Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future. from:
See the Sweetness
No matter how bad people may seem, they possess at least one virtue. Be like the humming bird and pick out the sweetness of everyone's character.
Someone who cannot tolerate small ills can never accomplish great things.
In the ocean of silence you may discover your eternal treasures of peace, love and happiness. In silence, you can let bad feelings and past sorrows dissolve. In silence you can hear the whisper of God saying "Come child and rest with Me. You are a peaceful soul."from:
Thoughts And Actions
The thoughts you create and the actions you do have to be the same. Create good thoughts and bring them into action. Your actions will then be successful. from:
Create Harmony
To create harmony I have to co-operate with everyone. Through co-operation there is success. For this, I have to have the firm determination to keep working with love. Keep doing everything with love. from:
After a busy week, I try to take a few moments of reflection before I start the weekend. This morning I went back and re-read the "thought for today", one after the other. Wow, how the week progressed and linked together. From Forgiveness to Harmony... here's my thoughts and musings:
Forgiveness. What a great foundation for the week and for life. We all have been hurt, wronged, tormented, etc... by another/others as individuals or as a culture. It hurts and is easy to hang on to the negativity and hate that is generated from such wounds. However, if we can't find forgiveness, we remain stuck in the past, unable to be truly in the present or look toward a better future. The past keeps us buried and stagnant, each step is through the mud and muck of anger, the darkness of hatred and a fear and pain of a hurting heart.
When we open our hearts to forgive we are allowing Peace, Love, and Compassion into our souls. The moment this happens, there is a feeling of lightness, of wholeness. The heart stops aching, and starts healing. The thoughts start changing and happiness fills the void that once was there. Now there is a feeling of Hope, Compassion, Peace and Love. Possibilities unfold before you. You are able to walk on firm ground and take your place in the sun. When we look with forgiveness, we start to see the goodness (sweetness) in others. We can celebrate our differences and see similarities we all share. There is a unity, a wholeness, a foundation, if you will, of humanity.
Once we build this foundation of forgiveness, we begin building a better, a stronger world. We see the sweetness and goodness inside each individual and find tolerance there. I may not live or believe everything as you do but, we can accept our differences and live together, as brothers and sisters of the world. It's in joining together that we become strong. Just like building a strong building, you have to have a firm foundation or all will eventually fail. Each and every individual part of construction must work side by side, together, to create a structure that will withstand the elements. Each individual board, each brick, each nail fits together, one next to the other, in this building called life.
Forgive, See the Sweetness and Tolerate each and every "brick" in this building of humanity. Then sit in silence and take in all that's around you, in you and let your thoughts go through you. Hear the rhythm of humanity pulse through you: each beat of Forgiveness, each beat of Compassion, each beat of Hope, each beat of Peace, each beat of Love ... listen to the Harmony of life. In this silent place you are not alone. There is a Guiding force, a Guiding Light, that envelops you, holds you, carries you, walks with you.... In Silence, listen, hear, feel, and know... it's there, it is part of you guiding you out of the past, into the now, giving you the knowledge and wisdom to create a better future. Listen.... to the Silence....The voice of the soul..... The Conductor of Life.
By listening to the Silence and hearing the voice of Love, we find a way to let our thoughts take form through our actions. We can take these Forgiving, Hopeful, Peaceful, Loving Compassionate thoughts and turn them into our daily actions. By doing this, we take our place next to our brothers and sisters of the world and create such a strong, wondrous building called Life. In, With and Through each of us, we join together in the Unity of Love and build a stronger world. With a Loving Heart All Things Are Possible.
May each of us find forgiveness in our hearts and see the sweetness in others. May we find tolerance; to accept with a loving heart, the differences we have and celebrate our similarities, and take our place next to our brother and sisters of humanity to build a stronger world. May we listen in silence to the wisdom of Life and hear the beat of our being, our soul, our unity. May our thoughts and actions be out of Compassion and Love to create Peace and understanding. May we each resonate our uniqueness, and join together in Harmony in the Symphony of Life.
We are all part of Life's Story, let's make sure it has a Happy ending.
Written with Love and Light, Nina P