Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Tribute to Jack; written for Kate and her family: The Magnificent, Magical, Never Ending Adventure of Moo and Me:SPIRIT JOURNEY

Funny how someone I've never met can touch my heart so deeply... but then again... Love is contagious...

Sweet Jack is now soaring with the eagles, high above the clouds... running pain free through the meadows of vibrant flowers... he is walking hand in hand with God telling stories and finding out all about how the world was made... he is cherished by his sister Kate and his Mom's, Steph ,Jen and Gretchen... he is chasing around Tut and Shelby as they bark and run outside.... he is in the breeze that gently blows a kiss across the cheeks of those he loved... he is the inspiration for those going through hardships as his heart always cared for others.... He is that butterfly who's wings are felt across the ages...Jack may have only been 9 years old in human years, but he shared the knowledge of eternal Love...

The lesson he taught others, the wisdom held in that tiny body with the soul of an angel, was that we are all connected, we are all One, we are all Love.... Jack's body may be gone, but his spirit of Love and sharing, no... shining that Love to all he met... that, dear friends, lives on.. in you, in me, in all he touched... Thank you Jen for sharing your story on caringbridge... and thank you Kate for sharing the best brother ever... he left you big shoes to fill....... and from what Jack and your Mom's and Gretchen say, you have a giving spirit as well and will fill your own shoes well...

So, to everyone that sent prayers and healing;Thank You.... to all that will carry on Jacks legacy of Oneness and Love; Thank you...

And for all those doing and funding research for these deadly diseases and debilitating illnesses; Thank you.

There are some amazing video's on Camp jack's site that melt your heart but truly show the wonderful Spirit that was/is Jack... thank you to Jacks sweet family for sharing him with us... I for one, will never be the same...

May God/Creator Bless you and keep you, may Light shine upon you and may Love fill your heart, mind body and soul, always.

Love and Light,

Nina P
A story written for Kate and her family.... Jack may not be here with a body, but he is only a heart beat away... in your memories,in your heart, and in your dreams.... Always...
The Magnificent, Magical, Never Ending Adventure
of  Moo and Me:


There are so many places I want to be

With Kate, my Moms, Moo and Me

There is a story I have to tell

An amazing adventure, I know it well

It's a story of laughter, Love and tears

A story of Hope to quench all fears

For Moo and me, we would visit a lot

You see I went there when I was a tot

It's a colorful place where Love prevails

And Moos have wings and golden tails

I'd go there at night in my dreams

It all was as real, as real as it seems

It's a place where body's have no pain

And rainbow slides follow the rain

Joy and laughter fill the air

And all boys and girls have lots of hair

A place where ice cream is eaten all day

Moo even says, "It's better than hey!"

Come join us tonight it's not that far

Into the night, just beyond that star

Just say your prayers before going to bed

And then lay down your sleepy head

Think happy thoughts of gumdrop days

Let your mind float into a jelly haze

Your heart it beats quiet as a drum

Your breathing will ease into a hum

Your Spirit Journey's about to begin

To a place you can come again and again

It's how we can meet beyond that star

In with and through you, it's not that far

You can always find me in this place

A glowing smile is on my face

We'll meet you here every night past ten

And make you smile like we did back when...

For in your dreams we're never apart

I'm as close as the next beat of your heart

Thank you for coming to my castle in the sky

Where Moo and me can even fly

We can play hide and seek and jump some rope

You can even ride Moo, he'll canter and lope
Come a lot regardless the weather

I'll remind you next time when you find a feather

This Spirit Journey has no end

It's there for every man, woman and friend

So when you miss someone that you love

Go to this place given from Above

For in Love all is connected

On this I know, for I have reflected

Moo and Me; our adventures continue

Magnificent, Magical, Eternally with you

This Spirit Journey is one of the best

For in it I know we're eternally Blessed

In our dreams our worlds can combine

For that is a Promise from the Divine

We can meet and talk and even play

For Spirit's eternal come what may

So dear Kate, it's now up to you

To dream an adventure for us to do

So dream big little sister just like I said

Moo and me' will join you inside your head

I can't wait to see where you'll have us go

Just Spirit dream dear sister and make it so

Tell Mommies too; they can come along

Love makes it possible when it is strong

Journeys can happen inside of your heart

And when they do, we are never apart

Written for Kate and her family
with Love and Light

by Nina Ploetz

May you find comfort in knowing that Sweet Jack is always with you... and yes, "THE MAGNIFICENT, MAGICAL, NEVER ENDING ADVENTURE OF MOO AND ME" is true..... as long as he lives in your heart and mind.... the story never ends...

Blessings to you dear souls. Love is IN you, Hope is WITH you, and God's Light shines THROUGH you...ALWAYS and ALL WAYS

All photos are from Camp Jack and Kate site:

Saturday, May 28, 2011

When the Adelaide Beauty Bloggers Meet #3

(Photo from Stacey)

And so another month passed and another ABBM has come and gone and I find myself wondering just how it could have happened in a blink of an eye and then I realize it is because it was tremendous fun. If you didn't know already, time flies when you're having fun you see.

This time we were lucky enough to meet as a big group and it was sensational! Of course we had Celeste of Becoming Beautiful who did an amazing job of organizing yet another meet up at Greek restaurant Eros Kafe (we thank you for enduring our craziness) and also brought us a very wonderful surprise! However, before I get into that the cast of the third ABBM included Stacey of Pop Makeup, Michelle of Eat Paint Sniff Glue, Neena of Princess Neena, Saku of Rozen Saku, and Kirsten of Commander in Chic! It was way too much fun finally getting to know those I had missed out on meeting at the second ABBM and it was great finally getting Kirsten joining our cult...I mean, meet ups.

We tucked into a delicious lunch (I had the Eros Mediterranean which was so very yummy! I think the olive tapenade won me over completely, YUM!) and chattered away happily while sneaking furtive looks at goodie bags tucked under our chairs or sitting in front of us.

What were these goodie bags you ask? They were beautiful, glossy black bags with FACEOFAUSTRALIA on them! I go through the contents in this video:

However, in short, this is what our bags contained! (You can see their Face Base primer, Pressed powder in Bronze, Translucent Loose Powder and Expert Finish Mousse Foundation in Tan in action in this LOTD.)

(Photo from Celeste)

Thank you so much Face of Australia for giving us such a wonderful array of products! We love you even more - in my case I'm definitely glad you have given me products that have changed my way of thinking and I think you have successfully won me over!

After much squealing, swatching and even some swapping we all decided it was time to move on and possibly secure some more Face of Australia products from our local Priceline! I wish I had realized when we trooped off there that I needed to get the last Molten Metallics color in Gold but oh well, next time!

We all settled into Gloria Jean for some downtime (plus coffee) and chattered away happily for a while before I had to make a move and get to university and then prepare for work. I think the lovely ladies moved on to the Benefit counter but you might have to ask one of them what happened next!

Overall a fabulous day and my favorite part of these meet ups is meeting the gorgeous girls behind the blogs I read religiously - read their blogs, follow them on twitter and just get to know them because each and every one of them is priceless and I definitely am counting down until we next meet again!

Once again, thank you so much Celeste and Face of Australia for making our third ABBM such a treat!