped them off!
Just to give a quick background on the toy drive, Reagan was born exactly one week before Christmas, in 2006. We, of course, spent the holidays in the hospital. It's never a place you want to be with your child, but it feels even more isolated and lonely on Christmas. So we wanted to give back and make sure that every child enjoys a little present on Christmas...after all, what parent is worrying about shopping when you have a sick child?
Anyway, I hope you enjoy these photos! The first is of Reagan in her santa hat on the way to deliver the gifts. The second is of a L&D nurse that helped us deliver the gifts all over the hospital (and yes, Reagan has her finger in her nose!!) And the last picture is really special, because this is one of Reagan's PICU fact, this nurse was the first person to ever give Reagan a bath.
Again, THANK YOU to all who made this year's Toy Drive a success! God Bless!