Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Wildwater Walking Club by Claire Cook

In preparing for Claire Cook's new book, "Seven Year Switch," to come out, I thought I'd check out her "The Wildwater Walking Club." I am so glad I did! What a fabulous book!

Noreen Kelly’s ordered life came to an abrupt end when she took a buyout from her job with a major shoe manufacturer that was facing a take-over. Instead of having a job to get up everyday for, she was faced with nothing but time on her hands.

What’s a girl to do with so much time? Well, go walking!

Claire Cook’s hilarious book, “The Wildwater Walking Club,” is a delightful look at how to handle middle-age gracefully, courageously, and with a great sense of humor.

After taking her redundancy package and being dumped by her boyfriend all in the same day, Noreen decides to pick herself, buy herself a pair of “Walk On By” shoes made by her former company, and walk her way into a new, healthier life.

She’s joined by her Wildwater Way next-door neighbor Tess (a serious clothesline advocate), and Rosie, the owner of the local lavender farm, and the three ladies begin a walking routine that would lead to a tight friendship. After all, if you find friends who wear the same size 8 ½ shoe as you, you keep them!

As the women walk and talk, they share secrets, commiserate over life’s tragedies such as handling sullen teenagers, husbands who don’t understand, and mothers who push their daughters to get married – all while they tally up the number of steps they’ve taken. Needing something to encourage them to keep up their new routine, Noreen and the girls decide to make a goal of walking a certain number of steps will earn them a reward of a trip to a world-famous lavender festival in Washington State, a trip that will remain in their memories for years to come, for the sheer excitement and hilarity of it all.

Claire Cook taps into the time-honored tradition of women’s friendships, strengths and resilience with “The Wildwater Walking Club.” She mixes in a blend of humor with just a touch of romance to create a story that will touch the heart and tickle the funny bone at the same time. Cook also includes some great ideas for using lavender sprinkled in among the chapters.

This is a perfect book for book clubs to discuss, for friends to share with one another, or to just enjoy on a hot summer day with a cool glass of lavender lemonade by your side.

(This book was from my personal collection.)

Here is an easy herbal lemonade recipe! Nothing brings in the summer better than the taste of lemons and lavender. (*not from the book.)

Lavender Lemonade

2 1/2 cups water
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/4 cup lavender leaves, chopped
2 1/2 cups water
1 cup lemon juice
Ice cubes

Preparation:First, heat the first measures of water and sugar to a boil until the sugar dissolves. Add lavender and let the mixture cool to room temperature. Strain out the lavender. In a pitcher, add lavender infusion to second measure of water and lemon juice. Stir and add more sugar to taste.

Chill and serve lemonade over ice. Serves 6-8

Be sure to stop back by on July 21st (my birthday!) when Claire will be stopping by to talk about her new book, "Seven Year Switch."