
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Outfit of the week.

Sweet & Simple Bake #2 - Vanilla Apple Cake.... Errr, I mean Vanilla Blueberry Cake :)
mami disko
Kmrn gw nginep ma temen di cempaka putih,,
gw gx pernah nginep di rumah temen. dulu klo gw minta nginep di rumah temen sd gw yg namanya keli, cuman diblg "Punya rumah gx?". gitu. hhe. kmrn ni dikasi.. nyokap gw malem2 nelp pas gw lagi asik2nya bermain. gw pikir percakapannya bakal kya gini:
mama : "Halo? ce, kamu udah makan?
gw : udah, ma..
mama : udah mandi blm..? gx ada apa2 kn disana..?
gw : ia ma aq aman. hha
mama : yaudah.. jangan begadang ya..
bgitulah impian gw. taunya nyokap gw gx ngom halo gx ngom apa lgsng teriak:
"Jangan ke diskotik kmu yah!"
syok bgt deh ah. basa basi dulu kek.. haduu.. nyokap gw menggila.kya gw prnh dugem ajah c..scara gw anak super duper rumahan bgini.. plg pergi ntn duan..haduuuhh. gw merasa terhina..
pas pulang besoknya gw critain ke SELURUH keluarga besar gw ttg nyokap yg main triak jangan ke diskotik aje.. yg lain pada senyum2 dgrnya.. plg bokap gw ktawa sndiri ngakak2..
nyokap gw membela diri katanya dy kawatir, dulu pas jamannya dy sma temen2nya pada demen k tempat bgituan. hha. waduh? jangan2 nyokap gw mami disko..? arrrrg. tidaxx..
restoran plg unik di dunia

ni resto namanya cannibal resto di shanghai. jadi masakannya kya mayat cewe beneran, pilih mau mam bgan tubuh yg mna. hiiy.. klo lo tusuk dikit, kluar saos kya darah. hha.

klo yg di atas nama restonya kanji2 gitu gw gx ngerti apaan. temanya : TOILET. tempat makannya di : TOILET. dikelilingi oleh : Toilet. lucu yah..hha

klo yg ini.. temanya condom. jadi ni resto dibuat untuk menyadarkan masyarakat ttg safe sex. smua yg makan disini dpt kondom gratis. ktanya smua wallpaper dinding, motif piring dll gbr kondom. hhe.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Create Joy


Library to the rescue...
My computer is going to the computer doctor today! I'm hoping for it to come home again tonight and be all better! With only a little spent on my credit card. ;)
I have to admit these days without my internet connection have been freeing. I've actually had some time to do some (very beginner) watercolor. Something I haven't done in 15 years!!!
Thinking of You
Sunday, September 28, 2008
More blog candy
*** Congratulations to Lilly ***


Graduation Week!


Saturday, September 27, 2008
I'm at the local library to snatch a little time on the web...hee hee. I never knew how addicted I was to my Internet connection. Well, as soon as I get my computer up and running again I'll be adding things to my new etsy shop.
Look for it soon!!
My shop name is Ultravioletwind, of course. ;)
kc : cocacola bagaikan racun

barusan di msn ada yosse.. melaksanakan tugas utama seorang IPA. GOSIP.hha
y : sher sher
y : gw ada cerita lagi nih
s : yo yo apa yoo
y : mau dgr ga?
s : ahahaha.. maulah!
s : bahan penghasilan bgitu
s : wakakakakakaak
y : wkakakak
y : tadi kan di rmh gw makan2. nah selse makan2
jadi ceritanya kan kece dateng dari atas (dia dari lt3)
y :trus tiba2 heboh sendiri. "woi2 kita cup winning yoo"
y : lu tau winning kan?
s : apaan noh cup winning? winning eleven?
y : iaia
s : hha. c monyet heboh2 norak gitu keknya.wakaka. trus?
y: trus dy blg "yg kalah minum coca cola segelas"
y : coca cola segelas??????????
y: plis deh ce..wakakakakakak..
*ya ampun tuhan. kalo mnurut gw c yah.. mestinya gini c kc ngomnya : "yg kalah tuker otak ma gw!!" takada yg mau main dijamin! wakakakak.
y : hukumannya ga ada sadis2nya.hahahaha
s : ampun.
s : AH gw lgngsg msukin blog deh ah
s : judulnya kc: coca cola bagaikan racun.hahahahaha
ps: yg punya crita lucu, lapor ke gw untuk disebarluaskan. hahahaha. peace yoo.
Friday, September 26, 2008
#15) Blueberry Cheese Coffee Cake
hun mah aneeeh ah..hha
s : hun. main tbak2an gbr aq yuk. mw gx?
k : ada hadiahnya gx? gx asik klo gratisan.
s : ada. ntar aq print gbrnya bwt knang2an. gbr aq bgus lho dlu wktu sd aq suka ikut lomba d rt. hahaha
k : haduuOoh. males bgt hadiahnya itu mah.. yg lain donk.
s : hun maunya apah?
k : gx tau.. apah yah.. qmu deh yg pikir. kn qmu yg ngasi..hhe
s : yaudah gbr. ampun ye. muter2 c hun mah, bawel tau gx. hhe. mulai yah hun
s : nih hun. bsa tbak hebat. (gbr 1)
(urutan penggambaran ada di samping)
s : eh salah deh mxd aq ini (gbr 2). tau gx itu apah..?
k : wakakakakakaka. apaaan noooh.
k : qmu ngegemesin yah.. hahahahaha. geli sndiri liat gbr qmu mah.. hahahaha
s : heh smbrgn..hhe
s : (gbr 3) tau gx?
k : taUuUuUuUuUuUuUUu!
s : apah hayOooo?
k : wall-e! ya kan??? bner kaaaaaaaan?
s : ih hun pintaaaaaaaar!
k : ia dun. hha
s : ei gx jadi deh. hun gx pinter. mank gbr aqnya ajah yg bgus makanya gampank ditebak. hhe.
k : tailah. bun mah byk gaya. hahaha.
k : eh bun. msnan sm kmu heboh ya.drtd aq ktawaaaa mulu. jadi malu diliatin org di warnet. hha.
s : ah masa c?
k : ia. abis bun nya bgitu. mank qmu gx?
s : aq c senyum2 ajah. hhe
k : ah bun payaaah nih... masa gx ktawa. aq ngambek ah.
s : ei. jangaaaan. kan udah senyum. hhe.
**krisna is offline**
ya bgitulah.. gx persis gtu c.. byk yg gw sensor.. klo gx mah kepanjangan ntar postnya.. hha. kdg2 ngambeknya keterlaluan. tapi g tdi cuman bcanda c... abis itu dy lgsng sms gw. hhe. taunya dy diajakin pulang sm temennya. ampun deh. mau pulang ajah sok2 ngambek sgala. hahahaha.
Card with a purpose
uam.indahnya ipa. hha
1. Kabel itu tidak koTor
Praktek kimia elektrolisis.. dr namanya ajah uda tau pake listrik2an. jadi intinya qta nyambungin elektrode ke sumber listrik pake 2 kabel yg dicapit2 gitu... hhe. nah,, kalo kimia tuh mainnya jorok... muncrat sana sini lah, bleber2 lah... karat dimana2, mana elektrode klompok gw putus gr2 kekikis.. asik2 gitu y. hha. org warna fe (NO3)3 campur air ajah jijay kaya apaan.. pokonya kim tuh jorok lah.. makanya abis itu alat2 yg dipake dicuci dun yg KOTOR... dAri gelas beker, pipet, pokonya yg bekas bahan2 kimia tuh dicuci.. c kc c idola lho. idiot hiperbola, hiperbola bersihnya... masa KABEL bkas listrik dicuci.., disrem, dikucek2, dan dibilas... ooh. betapa indahnya kehidupan di IPA. kabel ajah dicuci. mau nyetrum? mau korslet? dasar IB. wakakakak.
2. Cukong?
Lagi pelajaran agama ya biasalah ya boseeeen. yauda yg lain pada kerja kelompok. kita (gw, ariel, dan kc) berkhianat malah ngobrol n gx bantuin. hhe. Qta ngegosipin ephek. itu lho. nak ips yg pake kacamata dgn nama asli fx kevin suryawidjaja. ktanya dy kuliah mau ngambil 3d animation. ariel kan juga pengen ngambil animation tuh.. jadi dy crita k kc klo c fx pengen animation juga (sdikit bangga ada temen)..
kc : ah? masa c..? gx ada tampang gitu y c epek ngambil bgituan
gw : ie.. dy mah tampang bisniss kaleeee. muka cukong gitu... mana cocok animasi. hha
kc : ahhahahaha. ie. ie... cukong abis dy mah.. gx cocok animasi. jadi cukong aje. hhe
(hening sejenak)
gw : ei.. cukong apaan c? (ariel sm kc ktawa)
kc : goblok lu ye. lo yg ngom masa gx tau artinya apaan. wakakaka. idiot.
gw : ya emank artinya apaan coba?
kc : ya gw juga kaga tau lah..
tertawa bersama : HAHAHA. indahnya dunia. indahnya ipa.
btw yg tau cukong tuh paan comment dun. hha.
3. kurungan burung
Kita belajar matrix. itu lho. angka2 yg dimasukin ke dalam kurung gitu. gw juga gx ngerti. apah c gunanya angka diklompokin gitu? bisa diterapin di kehidupan sehari2 gx c ? (bwt yg tau comment plis.hhe). nah c pak aloy sang pengjayus maut bilang:
pm : kalian klo matriks harus pake kurung yg kaya gini (, gx boleh pake kurung kurawal {, kurung siku [, pokonya gx usah gaya2an variasiin tanda kurung matrix. salah soalnya. pasti bapak salahkan. jangan pake yg aneh2. jng sampe bapak bawa kurungan burung bwt matrix kamu.
krik..krik.. jangkrik pun mengerik. indahnya suasana ipa. tanpa tawa, tanpa raga. hahahah.
4. Mae c jayus
Pak aloy (di hari yg sama dgn kjadian di atas) nanya apaaaah gitu. trus gx ada yg bisa jawab di kelas gw.
pm : haduh. masa kyak gini ajah gx ada yg bisa jwb c? bisa spot jantung saya ngajar kalian.
c mae lgsng nengok ke arah toni dgn extreme... (biasa dy kalo ktemu bahan penjayus lgsng nengok toni atw gx kc).. jegrekk (bunyi leher mae yg kurang olahraga, alisnya naik turun smbil senyum miris) dy blg : spOoOoOoOt.. spot club!!!!! huahahaahahaha
ei mae lo gw tabok ye. jayus tau gx. lo tau tuh bebek2an uli yg bisa bunyi? tar sekelas bli itu bwt lo. tiap lo ktawa jayus kita serempak bunyiin itu! ampun y. c mae c srg bgt lho jayusnya. kdg2 gw sampe gx tahan smua org gx tahan kayanya. org yg jadi tujuan jayus dy ajah sok cuek2 ajah. c toni, kc, nico, smuanya ngacangin dy. hhe. indahnya anak2 ipa.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
New Look - LYoungStudio's Banner
Thank you to all who submitted designs to the contest, and thank you to all who voted!
Computer failure
My computer died a couple of days ago...and with it my newest art pieces.
Hopefully, it will be an easy fix.
If not...I shudder to think.
What was that about pinning my heart to the wall?
It's starting to sound like a soap opera around here...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sketch Site
Baking and Stalking, as you do!
One Hundred Twenty-Two
Thanks to our membership comittee's hard work in getting word out about LArtisans Team, we have doubled our membership in a single week! Thanks so much, WorkingtheStash (Merry), tu2cute (Nicole), Tiffanyc (Tiffany) and soulkat (Kat) for your hard work - your enthusiasm shows!
To our newest members - all 60+ of you - welcome to our Etsy Team. It may take me a while to personally welcome you in a blog post, but I did add you to our member shop list on the right sidebar.
We hope to see you tonight at 8:30 in our Etsy Chat Room.
Recent projects
I decided to concentrate on finally scrapping Kendra's grad party. Here are my projects {click on the pics to make them larger}:
For the School Supplies Challenge we were to use school supplies on our layout. I used notebook/grid background paper, a paperclip, staples, three brass fasteners, a gold star, a post-it note and an A+. Kendra said that Sam & Darius were sharing her party because Sam was graduating from K-5 and Darius was graduating from pre-school. I'm not too sure the cats appreciated wearing the grad cap but she had fun!
Supplies: K & Co. Wild Saffron paper & Misc. school supplies
For the Cheat Sheet Challenge we were to use a sketch and try to do a LO as close to it as possible. I chose these pics of Kendra have a pre-party chat with Daniel via SKYPE.
Supplies: Papers, buttons & rub-on: Foof-a-la's Red, Black & Cream
The Favorite Subject Challenge had 2-3 parts. Part one was to create a recipe card. Since all my cookbooks & recipes are still boxed up somewhere, I had to do one I have memorized: Mom's biscuits.
Supplies: K & Company Wild Saffron
Part Two: Do a LO showing food and it had to have at least 2 pictures. I used pics of the food we had at Kendra's party.
Supplies: Papers, ribbon: Paper Studio Memories Page Kit; small red flowers: Prima, Large red flower & brad: MM, black brads: Paper Studio, Colorbox fluid chalk in charcoal & misc off-white flower.
Part Three was for extra credit. We had to make something to hold our recipes. I altered a small chipboard binder to hold 6 x 6 recipe cards of family favorites. I kept the front pretty simple so that it could stay clean while being used.
Supplies: K & Co. Wild Saffron, Modge Podge, Glossy Accents, Letter Stickers: Paper Studio
My project for the Summer Vacation Challenge had to be something we'd done this summer. I chose to do a LO of when Daniel came to visit. It was certainly something that Kendra had looked forward to all summer. :)
Supplies: Paper, tag & title letters: BG Scarlet's Letter, red flowers: Prima, Gems: Paper Studio, photo corners: EK Success, remaining flowers, brads, fiber: misc.
I have one more LO to show you that wasn't part of the projects I did for the ACB crop. It has a bit of a story behind it. As you know, Dad's funeral was the week before I had surgery this past Feb. I wasn't afraid something bad would happen during the surgery but Dad's fall and subsequent death had reminded me again how quickly things can happen when you least expect it. So, I just felt a need to write something for Tim, Ian & Kendra just in case. The night before my surgery I wrote a couple short notes and stuck them in my Bible. A couple months later I told Kendra about them and asked what I should do with them. As any well-trained scrapbooker's daughter would say, she said, "Scrap them." So this weekend I did. I attached an envelope to the back of the LO and put my original notes in there. Here's Just In Case:
Timmer -
You’re the love of my life and I’ve been so blessed to be your wife. Thanks for being such a man of integrity. You’ve treated me like a princess.
Ian - Always remember that God is always good. He has a plan & purpose for You. Please keep following Him. Stay close to Dad; he loves you more than you know. So do I.
Kendra - Precious girl. I am so thankful we’re friends. I love hearing your hopes & dreams. Stay close to Dad; he loves you so much. God has a wonderful plan for you. Keep trusting Him & never lower your standards. I love you!
The last couple weeks have taught me again how quickly life can change - esp. when you least expect it. Stay close to each other, protect each other, & always love each other. God’s way is always the best way. I love you!
Ian & Kendra - only marry someone who loves & serves the Lord, someone who’ll love you & you love as much as Dad and I love each other. Never settle for less.
Feb. 27, 2008 - Night before elbow surgery - 12 days after my dad’s death.
Supplies: Pink Paislee Spring Fling line, Colorbox Fluid Chalk, American Crafts Thickers, Hero Arts Pearls
Blog Candy
Elina has some Christmas goodies she's giving away on her blog Be Creative. Elina's blog is about several of her hobbies.
Hannah is giving away papers, ribbons, stamped images and lots more on her blog Han's Crafty Creations. She is celebrating getting 20,000 hits on her blog!
Carole is giving away an adorable stamp, papers, embellishments and STICKLES!! I love stickles. Carole's blog is Stardust Gems & Ribbons.
Be sure to check out all three blogs for a chance to win some great blog candy and for some beautiful projects.
Thinking of You

Hope you like it
I would love you to leave some comments if you have time...
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Clapped out cars and Crochet!
I am off to a start, not necessarily a good start but a start all the same!
I have managed to fix my Camera, all by myself with no expense spared.
Albeit in a "Clapped out second hand car" knack type way. ie to make it work you have to have the right knack to it and pull out the lens by hand at exactly the right time!
My little "pop up" tent has arrived and I have managed to get in an hour of experimenting with taking pictures. The natural light today was too "grey" so I tried a lamp which is a tad too "Orange" Ah well, guess I will have to add a "White lamp" of sorts, to my list of things i need / Want to buy. All necessary items of course! Such as Crochet needles, Yarn, Wire, sewing machine and Fabrics.
Not sure if wanting to "Have a Go" at everything is a good thing or bad! It is so hard not to dabble when surrounded by so many creative souls!
Art Deco themed Swarvoski Wine Glass Charm.
monyet ebOla : selotip terberat di dunia
lagi2 kc, lagi2 kc.. bosen gx c? hhe. abis dy mulu yg melakukan kebodohan berarti..harap maklum. hhe. smua tau selotip kan? yg ringan melayang2 ituu. nah, knapa ada hubnya kc sama selotip...? here it is:
KC duduk menyendiri di lantai pojok a2. merenungkan indahnya dunia, keajaiban alam, dan senyapnya hati... Ariel yg ngeliat gitu pengen jail, dy ngambil sisir didi yg terbuat dari kayu eboni. hha....apa yg bang afgan lakukaaaan? Oh tidak! dia melempar sesuatu! apa ituuu? oh oh.. sisir didi dilempar ke arah pak monyet ebola. eboni dan ebola pun bertubrukan. jedaaaar... " auwww!" kata kc. "ahahaha" kata ariel. he.
tu sisir kena jidat monyet. pletak, trus jatoh ke pinggir. kc y kaget dun, dy nyari2 apa c benda yg menghajarnya...? dy kan duduk bersila serabutan gitu... nah, di antara lipetan kaki (haduoh gw binun jlasin posisinya secara precise.hha), ada selotip. SEHELAI. ingat. SEHELAI bukan SEGULUNG. monyet ngambil tuh selotip sambil memperhatikan dengan sesama.....
" Kok bisa y dilempar selotip sakit gini????" gumamnya terdengar!
dy pikir dy dilempar pake tu selotip barusan. dy pikir jidatnya sakit gara2 SELOTIP.
aaaaaaaarg. idiot. lo bego hah? lo keterbelakangan mental hah? mana ada selotip sehelai melambai dilempar bunyinya pletak? sakit lagi. lo tuli? syaraflo putus? gilaaaaaaaa. arrrrg. gilaaaa. gw gx tahaaaaan! tuhan. kasihanilah monyet satu itu. smua orang pun iba padanya. ia tidak logis, Tuhan. Ia binal. Otaknya kacau balau!
haduoh. parah kan tu anak? lo pikirlah, bukannya selotip dilempar malah nempel di jari? kalo udah gx nempel juga, pasti kan hanyut2 gitu mbak di angin? ya kan..? ada gx c pengapus bunyi bletak jedaar kena jidat? apa tu bunyi otaknya yg rapuh menuju kehancuran ya..? hahahahah.
cari kek benda lain yg beratan dikit. selotip segulung juga gx segitunya kaleeeeeeee. padahal suspect sebenarnya yaitu sisir ada di deket dy, tpi dy lgsung nuduh selotip.. hwah.... AJAIB. bener ya kata pelm2. "o..anak ajaib.. slalu jadi idola.." tau gx? yg joshua2 itu lho di sctv.
iyah..monyet mank idola kita smua.. IDiOT yg hiperboLA. selotipnya terberat di dunia. sungguh memalukan. oOOoOoH.
pesan yang dapat diambil: cari benda terberat untuk dituduh apabila anda tertimpuk sesuatu. jangan SELOTIP SEHELAI!
Some Days...
Monday, September 22, 2008
Welcome New Members!
TheBluePetunia (I love the tag line: "Who knew what paper and glue could do!"). This shop features pendants made with scrabble tiles and game chips, journals, notebooks, magnets, pins, tacks, notecards and calling cards (the square are a favorite of mine).
Fashion design graduate Haley opened GrassisGreener, where she sells handcrafted totes, handbags and wallets. She's now adding a line of unique hair accessories and welcomes custom orders.
planetdestiny features one of a kind jewelry, children's clothing and clutches -- all inspired by color, nature, culture, and simplicity. The artist's profile states, "Most of the wood I use are exotic and local scraps from my husband's fine woodworking projects, from hand made classical guitars to heirloom furniture. I cut, sand, and drill wood to my delight." Check out the unique vibe of her shop!
♦ ♦ Last Chance to Vote! Poll closes Monday, Sept. 22nd at 11:59 p.m. central time. See the poll in the right sidebar, subject: Etsy Chat Night. ♦ ♦
♦ ♦ Last Chance to Sign Up for a Committee or Leadership Role! Deadline: Monday, Sept. 22nd at 11:59 p.m. central time. See http://groups.google.com/group/louisianartisans/web/committees-and-beyond?hl=en ♦ ♦
#14) Birthday Brownies

Well if you answered yes to these two questions, you are officially in my good books. :)
It is my new roomie's birthday tomorrow, so I decided to whip up a nice batch of dense, chocolately brownies.... What women doesn't appreciate a chewy brownie? *Be honest ladies! :)
The Blogging Begins!
(Halloween Pumpkin from last year, it's nearly here again!)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
k UPH brg hajah kelle..hhe

kmrn hari jumat, qta2 nak yakob kls 3 k uph open house gitu critanya.. nak ipa di satu bus n qta main game plg hot di a2 saat ini : pancasila 5 dasar. Hhe. Yg ikutan ada c monyet ebola, gw, kele, ariel, felix, sm nte... nah.. yg kalah dibacok.. hhe. gx lah, ditampar lemes duan.
Pertamanya c nama2 barang alias benda mati. misalnya n tuh nampan, gitu2 deh.. hhe. pas qta huruf e kan pada bilang misalnya mm... empang gitu.. nah c kele tiba2 bilang entong. buset deh mami. benda apakah itu entong? kata kele buat nyedok2in aer. gentoong x yee.. entong mah itu tuh.. yg film eneng versi cowok. namanya entong pake peci2 gitu. hii kele ih demennya film bgituan. ih kele fedofil demennya sama nak kecil cowok berpeci. hhi.
keanehan kele c mami pun trus berlanjut, karna sudah muak dgn nama2 benda, qta pake nama binatang.. rulesnya di pancasila 5 dasar a2, yg dihukum bukan yg gx bisa jawab, tapi yg jawab plg akhir biar byk hukumannya. hhe. jadi qta heboh2 mencari jawaban dengan sigap dan gugup hati. hhe. suatu saat tibalah kita di huruf h.. dgn lantang gw menjawab pertama kali : "Harimauuuu!!!!". yey. hukuman pun bebas sudah. kele yg gugup blg: "Hajah!"
hahahaha. tawa pun merebak. binatang apaan hajah neng? mungkin maksudnya gajah, tapi apa daya kebodohan sudah tersiar. qta ketawa ngakak2 manggil kele bu hajah. hhe, perut gw c sakit lho...
ampun mamiiii. hajah lah blgny, mending gx usah jawab skln drpd mempermalukan diri. hhe. kele udah jadi bu hajah. kele c pengkhianat tuhan. hahahaha. peace kel ^^