Friday, May 2, 2008

Kendra's Birthday Ensemble

Kendra decided she wanted her class ring for her 18th birthday gift. We've ordered it but it won't be in for another two weeks. At least it will be here by the time of her Graduation party. I hated for her to not have something to open -- maybe that's a "Mom thing" so I made her a little ensemble using her favorite scrapbook paper line. She's really into black/white/red right now so this line is perfect. It's Basic Grey's Scarlett's Letter.

I made her a gift folder with a pic of the ring and a note, a bookmark (our bookworm can never have too many) and spruced up a plain gift bag a little. It didn't take long, was easy to do, and she seemed pleased with it.

Inside the folder

The back of the folder:

The birthday girl with her gift.