Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Joyously Dancing in Soft Petal Showers

Joyously Dancing in Soft Petal Showers

Love's me, love's me not, love's me...
My mantra of Hope from this child's soul
Excitement is high as each petal I pull
Round and round to what future it holds

Such emotions I feel as soft petals fall
My heart beats as I keep going strong
Everything is in this flower I hold
Each petal is life once here and now gone

High Hopes with each as I gently tug
Each one holds answers as I move along
The pile at my feet keeps getting bigger
Savoring each petal for the wisdom it has

I close my eyes praying with Faith as I pull
I take a deep breath as I continue my quest
Stopping I wonder, just a little, "What if?"
There's so many flowers I have yet to pick

As with the last petal ; "loves me" is heard
The heart of a child goes on with great zeal
Like falling rain I throw over my head.
Joyously dancing in soft petal showers

Written with Love and Light,
by Nina Pauline

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Blessings to you and yours. 
Love and Light, Nina P