Monday, May 31, 2010

Pocket Review

They are the latest movies i've watched. I wrote my personal simple reviews and put them into a pocket :P (in Indonesia: skalian jadi satu)

1. Edge Of Darkness ***
"the reason why i rent this movie and watched it was i wanted to see Mel Gibson's comeback acting after quite long time. Always like his acting and i still could see his trademark in here. For the movie itself i give it 3 from 5 stars. Similar plot with "Taken" but less action and more conspiracy plot. Good but not great movie"

2. Fantastic Mr Fox ****
"COOL, unusual, smart and COOL!" I read a positive review about this movie and rent it. This is a new experience of watching animation movie. The storytelling, the characters, and the action of the movie is not like the other. I enjoyed it very much! Worth watching" =)

3. Hurt Locker ***
"Here it is, 2010 Oscar Winner Movie, Hurt Locker. Have been postponed so many times before i watched it. This movie is a weight class movie. Could not enjoy it at all and i had to struggle to finish it. BUT, it must be a reason why it won the Oscar. Through this movie, i could see how the soldiers are fighting in the war field. They are real hero and i respect them."

4. Prince Of Persia, The Sand of Time ****
"Pure adventure movie with the quality story. Just watched it yesterday night with friends and i enjoyed it from the beginning to the end. Like it! The setting, plot and visual effect are stunning. I have a reason wht i wrote the first line. Usually the action or blockbuster movie will disappoint us with the bad story. Usually their visual effects are amazing but not the story. Prince of Persia is different. Just enjoy ur adventure in Persian Empire when u watch it. I did it." =)

Prajurit, Atlet dan Petani | 2 Tim 2:1-13

Lucu ya, kemaren awal minggu, hari ini awal bulan! Udah di pertengahan tahun 2010!!! Ayat 13 ngomong gini, "jika kita tidak setia, Dia tetap setia, karena Dia tidak dapat menyangkal diri-Nya." Aku nyadar banget sepanjang 2010 ini ada saat-saat dimana aku nggak setia dan gagal tapi kasih setia Tuhan tetep ada sama aku. God loves us that much!

Karena Tuhan itu setia sama kita, yuk kita mau belajar untuk hidup setia sama Tuhan. Hidup yang setia sama Tuhan itu berarti kita hidup dalam panggilanNya pada hidup kita. Panggilan Tuhan pada setiap orang memang beda-beda tapi sebenarnya konsepnya satu. Yaitu supaya hidup kita bisa mengenalkan Yesus pada orang-orang yang belum mengenal Dia. Sehingga lewat hidup kita, mereka bisa mengenal Yesus, diselamatkan dan hidup bagi Tuhan. Itu Amanat Agung setiap kita, apa pun panggilan (profesi) kita, ujung-ujungnya untuk itu.

Untuk melakukannya atau lebih tepatnya menghidupinya bukan perkara gampang. Panggilan ini bukan berbicara mengenai hari ini atau besok tapi seumur hidup. Dan untuk menghhidupinya, ada harga yang harus dibayar dan itu PASTI nggak nyaman buat ego (kedagingan) kita. Tapi justru disitulah seninya (lol) dan Tuhan juga kasih petunjuk kok lewat ayat hari ini. Kita bisa lihat petunjuknya dari prajurit, atlet (olahragawan) dan petani (Ayat 4-6)

1. Prajurit (ayat 4)
"Seorang prajurit yang sedang berjuang tidak memusingkan dirinya dengan soal-soal penghidupannya, supaya dengan demikian ia berkenan kepada komandannya."
Ayat ini berbicara mengenai nggak egois dan mementingkan diri kita melulu tapi juga menghidupi panggilan yang di atas itu. Nglakuin apa yang berkenan di hadapan Tuhan =)

2. Olahragawan (ayat 5)
"Seorang olahragawan hanya dapat memperoleh mahkota sebagai juara, apabila ia bertanding menurut peraturan-peraturan olahraga."
Untuk memperoleh mahkota juara, atlet harus melalui proses yang panjang dengan latihan yang sesuai dengan olahraga yang digelutinya. Melakukan panggilan kita memang nggak gampang dan butuh proses. Untuk itulah kita lalui proses itu menurut Firman-FirmanNya (your daily devotion).

3. Petani (ayat 6)
"Seorang petani yang bekerja keras haruslah yang pertama menikmati hasil usahanya."
Tuhan nggak pernah berhutang. Kita memang bisa gagal karena kita terbatas, tapi DIA juga mengingat dan memperhitungkan kebaikan dan keberhasilan (hebat kan? dosa kita malah nggak diinget2 kalo kita bertobat). Menikmati hasil usaha itu bebbicara mengenai kepuasan jiwa kita karena kita telah melakukan apa yang berkenan dan telah setia pada Tuhan. Bayangin aja gimana perasaan pettani waktu dia menuai :D

"Tuhan Yesus, makasih Engkau nggak biarin hidupku hampa setelah Kau menyelamatkanku tapi Kau memberi kesempatan dan kehormatan padaku untuk membalas kasih setiaMu. Walau nggak bisa sempurna dan nggak gampang, tapi aku mau melakukan yang terbaik yang aku bisa. Nanti Tuhan yang sempurnakan yah hehehe..."


There are many things those who share the Gospel do well to remember. Certainly it is good for us to recall that the message we share is the Good News of God’s love and forgiveness. But, as we carry the Gospel to others it is also good if we remember it is mediated through we who are so flawed and fallen. Have you ever noticed how everyone in the Bible could have introduced himself, or herself, in some kind of recovery group? Imagine it:

"Hi. My name is Abraham. I am a coward and a liar. I would tell a lie to put my wife's life at risk in order to save my own skin."

"Hi. We are Isaac and Rebecca and we're dysfunctional parents."

"Hi. My name is Jacob and I'm a cheater and a scoundrel."

"Hi. My name is Aaron. I'm a religious leader; but I cave in to peer pressure."

"Hi. My name is Miriam. I'm jealous of my little brother Moses and I'm a racist; I'm upset about his inter-racial marriage."

"Hi. My name is Moses and I'm a hot-head and a murderer."

"Hi. My name is Naomi and I am bitter."

"Hi. My name is Samson and I struggle with lust."

"Hi. My name is David. I am an adulterer and a murderer."

"Hi. My name is Elijah and I struggle with depression."

"Hi. My name is Thomas. I struggle with doubts."

"Hi. My name is Mary Magdalene and I'm a prostitute."

"Hi. My name is Peter and I let down my best friend when he needed me most."

"Hi. My name is Timothy. I struggle with paralyzing fears and insecurities."

"Hi. My name is Paul. I am a Christian killer and I am very difficult to work with."

As I read about these "heroes of the faith" I see that each one was flawed and yet each did significant Kingdom work. I do not believe that they were rewarded for the flaws; nor do I believe their flaws were unrelated to the good that occurred in their lives. The flaws became grace places; places of humility, which I believe is a synonym for honesty. They came to acknowledge in progressively deeper ways their need of God's love and mercy. For, to each, in his or her specific need, God came because He loved them; as He loves us. He loves us! He loves us with a love that is not conditioned by our performance....

From: Inspired Faith

Summer Sandals!

Summer is here!

That means I need to get out of these sneakers and into some cute sandals! Today I wanted to show you some of my favorite vintage sandals from Etsy, and some vintage sandals I just listed in my own shop.

Click on any of the following photos, and you'll be taken to those Sandals on Etsy. I will also post a link under each photo so you can visit each of the Etsy Sellers shops.


From DearGoldenVintage!

From Attic Goods!


By JessJamesJake!

Aren't they all gorgeous? Here's a couple pair of strappy heeled sandals that I recently thrifted and listed on Etsy! I really love the gold pair especially, I'd be wearing them right now if they were my size!

DSC00070 DSC00073

How awesome are Vintage Sandals by Fascinators?! In Gold and SILVER!


What pieces are you looking for this summer? Vintage and/or New? I'd love to hear from you!
Don't forget to stop by The S.S.Vintage for all kinds of vintage accessories to go with your whole wardrobe!

Diary Dates :: Get your eco fashion fix face-to-face

Yes, it's true: online shopping is FABULOUS (shopping in your pyjamas, anyone?). But if you like a shopping experience of the face-to-face kind, you're in luck! Coz both Green Bowerbird and some of our awesome suppliers are going to be exhibiting in some upcoming market events, right around the country!

Here are the deets:

1. Green Bowerbird @ The Thread Den North Melbourne Market

Where: The Lithuanian Club, 44 Errol Streen, North Melbourne
Dates: 27th June 2010

This will be our second market and we're seriously excited! If you're in Melbourne, come down to Errol Street, have breakfast at one of the local cafes and then saunter on down to the Lithuanian Club to see (and try on!) all of our gorgeous pieces. And of course, make sure you introduce yourself - we love to meet fans of our store!

2. Dames & Divas @ Magnolia Square

Where: Randwick Racecourse, Sydney
Dates: 4-6 June 2010

If you're a Sydney-sider, go down and feast your eyes on the (very colourful) vintage kimono accessories designed by Amanda of Dames & Divas. You can pick from a heap of accessories: bangles, rings, bags and shoes (the shoes are AMAZING. I love the shoes. And so do Vogue and Notebook: magazines!). And make sure you introduce yourself to Amanda - she's lovely!

3. Mother Maria @ Finders Keepers

Where: The Old Museum, Cnr Bowen Bridge Road and Gregory Terrace, Herston, Brisbane
Dates: 26-27 June 2010

I have to tell you, we at Green Bowerbird have market-envy. We don't have the Finders Keepers market here in Melbourne (boooo!). So if you're in Brisbane, you should thank your lucky stars and then go down and visit the lovely Katie Gannon of Mother Maria (you can read more about Katie here). Mother Maria clothing is seriously divine. Hand-sewn in Australia using beautiful organic and vintage fabrics - I guarantee you'll be hard-pressed to leave Katie's stall without buying a piece (or three).

Can't wait? Shop Mother Maria, Dames & Divas and a heap of other eco-fabulous labels now


ego, ego and ego

One of my fave and nicest client, The Ego Cafe. They asked for a new style for business card and praise God, they like the re-touch. For the X-Banner itself, i designed it just before i got dengue fever. And because of the fever i couldn't revise the voucher's details. But, i hope everything's fine. So sorry, Anton! Wait for the next projects :P

Powerful! | Mazmur 29:1-11

Dalam perikop ini, Daud begitu meninggikan Tuhan. Daud memuji betapa dahsyat dan kuat kekuatan Tuhan. Jiwanya bener-bener menyadari kalau Tuhan yang dimilikinya adalah Tuhan yang kuat. Nggak heran kalo Daud menjadi seorang raja dan pribadi yang kuat karena dia selalu mengandalkan kekuatan Tuhan.

Kadangkala, aku lupa betapa kuatnya Tuhan Yesus yang ada dalam hidupku. Ketika aku lemah dan putus asa (atau mellow-nya kumat) memang aku berseru-seru dan doa ma Tuhan tapi pada waktu itu aku nggak memandang DIA sebagai Allah yang POWERFUL. Aku nggak lihat betapa dahsyatnya kekuatan yang menjaga hidupku ini.

Ketika aku memandang Tuhan sebagai Tuhan yang powerful, maka segala ketakutan dan kekhawatiranku akan terkikis lalu diganti dengan iman. Aku kuat karena Tuhanku kuat. Dalam Mazmur 139 dikatakan betapa dahsyat dan ajaib kejadianku. Ketika aku menerima Yesus sebagai Tuhan dan juru selamatku, di dalam diriku sudah ada benih Ilahi yang bikin aku kuat.

Hari ini adalah awal minggu dan dengan rhema hari ini, aku siap untuk melaluinya!

have i?


Sunday, May 30, 2010

Shop Update!

This Memorial Day weekend I updated the Etsy shop with lots of Vintage Costume Jewelry!

Lots of pretty, sparkle, fancy, and unique! Hopefully a little something for everyone. Here's a few of the new pieces!

My creation

Click on the above photo to go to the jewelry section of the shop!

Or here to shop all of Smelly Shoes Vintage!

Happy Memorial Day!

Rachel's Rainy Day

I had so much fun making this layout.  I used my new Create A Critter Cricut cartridge to cut out the sentiment, clouds and the umbrella.  I know the cardstocks I used on the umbrella are from DCWV stacks.  The cloud paper is from Creative Imaginations and the green dot is from Scenic Route.  The pink dotted ribbon is just some I picked up here locally.  Hope you like it!

New Look.

Changed a few things up on the blog. New Colors, background, and some extra tidbits on the right side. Nothing spectacular, but I think a step in the right direction! Any comments, thoughts, suggestions? Comments always appreciated!

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Hello Blog Readers!

Happy Saturday! What are you up to this weekend?

I spent the morning hanging out with my cat and my computer. I got lots of photos edited, and lots of new items in my Etsy Shop. We are having a Costume Jewelry Party Over there! More items coming later today and tomorrow, and a shop update blog post as well!

Tonight is Fight Night! It will be a night of hanging out with the guys, lots of laughter, watching the UFC fights, maybe a little fooseball, and some sushi for dinner! Can't beat that!


Have a good one!

Magnolia Down Under Challenge #48

Good Morning,

This weeks challenge is an easy one for you all but something that most of us love using either in the paper design or making our own or bought, they are everywhere and that is......

The Guest designers have come up with some amazing creations and I am sure you will agree, we would like to thank them both so very much for joining us for the month of May they have done nothing but amaze and inspire through the whole month THANK YOU.....



And then of course here are the GORGEOUS creations by the DT, they have all done a FABULOUS job with the flower challenge......


We are using Mr. Linky again this fortnight. Please put a **DIRECT** link to your entry, NOT your overall blog into the box below BEFORE mid-day **SATURDAY**. Thanks so much for joining in. We love to see everyone’s work and want everyone to be able to see yours!


Please note - we managed to drag Mr.Linky back from his long weekend so please link there now. For those that left links in the comments I've linked your cards in for you - please let us know if there are any problems with your link (Debbie)

Magnolia Down Under Challenge #47 {Shaped Card} - Winner and Top 5

WOW - you guys certainly came up with some stunning shapes and sizes for us this week - we had castles,  prams, jam jars, apples, carriages, ships, cakes and bags - just to name a few - WOW - it's great to see soo much creativity - and I've got some fabulous new ideas locked away in my own "ideas" folder now - LOL

But unfortunately there can only be ONE winner - and this week the DT have decided that this creation deserves to wear out Winner's Badge with pride.

Bridget Louw {22}
Bridget has made this fabulous card and gift bag in one - I'm sure you'll all agree it's gorgeous!  Check out the details on her blog HERE.
Please email to collect your Winner's Badge.

And these AMAZING entries are our Top 5 this week - listed in numerical order.

Aussie Loz {8}
Denise {9}
Mindy Baxter {10}
Peta De Vincentis {11}
Tracy Payne {13}

Congratulations girls. Grab your top 5 badge from our side bar and place on your blog to display how talented you all are!

Thanks so much to all that joined and be sure to stop back tomorrow for our next amazing challenge and to check out the DTs fabulous inspirational cards.


Hi everyone, well I still haven't got round to posting any cards, but I have made a few and are slowing getting back into it all again. I've been checking out most of the blogs I follow but haven't left many comments, this is just to say I still love all of your cards and congratulations to you all for always finding new ideas and thanks for sharing them.

I was just over at Jaks promarker tutorial site checking out her great tut on using the blender pen, she is offering a Promarker rubber stamping set 1, as Candy, please go check out her tutorial and her home site for some wonderful inspiration.

Hope to catch you all soon with a card, take care

Friday, May 28, 2010

Dijawab Langsung! | Yeremia 12:1-17 & 9:23-26

Masih dari Yeremia (minggu ini temanya memang Yeremia) tapi masih juga Tuhan nggak habis2nya ngasih rhema-rhema yang bikin aku semakin hari semakin semangat untuk kenal Dia lagi. Pagi tadi aku baca tentang bagaimana Yeremia mengadu atau istilahnya "protes" pada Tuhan dan Tuhan menjawabnya. Mengadu dan "protes" di sini beda lo sama bersungut-sungut yang dibenci Tuhan. Yeremia bisa mengadu atau ngomong tentang APAPUN ke Tuhan karena dia deket sama Tuhan. Istilahnya kayak sepasang sahabat deket yang bisa ngomongin apa aja. Itulah yang namanya bergaul dengan Tuhan. Deep Relationship.

Yeremia protes mengenai mengapa orang yang nggak hidup dalam Tuhan (orang fasik/yang tidak setia pada Tuhan) hidupnya malah makmur dan sentosa. Yeremia merasa semua itu nggak adil bagi orang setia yang tampaknya lebih "susah" hidupnya. Wah, sebenarnya aku juga pernah berpikir sama kayak gitu. Di perikop ini judulnya "Keluhan Yeremia dan Jawab Allah" makanya aku tambah antusias karena aku pasti tau apa jawabannya Tuhan tentang hal ini. Tuhan jawab keluhan Yeremia di ayat 7-17 TAPI aku nggak ngerti sama skali pas baca!! Hahaha...Jawabannya Tuhan tampaknya nggak jawab pertanyaan Yeremia yang itu tapi jawab yang lain. Iya, hari ini aku nggak dapat rhema dari ayat ini.


Aku dapet lebih dari itu! dan aku seneng banget! Yang merasa pertanyaanku nggak terjawab kan cuma aku. Yeremia mungkin dapet jawabannya karena Tuhan jawab (ayat7-17) menurut hikmat yang dikasih ke Yeremia dan aku nggak paham. JADI, Tuhan jawab aku menurut hikmat yang dikasih aku, spesial! Waktu aku bingung renungin jawabannya apa, Tuhan langsung ingetin aku kalo sebenarnya aku udah tau jawabannya kemaren!! Dan aku langsung DONG!! "Oiya yah..itu toh jawabannya!!" Seketika itu juga sukacitaku melimpah karena pertanyaanku langsung dijawab Tuhan!! Aku ngalami pengalaman yang luar biasa bersama Tuhan pagi ini =)

Trus...jawabannya apa?

Karna kemarin libur dan aku nggak sempet post sharingku yang kemarin aku jadi'in satu di sini dan kebetulan memang berhubungan.

Kemarin itu renungannya di Yeremia ayat 9:23-26 tentang bermegah dalam Tuhan. Jawaban dari masalah di atas itu ada di ayat 23& 24.

"Beginilah firman TUHAN: Janganlah orang bijaksana bermegah karena kebijaksanaannya, janganlah orang kuat bermegah karena kekuatannya, janganlah orang kaya bermegah karena kekayaannya, tetapi siapa yang mau bermegah, baiklah bermegah karena yang berikut: bahwa ia memahami dan mengenal Aku, bahwa Akulah TUHAN yang menunjukkan kasih setia, keadilan dan kebenaran di bumi; sungguh, semuanya itu Kusukai, demikianlah firman TUHAN."

Kemarin waktu renungin ayat2 ini, aku diingatkan tentang semua hal PALING menyenangkan dan membanggakan yang pernah terjadi dalam hidupku. Aku inget pertama kali waktu aku bisa beli sepeda motor CS1 dan Laptop Pavilion impianku pake uang sendiri, rasanya suenenggg dan buanggaaaa karena wes diharap2kan dari waktu yang lama dan akhire kesampaian. Trus, waktu menang juara 2 lomba drama pas SMA kelas 3 - jadi piala pertama dan satu2nya dlm hidupku, lol-, waktu diwisuda sama temen2 FIKOM dan juga yang paling berkesan juga pas Italia juara piala dunia 2006 lalu!! Rasanya waktu itu di awang-awang dan buangga setengah mati (yang kenal aku pasti ngerti ini lol). That are the best feeling in my life so far dan aku bermegah dalam semuanya itu. Tapi cuma waktu itu dan beberapa waktu sesudahnya aja. Aku sadar semua itu hanya sementara karena sekarang ini aku merasa semua itu udah jadi biasa. Perasaan yang begitu luar biasa itu udah ilang skarang.

Dari sini aku blajar kalo segala sesuatu yang berasal dari dunia (kebijaksanaan, kekuatan, dan kekayaan) itu cuma sementara. Dan yang berasal dari Tuhan (kasih setia, keadilan dan kebenaran) itu abadi. Memang benar. Dulu maupun sekarang dan di masa depan, aku masih bisa merasa sukacita ketika aku deket sama Tuhan (walau ada naik turunnya) tapi itu abadi! Beda banget sama perasaan yang sementara di atas.

Tuhan mau ngomong sama aku (juga Yeremia) "kenapa kita bisa merasa nggak adil kalo saat ini kita udah punya sesuatu yang jauh lebih berharga dari yang mereka punya, yaitu DEEP RELATIONSHIP dengan Tuhan." That's priceless and eternal.

I'm so glad and happy, God ^__^

I feel GOLDEN!!

It's my "Golden" today, my Golden Birthday, that is.

The most amazingly handsome man wished me my first Birthday wish at 12:08am as he tucked me into bed. I slept soundly all night until I was awakened by a beautiful princess at the side of my bed wishing me another very Happy Birthday. I snuggled with Alexa as long as I could before forcing myself to get out of bed and get ready for the day.

I was being told by another little princess to hurry-up, so I could open the gifts they got for me.

The first was a bag filled with pretty colored pictures that my girls personally made for me, which are the BEST gifts ever. Also, a big round gaudy vintage ring and a mustard yellow hard cased wallet, that I've been wanting. Leave it to my little Alexa to remember specifics like that. I love her. The bag also included starburst candy and my favorite, reese's peanut butter cups. I gave the starburst to Lillian, because she is cute and I love her, too.

The second bag included a NEW CAMERA!! After feeling so badly about breaking our other one, my darling husband bought me a new one. The best part, it's PINK!! He said it's from the whole family, including Chip. I could not have been more surprised.

The third gift bag contained a camera case for my new camera.

I don't know what was more surprising, the actual gifts, or the fact that Alexa was able to keep everything a secret.

I was brought to tears at how thoughtful my wonderful family is. I could not ask for anything more. They are my absolute WORLD!! I love them to the moon and back.

Over the weekend, while playing with the kids, one of them pulled on my necklace and broke the chain. My Mom ran up to her room and brought me back my Birthday gift. A new necklace. She purchased it online at the Vintage Pearl and had my girls' names engraved on a circle, with a pearl and a moon that's engraved to say "I love you to the moon and back", a saying my girls always tell me when I ask them to tell me how much they love me. It's SUCH a special gift that I will always treasure. THANKS MOM AND DAD!! :)

A special thanks to all who have text, called, left messages, emailed and facebooked Birthday wishes to me today.
I love you ALL!

The Last Christian by David Gregory

Imagine being isolated from the outside world for over thirty years and coming out for the first time to find that society has totally changed and everything you knew and believed in were no longer relevant.

This is the premise behind author David Gregory’s futuristic, yet inspirational novel, “The Last Christian.” Set in 2088, Gregory’s story explores what might happen if Christianity was made obsolete and spreading the Gospel was considered a hate crime.

Thirty-five year old Abigail Caldwell had lived among the New Guinea jungle natives with her missionary parents all her life. But when her village begins dying of a mysterious disease, it’s up to Abby to go into the “real” world to find help for them, a trip that is regretfully too late to save her “people.”

Abby has no choice but to go to America where her only known living relative, Congresswoman Lauren Caldwell, resides. Abby is shocked to find that people no longer believed in God, and that the newest scientific innovation, artificial brain transplants which enables people to potentially live forever, have become all the rage. And when a mysterious message from her grandfather, telling Abby that God has picked her to reintroduce Jesus to the world, Abby soon finds that she has become a target for a powerful group that will stop at nothing to silence her. But will her faith be strong enough to compel her to spread God’s word, not matter what?

“The Last Christian” is an interesting look at a world that is very possible for future generations, as is evident with the gradual secularization of Europe today. Gregory combines a sci-fi adventure story with a powerful message of faith and hope in this tale, and it makes a powerful impact on the reader.

I received this review copy from the publisher and was not obligated to give it a positive review, but I did!


Okay, I actually found this piece a few fridays ago, not today, but I didn't have a blog then, and I wanted to share!

I don't know very much yet about vintage ceramics, but when I came across this little deer planter by Haeger, I had to have it! How adorable is it?


I think it's just the sweetest piece ever! I now have the brown one above, and a matching one in light green, also by Haeger!

This lovely little guy came from Etsy shop Holliewouldvintage! She has lots of cute things in her shop, for great prices! Click on the photo to go straight to her store. She also has a Blog!

What did you find this week that you want to share?
Happy Friday, Everyone!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


We at SMC are so excited as we are blog hopping with Sunshine Stamps and The Stamping Boutique today!!  So grab a cup of coffee and get comfortable and we hope you truly enjoy the hop!!!  My card was made using the Jaden in Baby Carriage image and you can purchase it here.   I used some of my new Cosmo Cricket Earth Love papers and some SU Dusty Durango and Gina K Sweet Corn cardstock.  I was going for a vintage"y" look and I'm getting there slowly but surely.  I did a lot of inking on this one and you will notice that I tore my papers and rolled them back and hid another piece of patterned paper underneath.  I saw this technique on a video I watched the other night and I can't seem to find the link right now.  I'll post it as soon as I find it.  The sentiment is from Mega Mixed Messages from Papertrey Ink.  The little charm is one I picked up at Walmart.  Hope you like it!  Now, if you just happened upon my site and would like to start at the beginning of the Three's A Charm blog hop go here to start and you will see the entire blog roll listed.  If you are already hopping along then you should have come from Lori's site (doesn't she have some cool projects?!) and next you will be hopping over to see what wonderful creation Peggy has made (I always love stopping at her blog)! 

We are so excited this month to have Simon Says Stamps as our sponsor again this month.  They have been so generous and are donating a $10 gift certificate to their store for this month's blog hop winner!  Don't forget that Angela has posted a new Friday Freebie over at Sew Many Challenges also so you want to go pick it up as it will only be available this week!

I almost forgot I'm entering this in one of my other favorite challenge blogs The Pink Elephant!  Their challenge this week is to use the color orange!

Here are the copics I used on the project above:

I Think I Might Be In Love....

with this guy.....

What? You don't see his appeal? I do..check THIS out!

You had to be there...

I have had some really good stories to tell in my life. Mostly ones that have happened to me and mostly ones that you kinda 'had to be there' or it wouldn't be funny. Well, I have one of those really good - had to be there kinda stories for you today. But, instead of telling you the whole story (because it won't be very funny, because you weren't there) I'll just give you a few words to describe what happened at the Lares household this morning and let your imagination run wild.
It's got ya thinkin..huh?

#76) Cinnamon Cupcakes

Have you missed me? Well, that's not important - what is important is that I have missed you! But I am here with cupcakes in hand hoping you will forgive my long absence, yet again...

Here's the deal, fiance and I are getting married in just 65 days!!! (Yes I am nervous, but everything is falling into place nicely) So to get in shape and shed a few pounds I have hired a trainer and joined a Booty Boot Camp. Let me tell you, this trainer knows her stuff and she makes sure I work hard. But you know what that means, less time to be in the kitchen and super bad guilty conscious for eating all the sweet treats I love so much!

Buuuuuuuuuuuuutttttttt - last weekend was the May Long Weekend and I decided it was about time I got back in the kitchen and started playing with some ideas and ingredients.... the guilty conscious went on vacation :)

I started out wanting cinnamon buns, but I have a strange fear of yeast and am quite nervous about using it... I know, this makes no sense and cinnamon buns would be worth it, right? Yeah, I couldn't do it... So I done the next best thing - cupcakes!!! But sticking with the cinnamon bun craving I slapped some cinnamon sugar in the middle and topped them all with a highly addictive lemon cream cheese frosting. You have to try them!!!!!!!!!

Cinnamon Filling


1 1/2 tbsp sugar
1 1/2 tbsp brown sugar
3/4 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp cocoa powder


- Mix together in small bowl.

Cupcake Batter


3 1/2 cups cake flour (for those of you with AP flour - measure out all your flour, remove 7 tbsp, replace with 7 tbsp cornstarch - def worth the extra effort!)
2 cups sugar
1 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup butter, room temperature
1 cup (soy) milk
4 eggs
2 egg whites
2 tsp vanilla


- Preheat the oven to 350F. Line muffin cups with paper liners.

- Sift the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt into large, deep bowl.

- Add the butter and 1/2 cup of the milk. Mix on medium speed until smooth.

- In a separate bowl, blend the eggs, egg whites, the remaining 1/2 cup milk and the vanilla. Add to the batter in 3 additions, mixing for 2 minutes on medium speed after each addition. Scrape down the bowl between additions.


- Place 1 1/2 tsp cake batter into the muffin liners.

- Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon of filling into the muffin cups.

- Cover with more batter, filling cups about 2/3 full. Use a toothpick to swirl the cinnamon centre.

- Bake at 350°F for 18-20.

- Cool completely.

Lemon Cream Cheese Frosting


1 8-oz block (light) cream cheese, room temperature
1/2 cup butter, room temperature
1 tsp vanilla
Juice of 1 lemon (about 1/4 cup)
Grated rind of one lemon
1/2 cups icing sugar (this will change depending on moisture content of cream cheese, amount of juice in lemon, etc. - you want a smooth, fluffy consistency, but not pipeable frosting)


- Beat together all ingredients except icing sugar until combined.

- Add icing sugar 1/2 cup at a time until proper consistency is achieved.

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Yang Tuhan Mau | Yeremia 7:21-28

Dalam perikop ini, Tuhan tampaknya sangat kecewa sama bangsa Israel waktu itu. Sudah ditolongin, ditunjukkin berbagai mujizat, dipilih jadi umat kesayanganNya, sampai dikasih kesempatan untuk bertobat berkali-kali tapi bangsa Israel waktu itu terus menyedihkan hati Tuhan.

Benar, mereka beribadah dengan membakar korban bakaran pada Tuhan tapi di ayat ini, Tuhan bilang bahwa bukan itu yang DIA mau. Yang DIA mau adalah supaya kita mendengarkan Dia dan meberikan perhatian kita padaNya. DIA mau RELATIONSHIP.

Korban bakaran itu berbicara mengenai ritual/ibadah. Bisa juga dikondisikan sebagai pelayanan dan rutinitas rohani. Aku jadi ingat sama kisah Marta yang sibuk melayani dan Maria yang duduk diam mendengar Tuhan Yesus waktu itu. Tuhan Yesus lebih menghargai apa yang dilakukan oleh Maria daripada Marta.

Mmm..kalau nggak direnungin sungguh-sungguh, kita bisa nangkep kalo gitu kita nggak perlu pelayanan, ibadah atau melakukan rutinitas rohani. Nggak gitu...semua itu baik tapi sekali lagi bukan itu yang Tuhan MAU. Hari ini aku sadar kalau selama ini kita itu udah punya konsep yang terbalik. Kita berusaha begitu rupa untuk melakukan semua yang baik agar kita menyenangkan Tuhan sampai-sampai kita mengorbankan waktu pribadi/ hubungan kita dengan Tuhan. Aku belajar hari ini bahwa karena aku dekat dengan Tuhan (mengutamakan hubungan personal denganNya) secara otomatis APA PUN (ibadah, pelayanan, dll) yang aku lakukan akan menjadi baik karena kasih karuniaNya yang memampukan aku.

Kalo konsepnya kayak gitu, kita nggak akan stress dan tertekan untuk melakukan pekerjaanNya. Kita baik karena Tuhan yang membuat kita baik, bukan karena usaha kita. Hubungan pribadi denganNya yang membuat kita jadi orang baik.

Pada ayat 24, Tuhan seakan2 "komplain" dengan berfirman begini,"Tetapi mereka tidak mau mendengarkan dan tidak mau memberi perhatian, melainkan mereka mengikuti rancangan-rancangan dan kedegilan hatinya yang jahat, dan mereka memperlihatkan belakangnya dan bukan mukanya." DIA sedih banget karena apa yang DIA mau nggak kesampaian.

Makanya hari ini, yuk kita kasih apa yang DIA mau...kita balik ayat 24 ini yuk,
"Tetapi aku MAU mendengarkan dan MAU memberi perhatian, MAU mengikuti rancangan-rancanganMu dan MAU memperlihatkan mukaku padaMu, ya Tuhan"

Memperlihatkan muka itu berbicara mengenai berbalik padaNya bukan meninggalkanNya. Guys, Tuhan itu kuangen sama kalian. Ayo kita kasih apa yang DIA mau =)

Dance Dance Dance

Alexa had a dance performance last night at All Stars Montessori. She did such a great job and we could not be more proud of her. She is our little DIVA, for sure. Her next performance is June 19th in at the Eden Prairie H.S. We are looking forward to it.

Unfortunately, on Monday as I was rounding the kids up to go outside to play in the sprinkler, I dropped the camera on the front steps and it broke, causing all the dance pictures to look really fuzzy. I am so upset, you can not even imagine.

Please scroll down to the bottom of my blog for a new slideshow of pictures. I included the dance ones, too. Sorry they are hard to see.

On Monday Alexa had a field trip to the Hugo Animal Farm. Too bad Adam and I completely forgot and she missed out on the fun trip with her friends. Sometimes I feel like the worst parent! Alexa was able to be a 'special helper' in Lillian's classroom that afternoon and got to pick where we went to eat after her dance recital, so that made her feel better. She joked that she wanted to go to Chuck E. Cheese's. She knows that Adam and I despise that place. She said it with an evil grin and said, "Well, you said I could pick ANY place I want" followed by a bunch of giggles.. After Adam told her it was closed on Tuesday's, she picked Wendy's instead. What a goofball.

Monday was also very super hot and humid. A record setting 95 degrees beating the previous record of 88. WOW! Thank goodness for AC.

Benny and Amanda came and visited Monday, also. They stayed the night and went to the Twin's game yesterday. it was nice to see them both again.

Nicole won the mirror ball trophy on Dancing with the Stars last night. She so deserved it. Lillian played barbies and Alexa and I did another puzzle during the show.

Ten Things I Love About You by Julia Quinn

In Julia Quinn’s new book, “Ten Things I Love About You,” her heroine, Annabel Winslow, makes lists of ten things (or more) whenever she gets into a stressful situation. And Annabel finds herself in plenty of stressful situations.

Brought to London by her eccentric grandmother to find a husband, Annabel finds herself almost betrothed to the wealthy, but old and obnoxious Earl of Newbury, a man old enough to be her grandfather and who makes her skin crawl whenever he is around. But she is resigned to take the plunge for the sake of her mother and family who are desperately poor.

But one night, in a garden, Annabel meets the mysterious, handsome and notorious Sebastian Grey and with one kiss is in danger of falling head over heels in love with him…but when she finds out that he is the nephew of the repulsive Earl…well, things are about to get mighty hot in London!

“Ten Things I Love About You” is a pure delight from start to finish. Quinn’s characters are so personable, and her storytelling so creative and imaginative, that you feel like you are a part of the story and know these people as well as you know your own family – that is true writing talent!

So, in tribute to Miss Annabel’s passion for ten things, here are ten things I loved about “Ten Things I Love About You” …

1. Annabel Winslow is a sassy gal who’s not ashamed of having a few curves.
2. Sebastian Grey secretly writes romantic novels under an assumed name, and is proud of his work.
3. Annabel enjoys Sebastian’s novels, but isn’t gaga over them like her cousin Louisa.
4. Sebastian’s cousin’s wife Olivia is a sweet, beautiful and caring lady who takes Annabel under her wing.
5. Annabel’s grandmother is a lusty old bat who takes quite a shine to Sebastian, to his horror.
6. Annabel isn’t afraid to laugh out loud or say exactly what she means.
7. Sebastian finds those qualities endearing in Annabel.
8. The love scenes between Annabel and Sebastian are tender and sensual without being too over-the-top! There’s got to be a little mystery!!
9. Julia Quinn’s description of the parties and gowns are exquisite and makes you long for a gown in sage green.

And finally …number 10 - There is excitement, romance and lots and lots of laughs in this book, making it a perfect way to spend a day of reading.

Be sure to check out Julia Quinn’s website ( for information on her previous books, and what fun events she has coming up.

And as a special treat…tonight Julia will be the guest of a virtual booksigning party being sponsored by Avon Books, Powell’s Bookstore, and, beginning at 7 p.m. PST. You can watch the fun at

Thanks to Avon Books for the review copy of “Ten Things I Love About You.” My review is my opinion and I was not compensated for my thoughts.

Click on the Avon Books Romance blog link on my sidebar for more info on great books and great authors!

Check out this cute book trailer!!

Time for my annual "I HATE COTTONWOODS" post...

Have I mentioned I hate cottonwoods? I HATE cottonwoods! It's 4 am and I'm wide awake because my head is filled with fluff and stuff, my nose is swollen to twice it's size, my eyes are red and itchy and I'm just miserable. To top it off, the weather is awesome so we're spending a lot of time outside..especially with Memorial Day coming up!

So......Benadryl is my new best friend. Thank you Oh Wise and Wonderful Makers of Benadryl. You have no idea how much I want to kiss each and every one of you.

On a side note..remind me never to live in Kansas. The state tree is the Cottonwood tree. I'd probably be arrested for taking a chain saw to one.

Kind of innocuous looking isn't it? IT ISN'T!!!

Yes, I took this from istock. I just don't care at the moment. But it has their name plastered on it. Free advertising? Anyway, this is what the air looks like around my home. It's like snow. I wish it were snow!! Argh!!!!

IP Man 2

I was longing for the sensation when i watch movie in theater. The thrill and the excitement...i have lost it until yesterday. It is "IP Man 2". The first one is superb and this sequel doesn't loose the touch. I enjoyed every scene of it. The story, the character, the cinematographer and of course the Kung-Fu! Donnie Yen is stunning as he is the main character in this movie who played the real character of legendary Master Ip Man. I was like a child who held lollipop candy and was smiling entire the movie. That's a great experience of me yesterday night.

The morale message in the end of the movie is just make this movie more perfect. That we must honor people around us with trying not to prove who is the best. The point is, the stronger you are, you have to be humble. It is shown perfectly by Master Ip Man (or Donnie Yen).

I desperately want to re-watch it when the DVD or VCD is released.

I rate this movie five star...simply perfect!