Wow! What a great weekend we had. I always look forward to each retreat as it is a time to be with old friends and make new friends. We start out Friday night with a party at the store and then continue the weekend over at The Pines Resort.
The pictures above are of our four fantabulous instructors. The top picture is of Mike and Carla Strong followed by Karen Lockhart and then Lynell Harlow and last but not least is a picture of Gail Ellison. All four of these instructors put hours of time in to create kits for all 87 of us. Some had to travel a few hours and some had to plan ahead and fly in. I can't thank them enough for all of their hard work.
I had met the Strongs, Lynell and Gail before, but met Karen for the first time on Friday. I was thrilled on Sunday when I asked Karen how it was for her, and she said she felt like she had been with family. Yes, Karen, you were with family. The whole, wild, crazy bunch of us! We look forward to doing this again May 1-3, 2009. We hope to see you all there!
I have alot more pictures to share and hope to photograph some of the cards I made. I even learned how to use my Prismacolor pencils a little better, and I have proof!