Here's my very first LO:
Friends from Camp
My next on was about my 5 siblings (BTW - I'm the youngest). They came to visit this past July to help us go thru our dad's belongings. The morning they left to go back home we all went to breakfast and took these pics.
The Siblings
At that breakfast I took this pic of my brothers. I really like the pic and have always admired the close relationship they share. So, using the October DT sketch from AC Bailey, I made this layout of them. You can attribute the alliteration in the journaling to the fact that I'm a preacher's daughter and a preacher's wife. At this point, it just comes naturally. LOL
And the last one I've done, so far :), is this one of Kendra's first couple months of college. It uses the November DT Sketch and is the one that was chosen as Layout of the Week 11/15/08 on AC Bailey.
College Life